Thinking of this, Duan Qianyang couldn't help but sigh.

I also understand that what I said before is probably useless. With such a promising and powerful son... tsk...

Duan Qianyang didn't know how to shave his head, but he was more careful and gentle. However, more than ten minutes later, when Duan Xu looked at his head that looked like it had been chewed by flesh in the mirror, his expression could no longer remain indifferent.

Lu Zishu was already laughing hahaha, and Duan Xin, who had finished his work, also laughed with him.

Amid the continuous laughter between the two of them, Duan Xu's whole body was exuding black energy.

When Ruan Jiaojiao came to the hospital again, it was already evening. She looked at the shining head under the fluorescent lamp with his back to her, standing in front of the window looking at the computer, and holding a mobile phone in his hand to make a call. I can't react a bit.

She even looked around, and for a moment she wondered if she was in the wrong ward.

It wasn't until Duan Xu turned around and said that's it to the person on the other end of the phone that she came back to her senses.

She walked in and stared at his bald head.

"Doesn't it look good?" Duan Xu reached out and touched his head. The gauze that had been tied around his head had been removed, and only a piece of gauze was attached to the wound, which looked like a patch.

In fact, his wound has healed and the gauze can be removed.

Even the doctor was amazed. He was once surprised and said that he had never seen such a speed of healing.

It was just Duan Qianyang's explanation, but he didn't make any announcement.

He didn't take off the gauze in order not to attract more attention.

But his wounds have really healed and he can move freely. He planned to stay in the hospital for two or three days in order to hide his identity from others.

"It's okay, it's okay." Ruan Jiaojiao came back to her senses and shook her head quickly. She looked much better than before, but she was just not used to it.

Looking at his shiny head, I couldn't help but ask: "Brother Xu, can I touch it?"

Duan Xu looked at her tenderly.

Ruan Jiaojiao lay on his shoulder and touched it. Duan Qianyang later invited a barber to shave him, so it was very clean.

Duan Xu's scalp is very healthy. After shaving it, it looks white, like a peeled hard-boiled egg under the fluorescent lamp.

The feel also has an indescribable taste.

Ruan Jiaojiao touched it twice and couldn't help but feel addicted. Her eyes narrowed into slits with joy.

"Brother Xu, people say that handsome guys can withstand the test of hairstyle. Hahaha, you are like this. The more you look at it, the better you look."

Ruan Jiaojiao didn't know if beauty was in the eye of her lover, but she just thought Duan Xu was good-looking no matter what.

Touching it was not enough, he laughed and leaned forward to give it a sip.

Duan Xu put his arm around her waist and let her dominate him. He really loved her to no end.

The two chatted like this for a while, and then Ruan Jiaojiao slid down. Because she saw that Duan Xu's wounds had basically healed, she was no longer worried at all, and just nestled in his arms, arching against him. Talking on a small hospital bed.

He talked about his worries and the situation these days.

The criminal who was in the same car with him was blown into several pieces by the bomb. The salvage team spent a whole day in the lake before finally collecting his body.

Although the death was tragic, it was well deserved.

It's a pity that Xiao Qi died so innocently and so young that one can't help but feel sorry for him.

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