Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 2175 The truth abroad (7)

"You're dead," he said.

Lu Zhen's expression remained unchanged, and even his eyes did not change at all, as if what Duan Xu said was as simple as what to eat today.

"Why?" Duan Xu.

Lu Jin put down Lu Meng, lowered his head and patted his little head: "Good boy, you go out first, and I'll talk to this uncle for a while."

Lu Meng frowned and looked at him worriedly.

But Lu Jin didn't look at him again. He could only give Duan Xu a warning look, and then walked out of the bathroom in three steps.

Lu Jin turned on the faucet and washed his hands. Duan Xu glanced over and saw that his palms were faintly black. He lowered his head and scrubbed carefully, again and again, as if to miss these black spots. Wash off little by little.

But washing it for a long time was of no use. Finally, he shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly: "I only need one month to help Xiaomeng survive in this world. Other than that, I will never hurt anyone."

Lu Jing knew that this matter could not be hidden.

It would be exposed one day, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. He thought he could at least stay in this world for a while.

He is indeed dead.

Die in a foreign country, even without a complete body——

His eyes glanced at Duan Xu, and although his tone was calm, there was pleading between the lines: "Give me a little more time, I will go on my own, and I won't compete with you for anyone." At least, not in this life.

In this life, he is too late, and he is willing to lose...

"What happened to you abroad? Aren't you in the United States? Why did you end up in Bonguo?" Duan Xu asked.

Lu Jin's hands were shaking a little. Although he felt nothing, the memory that existed in his mind was always there. He lowered his head and took out the cigarette case from his pocket, took one out, put it in his mouth, and asked Duan Xu accurately: "Want it?"

Duan Xu shook his head.

Ruan Jiaojiao doesn't like the smell of cigarette smoke because she thinks it smells bad.

So since childhood, when the people around him would smoke a little bit, he would not touch it at all.

Lu Jing didn't force himself. He put the cigarette between his lips and lit it. He didn't use his mouth to inhale. Instead, he put it between his nose and sniffed it gently. After taking two or three puffs, he said, "No wonder I lost to you. Jiaojiao has been there since she was a child." Hate the smell of smoke.”

When I first became an adult, I was ignorant and thought that the sign of a man's maturity was smoking and drinking. It was pitifully childish, so he and Ruan Jie smoked frequently.

Ruan Jie is a standard girl-controller. Because Ruan Jiaojiao doesn't like it, he is recovering from a serious illness, and his body is weak. Even Ruan Jianguo doesn't smoke a cigarette at home. As soon as Ruan Jie learns to smoke, he becomes addicted to cigarettes, so he often comes to Lu's house to smoke. , and was later bumped into by Ruan Jiaojiao, Ruan Jie would put out the cigarette butts in a panic, while Ruan Jie would laugh angrily and mock him, saying that he would definitely be a weakling in front of his wife in the future.

At that time, he only loved Ruan Jiaojiao as his sister, but this love was not as good as the love Ruan Jie had for his sister, and he would never do these things for her.

Later, when he realized his feelings for her, he had already lost all opportunities.

Not to mention Duan Xu, not even any of the Ruan brothers.

So in this life, he was convinced when he lost at the hands of Duan Xu.


He turned to look at Duan Xu who was looking at him with a frown on his side. He couldn't help but feel a little proud. He couldn't compare to him in this life, but he had a next life.

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