"You know in our industry, it's difficult to have this kind of special talent, so I want to use it for myself." Jiang Huai.

When Jiang Xiao heard what he said before, he just raised his eyebrows in surprise, but when he heard the following sentence about wanting to use it for his own use, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Jiang Huai frowned.

Jiang Xiao said: "Since Brother Huai came to ask me, you should know his identity, right? Use it for your own use?"

Jiang Xiao didn't know whether to call Jiang Huai whimsical or naive.

Putting aside Duan Xu's identity, he really didn't know how Jiang Huai came out with Duan Xu's temper and wanting to use it for himself.

"His family attaches great importance to him?" Jiang Huai found this unlikely.

According to his thinking, at Duan Xu's age, he is still running his own company outside, and it is still a start-up company. He should not be taken seriously by Duan Qianyang. Otherwise, if he was taken seriously, how could he not have such a good background? Damn it, you still gave him such a fiancée who was useless in his career.

This is obviously not taken seriously, or even ignored.

That's why he thought of taking it for his own use.

"My only son, what do you think?" Jiang Xiao asked.

If it were before, he would probably have the same opinion as Jiang Huai, but the only few encounters made him know how much Duan Qianyang valued his son.

It was precisely because I valued and cared too much that I allowed him to continue to stay in the Ruan family as he wished, letting him do what he wanted to do without having to follow the family's wishes.

Jiang Huai was silent. He didn't expect things to be so difficult.

He really took a fancy to Duan Xu. He also knew that the Qin Bureau would definitely find a way to win him over in the future. He was full of confidence before and felt that he had a better chance of winning than the Qin Bureau because he could give him More importantly, he did not believe that any man would not have the desire for a career.

But now that this happens——

Jiang Huai's eyes darkened: "His fiancée Ruan Jiaojiao, are you familiar with her?"

Suddenly hearing Ruan Jiaojiao's name, Jiang Xiao's hand holding the tea cup trembled.

Jiang Huai observed carefully and discovered it immediately.

He seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked Jiang Xiao: "I heard someone say that you guys seemed to know each other before, from the same village?"

"I remember my cousin said that you are from the same village, right?"

Jiang Xiao still lowered his head, his face seemed fine, but his eyes suddenly turned cold.

He likes Ruan Jiaojiao, but he doesn't like Xiahe Village.

Everything in Xiahe Village is a shame to him!

He hates everything there!

I hate it even more when people mention it! Even the words Xiahe Village.

"Xiao Xiao??" Seeing that Jiang Xiao remained silent in front of him, Jiang Huai narrowed his eyes and looked at him.

Jiang Xiao stood up suddenly, not hiding his cold expression at all: "Since Brother Huai has nothing to do, I will leave first. He will still be waiting for me to take care of him in the hospital every year."

After saying that, he didn't give Jiang Huai a chance to answer. He turned around and left, with a faint look of anger on his back.

Jiang Huai looked at his hurried departure and raised his eyebrows.

So saying that he doesn't like this cousin from another generation is really hypocritical.

Jiang Huai shook his head sarcastically, picked up the small teapot and was about to pour himself another cup when he suddenly heard a rapid braking sound coming from outside.

He raised his head and looked over, and when he saw the scene outside, his expression immediately changed.

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