But as soon as I pressed it, I continued to hit it. I was very persistent.

Ruan Jiaojiao took a look and found a series of unfamiliar numbers.

"Brother Xu, who is he?"

"Qin Bureau." Duan Xu replied, his face became a little cold when he said these two words.

"Oh." Seeing that he didn't answer, Ruan Jiaojiao didn't try to dissuade her, and instead asked about today's events.

At this time, on the other side, Director Qin was running up and down the police station anxiously, his face was livid, angry and anxious. He was also unaware of what happened today, and no one expected that Jiang Huai would do something like this.

Seeing that he was so anxious and angry, Xiao Qi comforted him in a low voice: "Qin Bureau, please don't be anxious..."

"Not in a hurry? Can I not be in a hurry?!!!" Bureau Qin roared. He glanced in the direction of the office as if on purpose, and his voice became louder: "I have worked all my life, and I have never seen this before. Those who do things like this are amazing from above! I won’t be able to do it if I don’t do it anymore!”

Bureau Qin was really angry, so angry that he almost exploded.

In this line of work, he always has a short temper, but no matter how angry he is usually, he won't be like this. In fact, today's incident really touched his bottom line.

As Lao Yan said, he has a bit of a dead brain, so he has not moved in this position over the years.

As for what others do, as long as they don't go out of line, he never cares. Anyway, he just takes care of himself.

But this time, others plotted against him and dragged down the talents he was optimistic about. They still used such a simple and crude method to really set him on fire completely.

At three o'clock in the morning, Duan Xu informed him that he could take action. The police station had already made arrangements and was just waiting to be dispatched, so as soon as Duan Xu said it was OK, he immediately made arrangements.

The process went smoothly and nothing went wrong, which is something to be happy about.

The problem is, the results are unacceptable.

I don’t know who informed the media and exposed the entire arrest results, especially the scenes of Duan Xu stepping on Sister Ren’s back and using his excellent skills to easily capture several other big men. .

And he was the only one exposed!

Let's not mention that Duan Xu is not a policeman. Even if he is a policeman, it would be taboo to expose the scene of arresting criminals.

In particular, the criminal chain of human traffickers is so deep that no one knows if there are any hidden ones. If the arrester is suddenly exposed like this, it is very likely to lead to retaliation!

The person who contacted the media and exposed this was none other than Jianghuai, who was sent by the superiors this time.

In the office, Jiang Huai listened to Bureau Qin's curses one after another outside, as if he didn't care, but his lowered eyelids trembled slightly.

Lao Yan stood in front of him, his face extremely serious: "Why are you doing this? I don't believe what the consequences of your doing this will be."

Jiang Huai said nothing, still lowered his head, and turned the lighter in his hand gently.

The shouting and cursing from the Qin Bureau outside continued.

Lao Yan sighed. In fact, although he asked this question, he could still guess a little bit about the reason.

Duan Xu is a difficult person to handle, and he has such extraordinary abilities. If he can hold it in his hands, he will be even more powerful.

Jiang Huai wanted to hold him in his hands before exposing him, taking advantage of the fact that criminals had already recognized his face, so that he had no choice but to seek refuge with him.

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