After Wenshu left, Ruan Lin didn't cook much. The family ate casually. Duan Xu was going to the company after eating, and Ruan Jiaojiao followed.

She knew nothing about Duan Xu's professional field. Duan Xu asked her to play computer games in his office. She felt dizzy after playing for a while. Duan Xu happened to be away, so she planned to go outside to play with Fei Xiaomeng. Before she went out, she I received a call. On the other end of the phone was Ruan Bo, whom I hadn't contacted for a long time: "Jiaojiao, where are you?"

Ruan Jiaojiao was a little surprised: "Brother Bo, I'm here at Brother Xu's company. Why did you think of calling me?"

"My brother happens to have something to do in the afternoon. He has to go to Xiaoxu's company. Can we have dinner together in the evening?"

"Okay, okay." Ruan Jiaojiao nodded hurriedly.

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Jiaojiao was quite happy. She put her phone in her pocket and went outside to play with Fei Xiaomeng and Xu Qing.

Fei Xiaomeng was drawing a manuscript to design an NPC. Ruan Jiaojiao had never learned to draw, but standing behind her, watching the characters gradually emerge on the paper without any template, she still felt surprised.

It's not like she's never seen anyone paint before. Ruan Bo studied art, and he got into the best art academy in Beidu because of this extra point in the college entrance examination.

And every time he painted portraits, he liked to use her as a model. She still has many original manuscripts of his paintings at home.

As for Fei Xiaomeng, she didn't have a model, but she was still so petite and cute. Just relying on her imagination, the characters she drew turned out to be that kind of burly man, which was completely inconsistent with her image. It was really surprising.

She remembered that Duan Xu had said that both Fei Xiaomeng and Xu Qing were introduced by Ruan Bo, so she curiously asked Fei Xiaomeng: "Xiaomeng, I heard from Brother Xu that you were introduced by Ruan Bo. Are you familiar with Brother Bo?"

The nine brothers of the Ruan family, with the exception of Ruan Wei, are basically among the best in their grades. However, Ruan Bo's grades had certain drawbacks in high school. His grades were considered good, but he still fell short if he wanted to get into the major. At one point, Shu Jie suggested that he learn an art because it would give him extra points in the college entrance examination.

Facts have proved that Ruan Bo is the one who eats this. The Beidu Academy of Fine Arts where he entered college only studied fine arts, and the expenses were very high. The third family of the Ruan family had emptied their entire family fortune a few years ago because of Du Qing's natal family. As a result, even the second bedroom of the Ruan family was bought, but the third bedroom was not available.

However, in the past two years, the Ruan family's third house should have developed well. Ruan Bo has graduated and started working. She doesn't know the specific situation, but it should be good. Last time on her birthday, the gift given to her was a digital camera, which cost five digits. Yes, and Ruan Lei is becoming more and more famous now, and his salary is getting higher and higher. Sanfang is really having a hard time.

Hearing Ruan Jiaojiao mention Ruan Bo, Fei Xiaomeng's eyes suddenly lit up: "Senior Ruan? He is very good in school, but... I'm not familiar with him." At this point, she couldn't help shrinking shyly. Shrinking his neck: "My brother has a good relationship with him, so he introduced me here."

When Fei Xiaomeng talked about Ruan Bo, her eyes were bright and full of admiration, as if she was talking about her most admired idol. Ruan Jiaojiao teased: "Xiaomeng, why are you so excited?"

"I didn't, I didn't." Fei Xiaomeng covered her face, but couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth again: "Senior Ruan is really amazing."

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