Ruan Jiaojiao had once seen "One Night of Gray Hair" in books or TV series.

But she always felt that this was an exaggeration, just a dramatic expression that could not exist in reality. But now Ruan Jianguo in front of her with half white and half black hair, let her know, This is what really exists.

"Honey, my dear." Seeing the two most important women in his life, Ruan Jianguo ran over as soon as he got out of the car and held them in his arms.

"You..." Shu Jie took a while to find her voice.

She looked at Ruan Jianguo's white hair with complicated eyes, her heart felt as if she was being roasted on a fire, and her face turned pale in pain.

"You guys are telling me this, it's okay. I just had a few white hairs. I was going to the barber shop to dye them, but I wanted to see you first, so I didn't go. It's okay. I'll dye them when I get back." Ruan Jianguo said nonchalantly. , and even stretched out his hand to pull his hair.

He smiled as if this was no big deal, but they didn't know how much pain Ruan Jiaojiao and Shu Jie felt.

Shu Jie, in particular, felt the pain of almost losing her daughter for the first time in Ruan Jianguo.

She lowered her eyes, broke away from Ruan Jianguo's arms, and said, "Go in first. If you have eaten yet, I will get you something to eat."

"I ate it on the plane, but it wasn't delicious. Wife, just give me a bowl of noodles. Don't bother me too much." Ruan Jianguo said with a smile, and then looked at Ruan Jiaojiao who was looking at him with tears in her eyes. , his eyes were filled with distress: "My dear, I've lost weight."

Ruan Jiaojiao blinked her red eyes and looked at his head of black and white hair, unable to say anything at all.

The others were also in an indescribably heavy mood, even Duan Xu's face was extremely serious.

When Ruan Jiaojiao was kidnapped, they who had passports rushed over immediately. Although they were worried for a few days, they soon got the news about Ruan Jiaojiao. Knowing that she was with Ruan Jie, they were not so worried. .

But the family didn't know, because this matter involved Ruan Jie, and the nature of Ruan Jie's work was so special that all information transmission was unsafe unless it was oral or face-to-face.

So at the beginning, they just told the family that Ruan Jiaojiao was safe and told the family not to worry, and didn't say much else.

They said it was simple, but they didn't know how much the people at home were suffering, especially Ruan Jianguo.

My heart is roasted back and forth on the fire every day. In just one month, most of my black hair will turn gray. If it lasts for a few more days, my hair will probably turn gray.

Ruan Jiaojiao felt so uncomfortable that she didn't want to say anything, so she stayed next to Ruan Jianguo and hugged his arm.

Shu Jie served him a bowl of noodles, and while he was eating, she still held on to the hem of his clothes tightly.

Ruan Jianguo couldn't help but his eyes warmed up, and he said: "My dear, I haven't been so clingy to my dad for a long time. I miss you so much." He said with a silly smile: "Half of my hair is not white yet. It seems that I can use it again in the future. use."

"Dad..." Ruan Hao shouted in disapproval.

Everyone knew that he was trying to comfort them, but he didn't know that these words would hurt Ruan Jiaojiao and Shu Jie's hearts.

Shu Jie put the bowl down, turned around and returned to the room.

The moment I closed the door, tears fell.

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