Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 2052 Plane Crash (5)

Duan Xu responded and hung up the phone after a few seconds.

Yu Rou sat aside, thought for a while, then picked up her phone and turned around to call her family in the corner. Although it may not be useful, having one more person and more strength is better than doing nothing.

Ruan Jiaojiao had never felt that time was so slow before. Almost every minute and every second was particularly uncomfortable.

During this feeble waiting, her inner defenses were gradually disintegrating.

The plane was missing for three hours.

This is definitely not a joke, life is life, not fairy tales, and everything will have a happy ending in the end.

Ruan Jiaojiao knew this very well.

However, she could not accept any unhappy ending. If something happened to Ruan Hao, she felt that her life would not be able to continue.

This wait lasted almost the entire afternoon.

But this afternoon, no one in the Ruan family had anything to eat or drink, let alone move.

The storm outside has long since stopped, and the sun has come out, and the sunset has turned half the sky red.

Ruan Lei and the others had already heard the news from Lu Zishu, and they all rushed to the Ruan family villa. Everyone was waiting for news, or a result.

Yu Rou got up midway and saw a rainbow hanging in the sky. She wanted to tell the Ruan family that the rainbow must be a good sign, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't say them.

If the plane cannot land, it can continue flying for about ten hours, and now the time has come.

But there is still no news, so the possibility of survival is really very small.

Ruan Jiaojiao's eyes were sore, but she didn't dare to blink, because if she blinked, tears would fall. She was about to fall into despair, and so were others.

And in such despair, everyone could be said to be waiting hopelessly. Until late at night, no one said to rest, let alone talk.

After late night, it was early morning again.

The birds were chirping outside, just like a normal morning.

But the Ruan family villa fell into silence and despair.

In this silence, when the phone next to them rang, almost everyone trembled. Ruan Jiaojiao's heart almost jumped into her throat, but she didn't have the courage to answer the call.

In the end, Ruan Lei mustered up the courage to answer the call.

As soon as the call was connected, he subconsciously held his breath.

Lu Zhiwei's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, sister-in-law? We have received the news. Ruan Hao is okay. The plane unfortunately hit a group of birds after takeoff and made an emergency landing in the river on the way back. The passengers on board and The crew members are all fine and have been rescued and sent to the hospital. We are going to the hospital now and will give you a call first to report that they are safe. Don’t worry."

Lu Zhiwei's voice was not quiet, and the volume of the phone's microphone was also very loud, reaching everyone's ears instantly.

Ruan Jiaojiao heard nothing, only the words that Ruan Hao was okay. She stared blankly at Ruan Lei after he hung up the phone, and the string that had been stretched in her mind was completely broken, and she said "Wow". I finally cried, as if I wanted to vent all the fear and despair I had felt throughout the day and night.

The rest of the Ruan family looked at the crying Ruan Jiaojiao and couldn't hold it back. They all burst into tears. Suddenly the whole room was filled with crying, but it was not sad crying, but tears of joy.

There is a real case of a plane making an emergency landing in a river and everything happened~

Today in the group, a girl asked Kaka.

——Is it because the eldest brother is the official match, so there is a "Beauty Saves the Hero"

Kaka's answer is - yes, the beauty will fly down from the plane carrying her big brother! Hahahahaha~

So, have you guessed the identity of your official spouse?

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