Looking at the face reflected in the mirror, Duan Xu didn't dare to recognize it for a moment.

He was injured on his head and had a big incision, so during the operation, the hair in the injured area was shaved.

And this shaving method is not a full shave, but a half shave around his right ear. The front is shaved from the center of the forehead, the back is close to the right ear, and the middle is shaved diagonally. The hair on both sides is still preserved.

The gauze binding method is even more interesting.

It is a combination of the baby diaper method and the peasant turban method.

It has a bit of the charm of the crotch cloth worn by sumo wrestlers from a certain country, except that others wear it underneath, but he wears it on top of his head.

In addition, due to the injury, the face is a little swollen, and the beard has not been shaved for a day and night... One side of the eye is still purple-black...

"..." Duan Xu just stared at himself in the mirror.

It was hard to believe that he was walking in front of Ruan Jiaojiao with such a face.

"Brother Xu?" Lu Zishu helped him to the outside of the bathroom. Seeing that he didn't move for a long time, he shouted in confusion. He thought something had happened and stuck his head through the crack in the door that was not closed tightly.

Then he saw Duan Xu staring blankly at himself in the mirror.

He looked at himself in the mirror, then at him standing in front of the mirror, blinked, and suddenly burst into laughter: "Brother Xu, sir, don't worry about these things, saving your life is the most important thing."

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that Duan Xu actually cared about his appearance.

He was so happy that he laughed louder and louder as he watched Duan Xu remain silent.

Then he received Duan Xu's Eye of Death.

He made a zipper movement on his lips and stepped back: "You continue, you continue." He retracted his head and help him close the door.

As for Duan Xu in front of the mirror, looking at himself with a river above his head, his expression could not get better.

He doesn't care about appearance.

But I can't bear that he has a fiancée who cares about appearance.

Thinking that after she woke up, she kept wandering in front of Ruan Jiaojiao with this face on her face, and her mood never got better.

The ward Duan Xu lives in is an intensive care unit. It has a lot of medical equipment, but there is no bathroom.

So when Duan Xu went to the toilet, he had to force himself out to go to the public toilet. This was somewhat willful, but no one could resist him.

Ruan Jiaojiao stood outside the toilet. She was worried when she saw Duan Xu went in and didn't come out for a long time. Then she saw Lu Zishu coming out with his mouth covered and a sullen smile.

Looking at him suspiciously: "Why are you laughing?"

Lu Zishu couldn't help it, laughed loudly, and said: "Jiaojiao, hahaha, I just realized that Brother Xu actually cares about appearance. He just looked at himself in the mirror in the toilet and was shocked!"

Lu Zishu couldn't help but want to laugh whenever he thought of Duan Xu standing dumbfounded in front of the mirror.

I have known Duan Xu for more than ten years, and this is the first time I have seen him.

Ruan Jiaojiao heard this, but she was not in any joking mood. Duan Xu woke up and nothing happened. She was already thankful to God. She didn't care about these external things.

Seeing Lu Zishu laughing and leaning forward, feeling a little distressed, he stretched out his legs to kick his calves: "Stop laughing, wait at the door!"

"Okay, okay, I'll wait." Lu Zishu was still smiling, not daring to make Ruan Jiaojiao angry, so he smiled and went to the door to wait.

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