As long as this person is still in Beidu, it will definitely not be a problem to find him with a blanket search like stray dogs.

Because there are so many stray dogs, each one needs to be sniffed by himself, which is a bit troublesome to deal with. Fortunately, it is night now, and the back door of the police station is in a mess of grass. Unless there is someone guarding it 24 hours a day, Otherwise, it would be really hard to find a stray dog ​​walking inside.

It's just that this process requires time. Duan Xu has been arranging this for two whole nights.

In the past two days, Ruan Jiaojiao was obedient and did not go out.

Boring is a little bit boring. Fortunately, there is a computer at home. She can get on the computer at any time and watch some news or chat with classmates and friends.

As soon as she went online that afternoon, she received a message from Yu Rou [Jiaojiao, Q me is online. 】

Ruan Jiaojiao immediately replied with a message [What's wrong? 】

Yu Rou's status showed that she was logged in, but there was no message back for a long time. Ruan Jiaojiao felt strange, so she turned around to get her mobile phone and called her.

The phone rang over and over again, but no one answered.

Ruan Jiaojiao frowned and was just thinking about calling her home. She was a little worried. After all, that lunatic could find out the information about people around her, and he might also find out about Yu Rou. She was afraid that he would go crazy. Everyone takes action.

Just as she was about to hang up the call to her home landline, the computer behind her rang.

[Jiaojiao, something happened to my cousin and he is in the emergency room now. My mother won’t let me go out. 】——Yu Rou.

Ruan Jiaojiao immediately replied with a message [I'll call you, you answer]

[My mother also confiscated my mobile phone. 】——Yu Rou.

【? ? ? Why? 】 Ruan Jiaojiao asked.

[My mother cousin was involved in this matter because of you, so...] Yu Rou did not continue what she said, but Ruan Jiaojiao quickly understood the hidden meaning of her words.

She had little contact with Yu Rou's mother, but from the few times she had contact with her, she had a rough idea of ​​what kind of temperament he had.

She was silent for a few seconds, not knowing what to reply.

[Jiaojiao, are you angry? 】——Yu Rou.

Ruan Jiaojiao shook her head. After shaking her head, she remembered that Yu Rou couldn't see her. She replied, "No, how is your cousin?" 】

[I don’t know, I heard that they are not out of danger yet. 】——Yu Rou.

[What happened to him? 】 Ruan Jiaojiao asked.

[I don’t know the details, but I know that when he was found, he was already seriously injured. There were several cuts on his body and his head was broken. 】

When Yu Rou first heard the news, she was in class at school. Jiang Bai brought two bodyguards over and took her home directly.

She was really scared too.

And based on what her mother meant, her cousin's family has already called the police. In addition, the wealthy family is only so big, and everyone has heard about Duan Xu and Ruan Jiaojiao. Now the Jiang family seems to have decided that this is the case. This incident is related to the Ruan family's case.

Her mother, on the other hand, directly told her to break off the relationship with Ruan Jiaojiao and confiscated her mobile phone.

Fortunately, her mother doesn't know much about computers, so she doesn't know that she can communicate with Ruan Jiaojiao on the computer.

When she first heard the news, it was undeniable that she was really frightened, but she couldn't do it to sever her relationship with Ruan Jiaojiao.

As she grew up, Ruan Jiaojiao was her only close friend.

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