Feng Niannian touched the tea cup in his hand, glanced at Jiang Xiao beside him, and saw that he was also watching, not showing it on his face, but feeling jealous and sour in his heart.

Ever since Duan Xu kicked her and broke her ribs, she knew how Ruan Jiaojiao was held in the palm of her hand and pampered with pain.

Actually speaking, she and Ruan Jiaojiao didn't have any deep hatred. If they did, it was because of Duan Xu's kick back then. But she knew that her hatred of Ruan Jiaojiao was not just due to this.

She is more jealous and jealous.

She could easily hold something she didn't own, even a thousandth of it that she couldn't get even with all her means. Why?

Before she got together with Jiang Xiao, because her uncle and cousin who were supposed to love her loved her, she was jealous of her, so she hated her and was jealous of her.

Later, after having Jiang Xiao, she thought that she would also have her own happiness, but...she never expected that she would choose from thousands of people, but the one she finally picked would be a man who loved Ruan Jiaojiao.

Ruan Jiaojiao's existence made her even more uncomfortable than Zhou Yun.

It was like a thorn in her heart.

She even thought viciously countless times, if only she had lost her soul, or if Yuan Man'er could reappear and take her away!

While Duan Sishu and Feng Niannian looked uncomfortable, Duan Qianyang felt extremely comfortable.

The son and his daughter-in-law have a good relationship, and they are both so well-behaved. Even if they don’t do anything, just being in front of his eyes makes him feel happy. When he saw that the two of them were dressed and ready to go out, he couldn’t help but say: “It’s cold outside. , don’t go too far, just walk around casually, Jiaojiao is not in good health, you should keep an eye on Xiaoxin and Xiaoxu.”

Duan Xin nodded, very brotherly: "Don't worry."

Ruan Jiaojiao raised her little hand wearing furry gloves and waved: "Uncle Duan, Second Uncle Duan, let's go first, bye."

"Bye." Duan Qianyang smiled, his eyebrows gentle.

As soon as the three of them walked out of the door, Duan Sishu, as an elder, was completely ignored. He couldn't help but mutter again: "It's so rude..."

Before he finished speaking, he met Duan Qianyang's somewhat cold gaze and Duan Qirui, who stood up while stroking his gloves, and immediately swallowed back his words.

But Duan Qirui didn't stand up to throw her away, but went back to the room directly.

Duan Sishu breathed a sigh of relief.

I was relieved and angry at the same time!

She really couldn't figure out why she couldn't even compare to outsiders now that she was their biological sister and had always had a good relationship when they were young.

With a straight face, and under the warning from Feng Niannian's eyes, she turned around and sat on the single sofa where Duan Qirui had been sitting, sulking alone.

Feng Niannian stood up, moved to sit next to Duan Qianyang, and talked to him with a smile.

Duan Qianyang doesn't have any bad feelings towards this niece. Even though he knows that she is very thoughtful, as long as she doesn't go too far, he is willing to deal with her as an ordinary relative. After all, he, an elder, can't do anything like his juniors.

So when facing her smiling face, his expression was quite gentle, although he looked like Duan Qirui, patting his butt and leaving.

Feng Niannian came here this time because she had something to ask the Duan family for help. She had planned it well before, but because Duan Sishu was unhappy before, she didn't rush to talk anymore and just chatted with Duan Qianyang.

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