When Ruan Jiaojiao was led to the room opened by Xia Qing wearing this outfit, there were already many people inside. In addition to the specially invited makeup team, there were also several people she didn't know.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Xia Qing opened her eyes and looked in the mirror. When she saw it was Ruan Jiaojiao, her eyes immediately softened and she smiled and waved to her: "Here he comes."

"Ang." Ruan Jiaojiao nodded with a smile, walked in, still holding Duan Xu's clothes in her arms, and smiled sheepishly: "I'm not late."

"No, it's quite early. Have you eaten yet? There is breakfast over there. Do you want some?" Xia Qing pointed to a table in the corner and said, with several exquisite small gift boxes placed on it: "There are some things you like to eat." egg tarts.”

"Second sister-in-law, you didn't do it just this morning, right?" Ruan Jiaojiao was surprised.

Xia Qing didn't hide anything and nodded: "I couldn't sleep after I went back last night, so I just made some dessert."

"Aren't you sleepy then?"

"It's okay." Before today, she had always had an unreal feeling. Even though the two of them had received their certificates long ago, they still didn't feel very real.

It wasn't until this moment today, when she was sitting here, raising her head and letting someone put bridal makeup on her face, that she realized that she was really going to have a family, and it was a good family.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but reach out and hold Ruan Jiaojiao's little hand: "You got up early today. Are you sleepy? Why don't you take a nap now? I have to put on makeup and get dressed here, and I will be busy until seven o'clock. It’s over, it’s only five o’clock, you can still sleep for two hours.”

As she said this, she immediately wanted to walk over to the bed full of things and clear out a place for Ruan Jiaojiao to sleep.

Ruan Jiaojiao shook her head quickly: "Second sister-in-law, no need. I'm fine too. I won't sleep. I'll talk to you. Besides, my mother asked me to do my hair too." Ruan Jiaojiao felt a little embarrassed when she said this. I touched my hair, feeling as if I was wearing makeup, which was a bit embarrassing.

Xia Qing then looked at what she was wearing today, and her eyes flashed with surprise.

The first time Xia Qing met Ruan Jiaojiao was actually not on Ruan Jiaojiao's eighteenth birthday, but in Ruan Jie's wallet.

At that time, she hadn't confirmed her relationship with Ruan Jie, but she already had feelings in her heart. She accidentally saw a seventeen-year-old girl in his wallet, and was stunned for a moment, feeling a little uncomfortable at the time.

But Ruan Jie didn't notice it. Seeing her staring at her wallet, he showed off his wallet to her and asked in a proud tone: "How is it? Isn't it pretty?"

"It's okay." Xia Qing remembers her reply at that time.

Ruan Jie was naturally a little unconvinced when she heard that, and put the photo under her nose: "How come it's okay? Don't you think it's very cute? This is my precious egg, Ruan Jiaojiao."


Xia Qing was stunned for a moment, and then she looked at the photo seriously. The depression in her heart completely disappeared. When she looked at Ruan Jiaojiao's photo again, she felt that she was indeed beautiful.

It was that time that Xia Qing truly realized her feelings for Ruan Jie.

Ruan Jie inherited Ruan Dashuan's straight male attributes, but this does not mean that he is stupid. On the contrary, he has always been among the best in grades since he was a child, and he is not completely slow when facing the woman he likes. He may have discovered at that time Her abnormality, jokingly said to her: "I can only put two women in this wallet."

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