Time goes back to morning for now.

Because the New Year is approaching, Duan Qianyang has more things to do. He is busy every day. Finally, he has some time to rest today. Thinking that he has not seen his son for a while, he gives Duan Xu a message on the way back. Call and ask if there is a chance to get together.

But when I called, no one answered. This happened even though I called several times.

He could only fight Ruan Jiaojiao, but he didn't know that Ruan Jiaojiao couldn't get through either.

Now he was a little worried, thinking that something had happened to the young couple, and he couldn't stay any longer. He asked the driver in front of him to go to Ruan's house and called Ruan Jianguo at the same time.

The call was answered very quickly this time, but when the call was connected, no one spoke, only the sound of rough breathing like a cow. Duan Qianyang was only Wenyu in his early years, and later he became ill again. After he recovered, Duan Qianyang was alone. , and has no intention of looking for him again. Firstly, he has never forgotten his love for Wenyu and no one can force him. Secondly, he is afraid that Duan Xu will be unhappy, and he also thinks that Ruan Jiaojiao has grown up and will marry into the Duan family in the future. , he just had to wait to hold his grandson, and he was even more uninterested.

But even if there was no woman around him, he had had one after all. As soon as he heard Ruan Jianguo's gasp, he thought shamefully wrong. He asked with a little caution: "Brother Ruan, are you busy?"

Ruan Jianguo didn't answer, but his breathing became louder.

Duan Qianyang was a little embarrassed and touched the tip of his nose. He could only continue to ask, "Brother Ruan, I want to ask where Xiaoxu is. Why can't I get through on the phone? Jiaojiao." I can’t get through either..."

This question can be regarded as poking a hornet's nest.

Ruan Jianguo was furious and roared so loudly that almost everyone in the car could hear: "Ask me! Who am I asking?!!! Ah!!!!"

"Brother Ruan, what do you mean?" Duan Qianyang was stunned by his roar.

"What do you mean? I also want to ask you, what do you mean, Duan Qianyang, you are really good at teaching your son, look at the good son you taught! What is not good in learning at a young age..."

Duan Qianyang's head was full of questions. Amidst his crackling curses, he asked in confusion: "Didn't you teach my son?"

"!!!" Ruan Jianguo.

Holding the phone, I almost had a heart attack!

"Brother Ruan, if you have anything to say, please speak up. If anything happens, we will discuss it carefully. There will be no obstacles that we can't overcome..."

"Bah! I'm telling you, you can't get over this hurdle! You can't get over it!!!!" Ruan Jianguo was still breathing heavily: "Let me ask you, where is my sweet baby! Ah! Where did your son abduct my daughter? Gone?!!! Where is the shabby villa you bought..."

At this point, Ruan Jianguo didn't know what he suddenly thought of, and his breath suddenly suffocated: "Duan Qianyang, you did it on purpose, didn't you do it on purpose? You and your son formed a partnership, didn't you do it on purpose?"

Duan Qianyang's head was buzzing and he was confused, but he vaguely guessed a possibility. His... son had kidnapped someone's precious girl? elopement?

But this is not possible either.

Everyone in the family agrees that they can stay together, so there is no need to take the road of elopement.

"Uncle Duan, this is Ruan Hao. My dad and I are waiting for you on Congming Road." While Duan Qianyang was still thinking wildly, Ruan Hao's elegant voice came from the other end of the phone.

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