When being pulled away by Feng Niannian, he kept shouting: "Niannian, walk slower, Mom is a little dizzy."

Duan Sishu has been experiencing frequent dizziness, chest tightness, and uncomfortable tightness recently. She feels like she is sick. She originally wanted to go to the hospital today, but Feng Niannian took her to the mall on the way and said he wanted to buy her clothes.

Duan Sishu lives in such a prosperous northern capital, but does not have any extra money to live the luxurious life she used to have when she was a young lady. She is inevitably a little disappointed, and it is true that she has not bought new clothes for a while. It is almost spring, and she thinks about her past. The little sisters might all be wearing new clothes, so she ignored her still uncomfortable body and was pulled over by Feng Niannian.

It's just that she never felt tired when shopping before. Now, after walking for only half a quarter of an hour, she couldn't help but start to feel uncomfortable. The symptoms of chest tightness and dizziness became even more severe.

She took Feng Niannian's hand and shouted: "Niannian, mom is a little uncomfortable, let's take a rest first."

But Feng Niannian didn't dare to stop in front of Ruan Jiaojiao and the others, especially Shu Jie. The only few encounters made her very jealous of this woman, so even if Feng Niannian shouted that she was uncomfortable all the way, she Still dragging her quickly towards the men's clothing store.

Shu Jie heard the noise and looked over, but she only saw the backs of the two of them. In addition, they had already visited the men's clothing store, so they didn't care even more, and quickly looked away.

Ruan Jiaojiao didn't care even more, although she felt that Feng Niannian seemed to be avoiding her today.

Instead, she walked to Lu Meng beside him, turned her head and looked back several times, her brows furrowed, but they soon calmed down.

Seeing that Shu Jie and the others had no intention of going this way, Feng Niannian finally breathed a sigh of relief. She looked down at Duan Sishu, who had sat down on the small sofa in the store, and saw that her face was indeed not pretty, and her lip color was also Turning purple, he was afraid that she would really explain it here, so he softened his expression and said, "Then let's sit down and rest for a while before we get up and go shopping."

Duan Sishu covered his beating heart and nodded. A store clerk nearby looked over, took a look at the two people's clothes, and then greeted them with a smile on their faces: "Are you two ladies here to buy clothes? We are new here. I ordered a batch of spring styles, the fabrics and styles are very good, would you like to take a look?"

The clerk's tone was polite, which was very helpful to Duan Sishu. He didn't want people to think that they came in to rest, so he turned to Feng Niannian and said, "Niannian, show it to Xiao Xiao. I'll take a look." The clothes here are really okay.”

Feng Niannian didn't say anything and nodded. After the clerk's introduction, she took a good look at it. She fell in love with a casual wear, but she didn't know Jiang Xiao's size.

She and Jiang Xiao have been together for so long, and she has never bought clothes for Jiang Xiao. It's not that she has no money. Ma Yinyun treats her well and will give her money every once in a while, but she has never thought of doing these things. .

Now under Duan Sixu's suggestion, she also felt that she should take a look, but she didn't know Jiang Xiao's size, so she sent a message to ask him.

But ten minutes passed, and Jiang Xiao didn't reply.

Feng Niannian could only call the phone again. After ringing for a while, the other party was connected, and the tone was very bad: "What's the matter! Didn't I tell you not to call during my working hours?!"

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