Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 2023 Rejecting Hong Ling (8)

"Okay." Hong Ping responded.

When Ruan Jiaojiao returned to the hotel downstairs, three girls, Yang Ji, Yang Xiaona, and Yu Rou were sitting together chatting. On the other side were Lu Zishu, Ruan Lei, Duan Xu, Yuan Xiaodong and Qin Yue.

Seeing Ruan Jiaojiao coming down, eight people stood up.

Ruan Jiaojiao asked them: "Where are Brother Weiwei and Xiaojiu? Didn't they agree to go together?"

"Xiaojiu went to the toilet. Ruan Wei has been a little strange lately. I just saw that he seemed to have gone out mysteriously, as if he was deliberately avoiding people." Lu Zishu replied.

"What are you doing, meeting your lover? Then I'm going to have a look." Yuan Xiaodong immediately showed extreme enthusiasm. He was obviously a handsome guy with red lips and white teeth, but every time he spoke, he made people feel inexplicably a little vulgar.

Yuan Xiaodong also skipped a grade in order to catch up with Ruan Jiaojiao and Duan Xu, but unfortunately he didn't catch up. He ended up in the same class as Ruan Qing and just finished the college entrance examination this year.

After knowing that they were back, he resumed his identity as Duan Xu. Brother Xu followed Duan Xu every day.

"Probably not, it doesn't look like it. She's a little girl, not that big, and there's a beggar behind her." Lu Zishu touched his chin and tried to remember.

When he said this, Ruan Jiaojiao and others became interested.

The group of people waited until Ruan Qing came out of the bathroom and then left the hotel to look for Ruan Wei. However, as soon as they left the hotel door, they saw Ruan Wei walking out from the east side of the hotel.

He obviously also thought that he would see everyone as soon as he went out. He was startled and looked at them blankly, with obvious panic flashing in his eyes, as if something he didn't want others to know was suddenly caught.

Ruan Jiaojiao also felt that his appearance was a bit strange, and came over with some doubts. Ruan Wei looked back in panic, and was relieved when he saw that no one was chasing him.

Ruan Jiaojiao asked him suspiciously: "Brother Weiwei, are you talking to anyone here?"

"Ah... No, no, I just came out for some air and didn't talk to anyone." Ruan Wei shook his head and denied.

"..." Ruan Jiaojiao.

Among the nine brothers, Ruan Wei has been relatively lighthearted since childhood, but he didn't expect to be like this when he grew up. In this summer, it is the hottest time, and he doesn't know how to come out to breathe.

But he didn't tell her, and she didn't ask. After all, everyone has secrets, and there was no need to delve into such matters.

Just when she was about to turn around and tell everyone that she was going to the dance hall first, she saw a small figure suddenly rush out from the corner, holding something in his hand and pounced on her with unusually fierce movements.

Ruan Jiaojiao was startled and quickly turned away.

But that person was very purposeful. He seemed to want to collide with her, and then rushed over with something in his hand. However, he still didn't touch Ruan Jiaojiao this time, and was kicked away by Duan Xu.

As long as Duan Xu made a move, he couldn't use too much force. The figure rushing towards Ruan Jiaojiao was kicked directly into the wall by him. After letting out a cry of pain, he slowly slid down the wall.

"Are you okay?" Everyone ran to Ruan Jiaojiao's side and asked with concern.

Ruan Jiaojiao shook her head.

Ruan Wei was stunned for a moment, and when he realized what was happening, he ignored the little girl who was looking at him with tears in her eyes after hitting the wall. He ran to Ruan Jiaojiao and asked anxiously: "Jiaojiao, are you okay? Are you injured?" .”

Ruan Jiaojiao shook her head and asked the person who just bumped into her: "Who are you?"

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