Jiang Yuanlong was talking to the police. When he heard the footsteps, he immediately raised his head and looked over. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Ruan Jiaojiao and Duan Xu standing at the end of the corridor. The policeman beside him recognized Duan Xu and whispered to him. Jiang Yuanlong said something, then lowered his head and walked over.

Jiang Yuanlong did not follow him, but walked to his wife Ma Yinyun's side, sat down, held his crying and sad wife in his arms, and whispered a few words of comfort from time to time.

Opposite the two of them, there was also a woman with tears in her eyes, but that woman was not Jiang Xiao's wife Feng Niannian, but Zhou Yun, whom Ruan Jiaojiao had not seen for a long time.

"After the preliminary conclusion of our forensic doctor, it was probably not his fault." The middle-aged policeman whispered to Duan Xu about their findings.

Ruan Jiaojiao couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

Maybe she really hates Jiang Xiao to the extreme, and doesn't want to be with him even if it involves this kind of involvement.

Duan Xu nodded after hearing this, but he still needed to go over and debate it in person.

The three people came over under the guidance of the police. Duan Xu was now a special talent in the country. This was how the police introduced him to Jiang Yuanlong and Ma Yinyun.

Although the couple didn't know what being a special talent meant, they didn't know that Jiang Xiao and Ruan Jiaojiao and Duan Xu had a bad relationship. Seeing the two of them, Ma Yinyun still remembered that Jiang Xiao was found before. Although the Ruan family was full of worries about the kindness they showed to their son before, they still greeted him in a friendly manner, especially towards Ruan Jiaojiao, with a particularly gentle attitude.

Ruan Jiaojiao doesn't like the Jiang family, Jiang Xiao, and Jiang Bin especially, but she has a good impression of Ma Yinyun. She is a truly gentle person, as if all the ladies from the big family of her mother's generation are... In this way, Zhishu is reasonable and reasonable.

She smiled back, although she said nothing.

If she met Ruan Jiaojiao normally, Ma Yinyun would definitely hold her hand and reminisce about the past, but today, she was really not in the mood. After saying hello politely, she sat back.

Here, Duan Xu was already preparing to enter the emergency room accompanied by the police doctor.

Before opening the door, Zhou Yun looked over. She pursed her lips, as if she wanted to say something, but due to the crowd, she didn't speak.

After Duan Xu and others entered the emergency room, she looked around the ward, wiped her tears with a handkerchief, and then Ruan Jiaojiao came over.

Ruan Jiaojiao was talking to Xia Qing in a low voice. Yang Xiaona had not been discharged from the hospital yet and happened to be in the same hospital. She wanted Xia Qing to accompany her to take a look.

Before the two of them could move, they saw someone standing in front of them.

They both raised their heads and frowned at the same time.

Ruan Jiaojiao didn't like Zhou Yun. During the few interactions with this woman, she found that she was restless.

She had coveted her eldest brother before, but fortunately her eldest brother was not Jiang Xiao and was not confused by her.

Xia Qing was simply attracted by Zhou Yun's eyes.

She has been living in an environment where arowanas and fish are mixed all year round, and she has the clearest grasp of people's emotions. Although Zhou Yun in front of her looks crying and weak, there is clearly malice towards Ruan Jiaojiao in her eyes.

She subconsciously took a step forward and protected Ruan Jiaojiao.

"Miss Ruan, are you also here to see Brother Xiao? If he knows that you are here to see him, he will definitely feel very happy." Zhou Yun said movedly while wiping her tears.

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