But as soon as the past six months passed, all those disgusts and dislikes disappeared completely, and instead, I couldn't help but pay attention to her again.

Just like just now, the first moment he saw her, his reason told him that he should leave, not talk to her, let alone pay attention to her.

But his feet just couldn't move.

Especially when he saw her smiling so sweetly to a strange shop owner, the jealousy and unwillingness in his heart would expand infinitely.

Just like he didn't understand his attachment to her, he couldn't understand why she could never see him!

Why is your attitude towards yourself always so bad!

Jiang Xiao thought of this and the information he had found a few days ago, and couldn't help but his eyes darkened again.


But here, Ruan Jiaojiao ran all the way, and after leaving Jiang Xiao's sight, she slowed down and smoothed her chest.

At first she thought it was bad luck that led her to meet Jiang Xiao in that kind of daily necessities store, but then she thought that he might be accompanying Feng Niannian in the hospital.

Because Duan Sixu passed away the day before yesterday, neither Duan Qianyang nor Duan Qirui attended Ruan Jie's wedding yesterday. Duan Xin was sent over instead. Feng Niannian seemed to be overly sad and the fetus was a little unstable and was hospitalized.

After Ruan Jiaojiao entered the hospital corridor, she subconsciously looked at the doors of several open wards, but did not see Feng Niannian.

She didn't really want to see Feng Niannian, she just acted subconsciously. She didn't see it, so she didn't pay too much attention and turned around and entered Yang Xiaona's room.

But what she didn't know was that although she didn't see Feng Niannian, Feng Niannian saw her. She lived on the second floor and stood at the window, watching with her own eyes how Jiang Xiao chased Ruan Jiaojiao. .

She was far away, so she didn't know what Ruan Jiaojiao said, but she could tell from Jiang Xiao's expression how much influence Ruan Jiaojiao had on him.

She put one hand on the table next to her and groped her belly with the other. The smile on her lips was very cold, and her eyes were so cold that there was no light at all: "Baby, do you think there is any difference between one and two?" ?”

In the silence, she asked and answered herself: "Isn't it right? In this case, mother will definitely protect our happiness."

If she must exchange human life for her own happiness, then there really is no difference between one life and two lives for her.

Feng Niannian withdrew her gaze from downstairs and returned to the hospital bed to lie down. When Jiang Xiao came back, there was nothing strange on her face.

Jiang Xiao was still thinking about Ruan Jiaojiao, so he put the water he bought on the table, turned around and left the ward.

However, although he quickly found out why Ruan Jiaojiao was in the hospital, he never met Ruan Jiaojiao alone again. Ruan Jiaojiao spent the entire afternoon talking to Yang Xiaona in the ward, and stayed by her side when she was tired. Sleeping on the chaperone's bed.

It was not until evening that Shu Jie brought over the chicken soup prepared by Ruan Lin that she went back with Shu Jie.

The next day, Ruan Jiaojiao came to the hospital, but this time not only did she come, but Duan Xu also came, as well as Yang Wei, Ruan Lei, and Lu Zishu who had heard the news.

The large troops came in. Jiang Xiao, who had been paying attention upstairs, saw that Jiang Xiao did not go downstairs anymore, but looked at her coldly leaning against Duan Xu with a smile like a flower.

But what he didn't know was that behind him, Feng Niannian was looking at him with the same eyes.

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