Because both Ruan Jun and Ruan Chi have left the society, only Ruan Wei is still in college.

Ruan Jun is Ruan Hao's most capable assistant now. Not counting salary every year, the year-end bonus alone is six figures. He didn't buy a wedding house before getting married, but now he has a large house of almost 200 square meters in Beidu.

Not to mention Ruan Chi, his law firm is now very famous in Beijing, and he specializes in economic cases. For any small case, he can get a commission of five or six figures. He has a house and a car, and he pays every month. Ruan Wei's living expenses are not low, enough for him to live a good life.

Ruan Jiaojiao really couldn't figure out why he still needed to borrow money from her now.

Of course, if he really needed the money, Ruan Jiaojiao would definitely have borrowed it, and it didn't matter whether he paid it back or not, but she thought his evasive behavior was suspicious.

A possibility popped up in her mind, and she stared at Ruan Wei: "Brother Weiwei, are you secretly sending money to Yaya again?"

When Ruan Wei heard this, he immediately shook his head and waved his hands widely: "No, no, it's not to send her money, it's me... I'm going back to Yuansu the day after tomorrow."

"Go back? What are you going back for? Brother Jun doesn't work at Yuansu anymore, and we're about to start school." Ruan Jiaojiao looked at him suspiciously.

Ruan Jun was transferred to Beidu last year, and all four houses were moved to Beidu. Yuansu had no one at all. She didn't know what Ruan Wei was going to do back.

"I have to go back." Ruan Wei felt guilty and did not dare to look at Ruan Jiaojiao's face.

Ruan Jiaojiao was a little unhappy when she saw that he spoke so rudely: "Brother Weiwei, is there anything else we can't talk about? What do you want the money for? If you still don't say anything, I will be angry."

As soon as Ruan Jiaojiao said she was angry, Ruan Wei didn't dare to hide it anymore and immediately said: "Yaya's father passed away yesterday. She called me last night and said she didn't want to go to the welfare home..."

As Ruan Wei spoke, the smile in Ruan Jiaojiao's eyes gradually disappeared. His voice became softer and softer as he spoke, and his head lowered lower and lower.

"What does Brother Weiwei want to do?" Ruan Jiaojiao asked, frowning.

Ruan Wei pursed his lips and did not answer. In fact, he didn't know what to do. He planned to go back to Yuan Su to have a look before making a decision.

He had no feelings for Yaya. If he had some sympathy for her at first, then what happened when Ruan Jun got married made all his sympathy for her exhausted.

In these years, he rarely pays attention to her, and Ruan Chi has repeatedly warned him not to interfere in this matter.

He didn't know where she got his contact information, but now he knew that her father had passed away and she was a teenage girl. If he really didn't care about anything, he would feel uncomfortable.

Especially since she had found his contact information and let him know her situation, he really couldn't ignore it, so he planned to go back.

"Does Brother Jun and Brother Zhang know about this?" Ruan Jiaojiao asked again when she saw his silence.

Ruan Wei shook his head.

"Then you'd better discuss this matter with Brother Jun and Brother Zhang." Ruan Jiaojiao said.

She knew Ruan Wei's temperament. He was not as smart as his other brothers since he was a child, and she inherited Uncle Ruan's indecisiveness. Although Yaya was young, she grew up in the shadow of Liu Zhaodi and was already crooked the last time she saw her.

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