Ruan Jiaojiao took a sip and nodded: "It tastes good." After a pause, she looked at her again: "Milk, have you drank it?"

"Drink, drink. If you drink more, we have it at home."

Ruan Jiaojiao lowered her head and drank in small sips.

Ruan Lin lowered his eyes to look at her, his eyes were loving and distressed.

Ruan Jiaojiao had a fever some time ago, and she had already lost a lot of weight. During this time, something happened to Lu Zhen, and she lost a lot of weight again. She was never fat, and now her chin has become even sharper. He is 68 meters tall, but he doesn't even weigh 80 kilograms. He is really skinny with only a few bones left.

She saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart.

"Yes, yes, Jiaojiao, please eat more, you are too thin." Yu Rou also said, if possible, she really wanted to cut off some meat for her. After all, she has a body that is easy to gain weight. She drank a sip of water. You can gain a pound!

She envied Ruan Jiaojiao's physique, but she also felt distressed.

While Ruan Jiaojiao was drinking chicken soup, Yu Rou continued to talk to Ruan Lin about Jiang Xiao's wedding. Yu Rou and the Ruan family talked about everything and never thought there was anything wrong with revealing her cousin's secrets, so Say something if you have something to say.

Ruan Lin frowned when she heard this: "This child was quite sensible when he was young."

Ruan Lin's memory of Jiang Xiao still remains in the image of him working in the Ruan family hotel as a child, hardworking and sensible.

It is completely impossible to make someone else's belly bigger now, and one Jiang Xiao after another is waiting for him.

Ruan Jiaojiao said nothing.

Because she wasn't surprised at all.

In the previous life, Jiang Xiao was such a person. No matter how many Yuan Man'er occupied her body in the previous life, it was an indisputable fact that Jiang Xiao and Wu Yiting had a good relationship when they were engaged.

Thinking of her past life, Ruan Jiaojiao could not help but think of Lu Jin. Thinking that he was fine in his past life until the world was destroyed... her mood became depressed again.

At the same time, Lu Zishu also received a document related to Lu Jing from Duan Xu. This document also included the matter of Lu Jing's heart transplantation to Lu Meng.

His face was extremely ugly, and his hands holding the document were trembling.

He raised his head and asked Duan Xu, "Have you known this for a long time?"

"Yes." Duan Xu nodded.

Lu Zishu slammed the document to the floor and roared uncontrollably: "Why didn't you tell me!"

Duan Xu frowned and looked at the documents scattered on the floor, and said in a calm tone: "Your brother asked for it himself."

"He asked for it, haha, he asked for it..." Lu Zishu sneered, pointed at his nose and yelled: "He once asked you to give Ruan Jiaojiao to him, why didn't you do it?!!!"

"Are you afraid? You are afraid that my family will blame Ruan Jiaojiao for all this. Duan Xu, you are so selfish!" Lu Zishu hated Duan Xu for being selfish. He felt that if Duan Xu had told them all this earlier, maybe they would still There are some ways to deal with it. After all, Ruan Jiaojiao is already dead, so why not save her anyway.

Even if they couldn't be rescued, they would at least cherish that time more and have time to say goodbye properly. His brother wouldn't hide this and leave his body intact, only to build a tomb in the end.

"Lu Zishu, if there is something wrong with your brain, go and have a look at it." Duan Xu pushed his hand away, his tone still calm.

But the more he behaved like this, the angrier Lu Zishu became, and his words became more and more unpleasant. However, he soon ran out of words because he was punched directly by Duan Xu and fell to the ground. He lay on the ground for a long time and did not recover.

Duan Xu: Your brother is gone, but I am still here. From now on, you will be beaten by me.

Lu Zishu:......

The low pressure has been going on for a long time, and I think it will end tomorrow. Let’s move on to the next step—making babies!

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