Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 2181 The truth abroad (13)

Lu Jing is dead?

When these four words came into her ears, Ruan Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment, and then she laughed out loud: "Brother Xu, don't be joking. Isn't Brother Zhen good? I even saw him today."

She smiled, as if remembering something, and said: "Brother Xu, I know you don't like brother Zhen, but now you also know that he has children and doesn't like me anymore. By the way, today he seems to They didn't give me any gifts, but it doesn't matter. My godmother and godfather gave me a big red envelope. I was busy before and didn't have time to look at it. I'm going to look for it now. I'll see how much it costs. My godfather did it. Mom is so generous, she must have paid a lot. When I see Lu Zishu tomorrow, I will show off to him, I am so envious of him..."

Ruan Jiaojiao chattered endlessly while hurriedly climbing out of the bed. The moment her feet touched the ground, her legs softened a little and she sat down. She didn't seem to feel any pain and immediately got up again.

She raised her head, smiled sheepishly at Duan Xu, and then rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find the big red envelope given by Zhao Li.

All the things on the bed were moved to the floor. Except for the road leading to the bathroom, everything else was blocked. Ruan Jiaojiao rummaged through the pile of gifts and couldn't find them. She frowned and said to herself He muttered to himself: "Why can't I find it? Where did I put it? It seems to be in a drawer. Why can't I find it? It's so strange..."

The further he spoke, the more his voice shook, and even his hands started to tremble, trembling completely uncontrollably.

Duan Xu got off the bed and wanted to hold her in his arms, but Ruan Jiaojiao pushed him away, raised her head and said to him: "Brother Xu, can you help me look for it? A big red envelope." , there must be a lot of money in it, but I don’t remember where it is, please help me find it.”

She raised her head and looked at Duan Xu, her eyes were persistent, but her eyes were fragile, as if she would collapse if Duan Xu refused at this moment.

Duan Xu felt great pain in his heart, and just as he reached out to pull her into his arms, the next second he could clearly feel her whole body trembling, and her trembling teeth were chattering.

"Brother Xu!!" Ruan Jiaojiao pushed him away, seemingly angry: "Can you help me find it? If you don't help, then don't cause trouble!"

After saying that, he turned around and continued to look for the so-called big red envelope among the messy gifts. However, all the gifts in this pile were sent by Gu Ziqing. How could he find the big red envelope sent by Zhao Li.

Ruan Jiaojiao found the back and was almost crawling among a pile of gifts. It was the end of November and there was no heating yet. The floor was hard and cold. Ruan Jiaojiao was wearing thin pajamas and crawled on the ground like this again, with her knees and palms ...and soon turned red from the cold.

But she didn't feel the cold at all. She crawled back and forth in the room a few times, but when she couldn't find it, she stood up and continued talking to herself: "Maybe it's downstairs. Dad just said there's no room for it here." It's just left downstairs, I'll go look for it..."

Speaking of this, Ruan Jiaojiao hurriedly went out to look for it, but her hands and feet were a little stiff due to the cold. She stepped on a jewelry box when she stood up, and her whole body fell to the side unsteadily, and she was about to fall onto the bed. Duan Xu reached out and took her into his arms.

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