The same was true for Ruan Jiaojiao. She was top-heavy and her calves became weak. Finally, she sat on the ground and couldn't get up.

As soon as she sat down, many people around her stopped moving, and the man walking at the bottom of the package gave a low voice, telling them to leave quickly.

Chang Le also rushed to pull Ruan Jiaojiao. Ruan Jiaojiao was sweating profusely. She leaned her head on the ground and said directly in a foreign language: "I can't walk anymore. Just kill me!"

The man walking in the middle yelled angrily, but seeing Ruan Jiaojiao acting so suddenly, it was impossible to really kill her, let alone hurt her.

She was the most beautiful among the group of women they captured. Even in this situation, the others were in a state of embarrassment, and she was also in a state of embarrassment, but she still couldn't stop her delicate beauty.

The man walking in the front felt that there was no movement from behind, so he turned his head and took a look, then looked around again, and finally waved his hand to let them rest on the spot.

Ruan Jiaojiao tilted her head, panting in small mouths, as if she was tired, but no matter how tired she was, she could not stop her excitement at this moment.

She deliberately chose a place where the weeds were relatively high and sat down. Regardless of the weeds making her whole body itchy, she kept waving her little hands tied behind her back.

The long insect hiding in the dark was dormant, looking at her flexibly moving little hands, and for a moment he didn't quite understand what it meant.

After thinking for a while, it stuffed its big tail.

"..." She wanted to be untied, but was stuffed with a pointed-tailed Ruan Jiaojiao.

The long insect didn't dare to hiss and spit out snake bites, for fear of being noticed by others, especially when the things in the hands of the previous men had rubbed against its skin, scratching its most proud skin, which was burning. It hurt a lot, and it didn't feel better until it went to find some herbs and rubbed it on it.

"..." Ruan Jiaojiao.

I still feel that I am too whimsical. This long insect is not a novice. It is impossible to communicate with her without understanding the language.

"Haw?" Just when Ruan Jiaojiao was dejected, a familiar cry suddenly came from above her head.

Others also felt an abnormal whistling sound coming from above their heads. They all raised their heads in surprise, and then saw a group of monkeys coming from nowhere on the big tree above them.

The monkeys hid among the tree trunks and peered out.

A few years ago, he tentatively jumped over to Ruan Jiaojiao, but before he could get close, he was startled by the man's loud shout and returned to the tree trunks.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!" After the monkey went back, he felt a little angry and threw something in his hand towards the yelling man.

The monkey's aim was very accurate, and he was hit on the top of the head just in time. He hissed in pain, raised the gun in his hand and wanted to fire, but was stopped by another man beside him.

The man looked at him with warning eyes and shook his head.

In this wilderness, they had already encountered enough evil things on their way here. If the sound of gunshots disturbed other animals in the forest, they would still be in big trouble no matter how many guns they had.

He couldn't shoot for revenge. The man pointed at the monkey and cursed angrily, but the monkey was not afraid at all and even twisted his big red butt towards him.

"Puch." The other man couldn't hold back and laughed.

"Mike, maybe you are favored by God today." The man said after he finished laughing.

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