Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 1941 Agree to go through the formalities for divorce (2)

Ruan Jianguo has never agreed to divorce. Every time they met, he would either ignore her or beg her not to divorce him when she mentioned it. He had never faced it head-on. This situation lasted for more than half a year, and she I thought that I might never get to the last step, and gradually I didn't bother to rush. Anyway, the two of them were only one certificate away from each other in their current situation.

She never expected that one day she would hear him mention it on his own initiative and tell her calmly, "Whenever you are free, I will go with you to go through the formalities."

That's easy.

Shu Jie didn't answer immediately.

He didn't look at Ruan Jianguo, and just listened quietly to the croaking of frogs around him.

After being silent for about ten seconds, she asked him: "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Ruan Jianguo's voice was very soft, but extremely firm.

Shu Jie was silent again. Finally she opened the car door and said in a cold voice: "There is an important contract to be signed tomorrow, maybe the morning after tomorrow." After saying this, she got out of the car and closed the door with a snap.

The sound of her footsteps gradually disappeared. Ruan Jianguo just stared at her back without hesitation. His shoulders that had always been strong finally dropped. He buried his head on the steering wheel and said something that felt like a knife. That's all.

Ruan Jianguo had no idea of ​​divorce before Shu Jie came today.

It wasn't until she came and entered Ruan Jiaojiao's house that the mother and daughter were talking inside. He leaned on the door worriedly and listened to their conversation, and then he realized that his existence was so important to her. A difficult existence.

He loved her so much, how could he let her be in trouble, how could he let her go.

Therefore, he made up his mind to let her go free and not to embarrass her.

Just like this, Ruan Jianguo's heart was broken.

It can’t be made up any more.

He leaned on the steering wheel and didn't move for a long time, as if the Ruan Jianguo who had just faced Shu Jie was just an avatar of him.

"Hiss..." Why don't you get out of the car?

Xiaobai tapped the car window with the tip of his tail.

It didn't mean to listen to the corner, but it just came back from the forest and happened to see the serious look of the two people in the car.

It felt that it was not good to twist its enchanting body into the house under their noses, so it did not come out and waited outside.

But now, seeing that Shu Jie had been in the house for a long time, and Ruan Jianguo hadn't come down yet, and was still leaning on the steering wheel, whether he was the little cutie's family, he stepped forward to ask with a rare sense of snakelikeness.

Ruan Jianguo heard the knock on the window and immediately raised his head to look, but when he saw that the figure outside was not what he expected to see, his face turned dark and he roared: "Get out!"

Xiaobai had never seen Ruan Jianguo like this. Usually this man was very timid at home. The first time he saw him getting angry, he was startled. Before he could react, Ruan Jianguo started the car, and the wheels moved back. If it hadn't shrunk so fast, it would have pressed down on its tail.

"Hiss, hiss..." Hey, hey, so fierce QAQ

Seeing Ruan Jianguo's car with only the butt left, Xiaobai felt extremely aggrieved.

Hissing, he twisted around and went into the house to complain to Ruan Lin in the house.

When Shu Jie entered the house, Ruan Jiaojiao was sitting in the living room. Shu Jie told her to go to bed early and went upstairs first. Ruan Jiaojiao was heartbroken and didn't feel embarrassed to ask.

I could only continue to wait for Ruan Jianguo, but instead of Ruan Jianguo, I waited for Xiao Bai, who came in with his tail pointed.

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