When Ruan Jiaojiao woke up, she found that the surroundings were completely dark. Her head was banging downwards, and she felt that half of her face was numb.

She subconsciously wanted to touch her face with her hands, but when she moved her hands, she realized that her hands were tied, and they were tied behind her back. With this movement, the hemp rope on her wrists was rubbed against the tender flesh, which was painful. Hissed.

And all the memories before coma came out at this time.

Ruan Jiaojiao was shocked and hurriedly tried to get up, but not only were the backs of her hands tied, but her feet were also tied up. With her movement, instead of getting up, she seemed to have kicked someone.

The other party groaned, but said nothing.

"Is there anyone there?" Ruan Jiaojiao asked in a low voice, heading in the direction of the groaning sound.

But there was still no response. Instead, there was a small whimper. Ruan Jiaojiao thought for a while and asked again in a foreign language, but this time there was still no response.

Instead, there were whimpering sounds in twos and threes from around, as if there were quite a few people.

Ruan Jiaojiao soon realized that she had been kidnapped, and there were many others around her who had been kidnapped like her!

If you say you're not afraid, it's really a lie, but when you lie on the ground, looking at the dark surroundings, listening to the continuous whimpering around you, and your body jolts with the cold hard iron plate under you, , despite her fear, her mind was surprisingly calm.

She tried to keep her eyes open and looked around.

Maybe she was used to seeing things in the dark. She gradually saw the surrounding environment clearly. She seemed to be in a large truck box, and there were many girls around. She couldn't see exactly how many, but she guessed There should be about ten of them.

Did she also encounter a human trafficking group?

Ruan Jiaojiao took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

The car was still driving, and the crying around her didn't stop. Ruan Jiaojiao struggled to get up slowly from the ground, leaned on the cold car behind her, curled up her knees and pressed against her chest.

Not surprisingly, the cell phone she wore before was no longer there.

Ruan Jiaojiao sighed, feeling that she was so naive, how could she leave this phone to herself.

She put her head on her knees, and the hands behind her back were holding each other and rubbing each other unconsciously. She accidentally touched the ring on her right hand, which Xu proposed to her during graduation.

Thinking of Duan Xu, Ruan Jiaojiao's fast-beating heart gradually stabilized. Yes, she has brother Xu. As long as she ensures that she is still alive, she can wait until Duan Xu comes to find him!

She had never doubted Duan Xu's ability!

Thinking of this, Ruan Jiaojiao felt a lot more at ease, and began to whisper to the people around her to inquire about the news: "Can you hear me?"

Ruan Jiaojiao thought she would not get a response this time, but unexpectedly, a few seconds later, a small voice came back to her: "Yes."

There was a cry in his voice.

Ruan Jiaojiao was overjoyed. She immediately looked in the direction of the voice and asked in a low voice, "Are you Chinese?"

"Yes." The other party nodded, paused, and seemed to be crying again. His voice was a little choked: "We all are."

"Us?" Ruan Jiaojiao looked around: "Can you tell me? Where are we? Are we kidnapped? Human traffickers?"

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