He moved slowly to the side of one of the little boys, pursed his lips, swallowed his saliva and looked at the three buns in the other's hand.

The little boy noticed his gaze and looked over. His eyes suddenly sharpened and he glared at him warily. He stuffed the other two buns under his belly, turned his back to him and started eating the one in his hand.

If the little boy in front of him was Yang Xiaodi, or any woman, he would reach out and grab it, because the education he received since childhood made him feel that women are as light as grass and can be abused at will.

But for men, whether they are peers or elders, they dare not act rashly.

And all the children in the room were boys, and none of them dared to touch him. He could only shrink back and sit back, eagerly watching them eat steamed buns, swallowing their saliva from time to time.

In fact, it's no wonder that these boys are so powerful and refuse to share. They are all really hungry and scared. Except for Baby Yang, who just came last night, the others have been here for at least half a month.

When at home, they are all the treasures of the family. Who doesn't pamper them and care for them carefully like treasures?

When they first came here, some of them would be a bit stubborn and would rather be hungry than eat this kind of steamed buns. But after all, they were young and hungry for a day or two, and they quickly succumbed to reality.

Outside, there were two grown men. One of them looked in from the small window after losing the steamed bun, observing the reaction of each child. After watching for a while, he turned and left.

When he walked to the living room, his accomplice was drinking wine and eating peanuts. When he saw him coming, he asked aloud: "Dazhuang, how is the boy who came yesterday?" He poured a glass of wine for Da Zhuang in front of him: "Come, let's drink some together."

"It's a worry-free one." Da Zhuang sat down in front of him and looked at the wine in front of him awkwardly: "Brother Zhuang, my mother-in-law told us not to drink while doing things."

"It's okay, just have a drink. She's not here." The man named Zhuang Ge waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "It's okay to worry about nothing. I'll lock her up for another two days and then she can be sent out."

This is not the first time for both of them to do this. As Duan Xu said, it has indeed become a criminal chain. They kidnap children from all over the street and then imprison them for a period of time. After they become well-behaved, they can then start a new chain. Delivery to big dens.

As for why they must be detained for a period of time, it is not for any other reason. It is just to enable these children to succumb to the harsh environment. The more they suffer, the more obedient they will be when they are sold in the future.

And generally, children who have been imprisoned will become even more frail in such a harsh environment. If they are sold to others in the future, because they are not in good health, they will not want to escape immediately. Even if they escape, they will not be able to escape far, and they will not be able to escape. Catch it back.

The group in the house have been locked up for more than half a month. They needed to be transferred in the past two days, but now that Baby Yang is here, they need to be locked up for another two days.

When the two of them were chatting about these things in the house, they didn't know that there were several stray dogs lying on the ground in front of and behind the house. Because their hearing was stronger than humans, they also listened to all these words.

Not long after dawn, two stray dogs found the Ruan family villa.

Ruan Lin was surprised when she saw several stray dogs suddenly walking around the door of the house. At first, she thought they were coming to get food.

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