Seeing that Ruan Lin said this, Xia Qing naturally didn't say anything more and agreed with a smile.

During lunch, several people in the family were surprised to hear that Ruan Jiaojiao wanted to learn martial arts, but they didn't take it seriously. They just thought it was something new and fun for her.

In the afternoon, Ruan Jiaojiao took a nap as usual, then got up and went to Xia Qing's room to find her.

For convenience, she also wore a clean and refreshing sportswear, her hair was tied into a bun, and she looked quite presentable.

The door of the Ruan family villa is closed, and the wall is specially raised, so the outside can generally not see inside. However, just in case, several large long insects were driven into the debris to hide. After all, If many large long worms are seen by others, it is really difficult to explain.

As for the ten wolves, people nearby knew that they were the descendants of Rourou and Xiaoxue. They were later sent to their own zoo, so even if they saw them, they would just think they were coming back for a look and would not suspect anything.

So Ruan Jiaojiao followed Xia Qing in the yard in a decent manner, swinging her little arms and legs. Ten big wolves were lying on all sides, looking at them seriously, and several of them were still eager to try.

"Quack..." What is the master doing?

Xiao Lu circled Ruan Jiaojiao, Mung Bean's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Xiao Lu, don't go around me, it makes me dizzy." Ruan Jiaojiao frowned in disgust.

"Quack..." Okay.

Ruan Jiaojiao's dislike was not too obvious. Xiao Lu turned around and flew to the sycamore tree, lowering her wings aggrievedly.

It was only thinking about its grievances, so it didn't notice someone upstairs on the second floor, leaning in the room with its big head on the balcony and looking down. Seeing it communicating with Ruan Jiaojiao without any hindrance, the triangle A strange light burst out from his eyes.

Ruan Jiaojiao usually saw that Xia Qing was very skilled and it was just a joke to take down a big man. It seemed very simple and easy, but when it really happened to her, she realized how much she took it for granted.

Xia Qing just asked her to straighten her back and walk for a while, didn't last for an hour, and her whole body was shaking.

Just as she was about to sit down on the ground, a wolf that was very close to her immediately rushed over and used it as a cushion for her.

"Ouch..." The wolf cub has grown into a big wolf. Ruan Jiaojiao can't tell who is who. She can only touch the other person's head awkwardly: "Thank you."

"Ouch!" The wolf cub stood up proudly and said you're welcome.

It's like playing house, Ruan Jiaojiao was so committed when she said she wanted to practice martial arts, and she was so slapped in the face the next time she said she was tired in the afternoon.

But fortunately, no one at home took her seriously, they just thought she was joking.

In the evening, after dinner, the family sat in front of the TV, waiting to watch the TV series that the little old man had agreed to broadcast on Beidu TV.

Ruan Jianguo was particularly proud of all his relatives who honked loudly and kept them in front of the TV at all times.

The character Ruan Jiaojiao only appears in the play for about half a minute.

After the director's treatment, when the fairy-like Ruan Jiaojiao flew down from the rockery, not to mention everyone in the Ruan family, even Ruan Jiaojiao who had seen it on the director's monitor couldn't help but be amazed.

Her character didn't even have a single line, it was just a shot of flying down from a rockery, and then a shot of many disciples paying homage to her.

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