It's just that this method didn't succeed in the end.

Ruan Jiaojiao didn't know what to say and could only look at her.

The radio in the waiting room was already announcing the flight time. Xin Miao stood up and reached out to Ruan Jiaojiao: "Jiaojiao, give her a hug."

Ruan Jiaojiao actually wanted to ask whether she should tell Lu Zishu, but in the end she didn't ask. She came over, hugged her, and whispered: "Miaomiao, you will always be my friend."

"Thank you." Xin Miao let go of her.

Xin Miao left and went abroad. She really only asked Ruan Jiaojiao to see her off, but even Mrs. Xin didn't let her come.

When Ruan Jiaojiao came out of the airport hall, she saw Mrs. Xin standing in front of the aircraft hall, crying and almost fainting, and Xin's father standing beside her, supporting her.

Next to her, Xin's father supported her while looking at the plane that was gradually disappearing from the window. His eyes were filled with tears, and he was obviously extremely reluctant to let go.

It's just that from the moment this man gave up his daughter, he was destined to lose her forever in a sense.

Ruan Jiaojiao didn't know what she thought of, and she couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

She did not go back to the company, but went all the way back home. However, there seemed to be no one at home at this time. Even Ruan Lin took Rourou and Xiaoxue out to buy groceries. The usually very warm villa now seemed particularly empty.

Seeing that there was no one at home, Ruan Jiaojiao, who was already in a low mood, felt even more lonely. She sat down on the sofa in the living room, put her legs on the sofa, and hugged her with her hands. She was just about to look like a lonely little girl. Expression, suddenly heard a muffled sound of something falling to the ground from upstairs.

What followed was Ruan Jie's slightly shocked and angry voice: "Xia Qing, you murdered your husband!"

"???" Ruan Jiaojiao.

The loneliness she felt a second ago disappeared instantly. She rolled her eyes and immediately got up and tiptoed upstairs. In order to prevent others from hearing the noise, she deliberately did not wear slippers under the sofa. Anyway, the heating in the villa was It hasn't stopped yet, and the floor isn't that cold.

She climbed up the stairs carefully, and when she reached Ruan Jie's room, she especially bent her waist and crawled forward.

The door of Ruan Jie's room was not closed, but it was not open either. Instead, a small gap was opened, and Ruan Jiaojiao looked in through this small gap.

What she was thinking about were some warmer love scenes, but the scene she saw made her pupils dilate for a moment, and after her mouth opened wide, she couldn't close it for a long time.

There is no doubt that Xia Qing is very skilled.

But Ruan Jie has been in the army for many years, and his skills are nothing to say. With his brothers at home, he probably can't beat Duan Xu. Duan Xu is talented after all, but Ruan Jie, who is so skilled, is now beaten by a guy who looks like The gentle and gentle Xia Qing held her hands behind her back and pressed her knees against...ahem, that position, and roared like a beast: "You crazy woman, that is your future happiness, just take it easy!"

The most important thing is that even so, Ruan Jie could not overcome the disadvantage. Instead, he arched on the ground like a caterpillar in the following time, using his butt to thrust into Xia Qing's knees, and deliberately It made a particularly disgusting grunting sound.


It’s so annoying!

Ruan Jiaojiao didn't expect that she would see such a scene. She really wanted to poke her eyes out!

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