Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 1967 I was stupid in my previous life, but I am even stupider in this life (8)

Duan Xu looked at her lovingly, stretched out his hand to rub her little head, and started the car.

Shen Ting was going to participate in the competition, and Duan Xu dropped him off at the venue. After he got off the car, Ruan Jiaojiao chirped to Duan Xu about what had just happened.

At the end, she asked Duan Xu: "Brother Xu, do you think that when Shen Ting looks at Jiang Xiao, does he have a sense of superiority that everyone is drunk and I am alone?"

In fact, in the past year or so, she had seen Shen Ting go to find Jiang Xiao more than once, but she had only seen it from a distance before, and had never heard it up close, so she didn't know what the two said. It can only be seen that Jiang Xiao's face is ugly.

She had always thought that Shen Ting wanted to take the lead this time, attack Jiang Xiao first, and then prevent him from competing for Wu Yiting, but now it seems that is not the case. When he mocked Jiang Xiao, he clearly had a sense of seeing through everything. His sense of superiority, especially what he said just now in the car, didn't seem to be for Wu Yiting.

"He lives more clearly than in his previous life." Duan Xu nodded. In fact, as long as you are not personally involved in some things, but look at them as a bystander, you will find that your previous persistence is just a blinder.

Ruan Jiaojiao nodded in agreement. For now, Shen Ting is actually pretty good. He doesn't have the paranoia of his previous life. Although his mouth is a bit poisonous, it's not harmful.

The two of them stopped discussing the matter and turned the topic to the matter of contracting the mountain.

It was only 1997, and it was very cheap to contract hills, not to mention that what Duan Xu was looking for was barren hills, so even if he contracted more than ten hectares of hills, he contracted it at a price of two hundred yuan per mu, and it lasted seventy years. , and it doesn’t cost tens of thousands of dollars.

However, the procedures were a bit cumbersome and required traveling to many places. Duan Xu also specially invited Ruan Chi to help with the procedures.

Ruan Jiaojiao was taken to the top of the mountain by Duan Xu to have a look. Because it was a barren mountain, it was a little far away from Beidu City. In a suburb, Ruan Jiaojiao sat in the car, feeling the car bumping on the bumpy road, and whispered: "It is estimated that the roads will still need to be repaired by then."

Ruan Chi, who was picked up midway, was sitting in the back seat. He was shaken from side to side and took off his glasses. He squinted his narrow eyes and looked outside, looking at the endless mountain tops. He was a little worried about Duan Xu's behavior. Puzzled.

When others give gifts to their sweethearts, they usually give them cars, houses, or even jewelry, dresses, shoes, etc. This is the first time he has seen gifts given to mountains and zoos. Could it be that he still wants his delicate sister to be the king of the mountain?

He looked in front of him again, and saw Ruan Jiaojiao, who was smiling from ear to ear, and pinched her forehead helplessly, expressing her confusion about the contemporary young people's view on love.

After Ruan Jiaojiao saw the mountain, she expressed that she was very satisfied. She didn't need to worry about the subsequent matters. Duan Xu and Ruan Chi could handle it themselves. They could just wait and be at ease to become her king of the mountain.

About three days later, the contract for the hilltop was awarded. The entire 19 hectares cost only tens of thousands of yuan, which could be paid for by Ruan Jiaojiao's private house.

The day she got the contract, Xiaoxue happened to start the business, received a call from Ruan Linshi, and rushed back from Hengya overnight.

Xiaoxue has always been well taken care of in the Ruan family. Even though her pregnancy belly is very large, the number may be a bit too much, but because she gets enough exercise and keeps up with her nutrition, there is almost no danger.

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