Xu Qing and Fei Xiaomeng got out of the car on the side of the road and entered the store first, while Duan Xu needed to drive the car to the parking lot. Ruan Jiaojiao did not get out of the car in a hurry, but accompanied him.

When Duan Xu parked the car, Ruan Jiaojiao immediately stretched out her little hand towards him.

Duan Xu looked at her pretending not to understand.

Ruan Jiaojiao pouted: "Don't act stupid, there's my autographed photo."

Duan Xu was silent.

Ruan Jiaojiao pretended to be angry: "Brother Xu, give it back to me, or I will ignore you."

"I can trade with you." Duan Xu.

Ruan Jiaojiao looked at him suspiciously: "How can I change it? Do you have one too?"

"Take mine." Duan Xu.

"!!!" Ruan Jiaojiao looked at him in amazement, unable to believe how he could say such shameless words so confidently!

"Why do I need your photo?"

"Then why do you want their photos?" Duan Xu.

"..." Ruan Jiaojiao.

How come she still thinks there's nothing wrong with what she said?

"Jiaojiao?" outside the car window, Ruan Bo stood on the side, knocked on the window doubtfully, and looked at the two people inside who didn't get out of the car.

Ruan Jiaojiao turned around and looked over. Seeing Ruan Bo and the others standing outside, she could only snort coldly at Duan Xu: "Let's go back and continue talking about this matter, but Brother Xu, I would like to remind you in a friendly way, if you break it If it's lost, lost, burned, or destroyed, I'll be very angry." With that, he got out of the car along Ruan Bo's opened door.

After Ruan Bo waited for her to get off, he closed the car door and asked with some gloating: "Xiao Xu made you angry?"

Ruan Jiaojiao hummed and took his arm casually: "Well, so I will ignore him for the time being. Brother Bo, I will go with you, not him!"

Ruan Bo looked at her pretending to be angry, rubbed her little head in a funny way, and nodded: "Well, we ignore him."

The brother and sister were walking in front hand in hand, and Ruan Jiaojiao's ponytail was swaying, making them look very cute and cute.

But in simple eyes, this is not cute, but childish.

She looked towards Duan Xu, trying to see something in his eyes, but Duan Xu just closed the car door silently and made no other movements. He took two steps quickly and walked to the other side of Ruan Jiaojiao, trying to get there from the other side. Holding Ruan Jiaojiao’s little hand.

Ruan Jiaojiao refused to hold his hand. When he stretched out his hand, she threw it away.

When Duan Xu saw this, he felt guilty and did not continue to hold her hand, fearing that he would really offend Ruan Jiaojiao.

Over the years, his possessiveness has become somewhat restrained, although it is not as serious as when he was a child. Ruan Jiaojiao accepts gifts from relatives, even men, but he is not concerned about Ruan Jiaojiao accepting photos of other men. This kind of thing is still unbearable.

He won't return this photo, but he doesn't dare to make Ruan Jiaojiao really angry.

When the innocent person walking behind saw this scene, his indifferent eyes deepened. His eyes stayed on Ruan Jiaojiao and Duan Xu for a long time, and he didn't look back until they reached the door of the hot pot restaurant.

Fei Xiaomeng, Xu Qing and others who came by taxi have arrived and are waiting for them at the door.

Because they had called in advance, the private room had been reserved long ago. A group of people walked in lively. Although Ruan Jiaojiao was angry, she still sat down obediently next to Duan Xu when she sat down.

After she sat down, she also found that Ruan Bo, who was supposed to sit down next to her, walked to Duan Xu's left side and sat down at some point.

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