Ruan Jiaojiao didn't know how long this deep kiss lasted. She only knew that her breathing was not smooth at the end. When she struggled subconsciously, Duan Xu reluctantly let go of her.

His breathing was unstable and he was panting slightly. He lowered his head and kissed the corner of her mouth again and again, calling her name as if he was in love: "Jiaobao, Jiaobao, my Jiaojiao baby." ."

Ruan Jiaojiao's heart trembled when he shouted. She raised her head and looked at him with wet eyes.

Duan Xu was so shocked by her look that he almost couldn't help but kiss her again. Just at this moment, there was a loud shout outside, as if the worker delivering the computer had arrived. Ruan Jiaojiao was aroused by the shout. Suddenly she realized that she was actually separated by a door, and there were so many people outside, and she was here with Duan Xu... what, what, what!

Reporting the belated shame, Ruan Jiaojiao quickly pushed away Duan Xu who was about to kiss her again, and said with a blushing face: "There... there is someone outside."

Duan Xu was a little dissatisfied with the interrupted intimacy, but after hearing Ruan Jiaojiao's words, his eyebrows softened a little, and he nodded in agreement: "Well, let's continue when we go home. It's inconvenient if there are people here."

The tone is serious and the expression is serious.

"..." Ruan Jiaojiao - she didn't mean that!

Ruan Jiaojiao raised her head and glared at Duan Xu. Duan Xu reached out and hugged her back, and the two sat down on the sofa next to them.

Duan Xu placed her on his lap, lowered his head against her forehead, and picked up her little hand. Seeing that there were traces of blisters on her hair, he put it to his lips and kissed her distressedly, saying: "This Don’t do any more work after planting, it’s tiring.”

Ruan Jiaojiao was successfully diverted. She pulled her hand down and hugged his lean waist. She nestled in his arms obediently. She raised her head and said, "I'm not tired at all, really."

As long as she thought that she could do something for him and that he was working on the table she had cleaned, she felt that no matter how hard or tired she was, it was all worth it, and she felt sweet in her heart.

Duan Xu didn't say anything, but kissed her raised chin twice more.

Ruan Jiaojiao was a little shy, but she couldn't bear to hide.

Duan Xu held the soft little person in his arms and kissed it bit by bit, from the chin back to the face, kissing every part once, as carefully as if it were a treasure.

When Ruan Jiaojiao was kissed on her eyes, she was so tickled that she couldn't help but laugh out loud and squirmed in his arms.

"Don't move, be good." But Duan Xu soon pinched her waist, unable to move, and even pushed her out a little.

Ruan Jiaojiao didn't understand why, and she pursed her lips a little unhappy: "Brother Xu, am I too heavy?"

She is 1.67 meters tall and weighs in her early 90s, so she should not be overweight. She often says that she is as skinny as a rib.

"No." Duan Xu shook his head, took a deep breath, and pushed her out a little more. Now Ruan Jiaojiao was a little frightened. He was the one who held her on his lap, and now he pushed her out again. It was him, and he said he didn't think she was too heavy!

Ruan Jiaojiao held his shoulder with one hand to get up, and said angrily: "You still say you don't mind, why are you pushing me out?"

After saying that, she started to struggle vigorously to open his big hands around her waist, but before she could get up, Duan Xu retracted his hands and completely locked her in his arms.

at the same time--

Ruan Jiao's petite body trembled.

The cards may be online tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow at the latest~~

Good night, can you sleep sweetly~

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