Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 2210 Overturned and fell off a cliff (2)

If she could comfort herself before coming, it might not be that serious, it might just be a fall. Even if he is paralyzed, the Lu family's current financial resources can completely support him for the rest of his life.

But when she reached this cliff and looked at the cliff that could barely see the bottom, she almost fainted. She pointed at the cliff with trembling hands and asked: "Zhiwei, is this here? Did A-yi fall from here?"

Lu Zhiwei nodded heavily. The place where Lu Zhen overturned was a cliff. It was a straight cliff. No one knew how deep it was. Search and rescue was simply harder than climbing to the sky. Although the captain of the search and rescue team spoke very cryptically, he knew that The possibility of survival is almost zero, and finding the body is a luxury.

When Zhao Li heard this, she suddenly felt a burst of despair and grief. Her eyesight went dark and she fell unconscious.

Fortunately, Lu Zishu hugged the person next to him, preventing him from falling directly to the ground.

Everyone was in chaos again. Fortunately, there was a doctor in the search and rescue team. He took a look at her and found that it was nothing serious, just irritating fainting.

When Zhao Li fainted, Shu Jie and Ruan Lin helped take care of her, while the others were discussing how to search and rescue her.

From around six o'clock in the evening to almost ten o'clock in the evening, the search and rescue team made no progress.

It is really too difficult to search and rescue, and the current search and rescue conditions are also limited. No one knows how deep the bottom of the cliff is, and the safety of the search and rescue personnel must be ensured. After all, everyone has a human life, and it is impossible to take advantage of yourself in order to search and rescue others. life.

When the search and rescue encountered a bottleneck, the captain of the search and rescue team hesitated to discuss with the Lu family: "Mr. Lu, no one knows how deep the bottom of this cliff is. We have reached 80 meters below, and it is already dark. , the temperature is getting lower and lower, and if it goes down further, it may..."

What the captain of the search and rescue team means is that the temperature is getting colder and colder, and it is getting darker and darker below. The search and rescue is becoming more and more difficult. Moreover, it is not yet 80 meters below the bottom. We don’t know how deep it is down there. Basically, there are no survivors. For the sake of everyone's safety, we will continue to discuss countermeasures at dawn tomorrow.

This was originally a relatively pertinent statement, but when Lu Zishu heard this, he became completely furious. He shouted angrily with scarlet eyes: "Fart, you are just afraid of death. If you don't go, we will go by ourselves!"

After yelling, he was about to turn around and climb the rope to go down by himself, but Lu Zhiwei stopped him: "It's not chaotic enough, is it?"

Lu Zhiwei was devastated, but he had not yet lost his mind. Even the professional search and rescue team could not go down. Lu Zishu could only die if he went down. He had already lost a son, and he could not lose this one again.

Lu Zishu's eyes were red and he clenched his fists: "What should we do! Dad, brother may still be alive. He may be down there waiting for us to rescue him. By tomorrow, in this kind of weather, he will freeze to death!" " As he said these words, Lu Zishu's voice started to sound like crying.

Hearing this, Lu Zhiwei felt a sharp pain in his heart and almost shed tears, but he held it back because he couldn't mess up at this time, and the family had to rely on him to survive.

He turned coldly and said to him: "If you dare to go down, I will break your legs!"

Lu Zishujuan's temper also grew and he yelled: "Then interrupt, I will go down anyway!" After saying that, he walked towards the edge of the cliff and grabbed the rope on the side.

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