But she didn't dare to run out casually. Just as she was about to go back to the living room to make a phone call, she saw several people running in the same direction in front of the house. While they were discussing, a few sensitive words hit her ears. .

"It exploded, it really exploded!"

"Yes, my friend said that there are bombs in the back of that car!"

"What a pity, that young man from the Ruan family is just..."


The Ruan boy?

Ruan Jiaojiao's expression suddenly changed.

He ran to the door with an ugly face and called out to several people.

"Auntie, what were you talking about just now? What kind of boy from the Ruan family are you?"

Ruan Jiaojiao didn't notice that her voice was trembling.

"Jiaojiao? You're still here, why don't you go to the hospital!" Several people were shocked when they saw Ruan Jiaojiao.

The Ruan family has lived here for three or four years. Not to mention everyone in the entire villa area knows each other, but most people still know Ruan Jiaojiao, but they can't distinguish the boys from the Ruan family clearly.


"Yes, don't you know? Just now I don't know which brother crashed into the lake with his car and his body, and the car also exploded in the lake..."

Several people explained in a hurry.

But in Ruan Jiaojiao's mind, there were only words like the person and the car crashed into the lake, and the car exploded.

Everyone was confused.

She didn't listen to what the two people said next.

"Jiaojiao..." Ruan Hao, who rushed back, happened to see this scene, his heart ached, and he immediately ran over and took the person into his arms.

And those people asked him hurriedly: "Mr. Ruan, who is the one who fell into the lake?"

"Yeah, how's it going?"


Ruan Hao's face turned ugly after listening to the ignorant inquiries from several people.

He swept towards a few people coldly, and their hearts suddenly jumped in shock. He said a few words of sorry, and then you pushed me away.

"Brother?" Ruan Jiaojiao raised her eyes and looked at Ruan Hao, her voice trembling: "Who fell into the lake?"

"Jiaojiao, listen to your brother first, it's Xiaoxu, Xiaoxu... Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao!" Seeing Ruan Jiaojiao fall down with a bloodless face, Ruan Hao hurriedly pulled her into his arms.

Ruan Jiaojiao really couldn't hear anything at this moment.

I just felt my brain buzzing and exploding, leaving it completely blank.

Where could I still hear Ruan Hao's voice? The world was spinning for a while, my vision turned black, and my whole body fell into Ruan Hao's arms.

Ruan Hao immediately picked him up, ran into the house, and put him on the sofa in the living room.

Ruan Jiaojiao's mind was blank for several minutes.

Only then did she gradually regain her hearing, and heard Ruan Hao squatting in front of her, comforting her: "Jiaojiao, Xiaoxu is in the operating room now. He is a little injured, but you know that he is very powerful and will definitely do it." It's fine."

Ruan Jiaojiao looked at him with red eyes, and her lips couldn't help trembling when she spoke: "Really?"

Ruan Hao nodded solemnly: "Well, brother, I promise, don't be afraid. Let's pack up and go to the hospital, okay?"

Ruan Jiaojiao couldn't help but nodded, got up from the sofa, pulled Ruan Hao and walked out.

"Wait a minute Jiaojiao, dad and the others are still in the hospital and haven't had time to change clothes. I'll bring a few sets of clothes over."

The car exploded as soon as it fell into the lake, and even the car was torn apart. Although everyone knew that there was little hope, several men from the Ruan family jumped in to save people immediately.

We are all in the hospital now and haven't had time to change into dry clothes.

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