Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 1781 I treat you as a brother, but you actually want to date my sister

Chapter 1781 I regard you as your brother, but you actually want to date my sister? (5)

A group of people were having a frenzy in the dance hall until early in the morning, and then they started to disperse. During this process, Duan Xu had been resting on the sofa with his eyes closed, as if he was really drunk.

Ruan Jiaojiao sat on the edge with a red face, her hand was tightly pulled by Duan Xu, and she couldn't walk away, and couldn't wake him up when she screamed. She was really ashamed, embarrassed, and a little annoyed.

Because everyone was drunk and could not drive, Ruan Hao finally sent many drivers to drive.

Ruan Jiaojiao, the member of Ruan Hao's faction, could trust him. After watching all her friends get in the car and leave, she got into the car where Duan Xu was sitting.

Sitting with them was Ruan Lei, who had already collapsed in the passenger seat, muttering there with his eyes closed, not knowing what he was talking about.

Duan Xu leaned his head against the window at first. As the car bumped, his forehead hit him from time to time. Ruan Jiaojiao was still angry. She had never seen such a person who fell asleep after kissing someone! So infuriating!

I didn't want to take care of it at first, I just wanted him to knock more so that he could wake up!

But seeing him really knocking on his head every now and then, I felt distressed, so I could only move my body and sit next to him with my lips pursed, and press his head, which was leaning against the window, onto my shoulder.

But even so, his head still hit the back of the chair behind him, and she could only pouted and pressed his head onto her lap, carefully protecting it with both hands.

At the same time, she didn't forget to poke him in the face to vent her anger: "Let you sleep! Let you sleep! Why didn't I find you so good at sleeping before!"

Especially when the two of them were still together... Didn't you think about what would happen to her when you suddenly fell asleep?

The more Ruan Jiaojiao thought about it, the angrier she became. She switched from poking to pulling, which made Duan Xu's face turn red. Then she felt guilty and retracted her hand. When a car came from the opposite direction, she looked at Duan Xu's red spot that she had pulled. His skin soon felt a little uncomfortable, so he couldn't help but reach out and gently caress it, and from time to time, he would rub it along his forehead, again and again, with extremely gentle movements.

It was already early in the morning, and there were no street lights on the road. It was dark in the car and no one could see anyone. Therefore, Ruan Jiaojiao did not notice how intently the man lying in her arms looked up at her. and obsession.

In the car in front of their car, compared to the sweet atmosphere here, which is almost honey-like, the atmosphere can be said to be depressing and a bit uncomfortable.

The driver was sent by Ruan Hao. In the front of the car was Ruan Chi, and in the back were Lu Zhen, Lu Zishu and Ruan Jie.

Lu Jin drank a lot of wine, a mixture of white and beer, so he was now drunk and unconscious. He kept mumbling something. Ruan Jie, who was sitting next to him, was also a little drunk and couldn't hear clearly. , grabbed him by the collar and shouted: "Lu Jing, you are not a man anymore, speak up! What are you talking about!"

Lu Jing just stared at him and answered word by word as if he was reading a text: "I said I'm lovelorn."


"I'm dumped!"

"When did you fall in love again? Why didn't I know? Wasn't it...didn't we break up last time?" Ruan Jie.

Lu Jin shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It doesn't matter. I have a crush. My crush has fallen out of love. She is engaged today, and she will be someone else's from now on. She has nothing to do with me."

Ruan Chi in front was a teetotaler and was extremely sober at this moment, so he heard his words clearly.

He turned around and asked, "Lu Jing, who do you have a crush on?"

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