Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 961 Only I can hold on (8)

Winter mornings are very cold, and the sun rises relatively late. In order to allow students to have a better rest, the morning reading class was delayed for more than 20 minutes. Ruan Jiaojiao and Xu Xu left home at 7:50.

Her hands haven't healed yet. She used to be able to carry some light things, but now she can't carry anything. Xu Xu is the one holding it.

Walking out of the street in front of their home, maybe it was too cold in winter. Except for the breakfast shop, everything else was basically closed. Ruan Jiaojiao and Xu Xu walked on the deserted street. Ruan Jiaojiao smiled and talked to Xu Xu. Xu was talking about what happened in the past few days. At this time, a black car drove up in front of them and a motorcycle drove up behind them.

The two of them didn't pay much attention at first, but the car in front of them suddenly stopped fifty meters away from them, and three men got out, menacingly, obviously coming towards them.

Ruan Jiaojiao was startled, and Xu Xu, who was walking next to her, also sensed the danger and immediately hugged her behind him.

Xu Xu's face was cold. Before he could do anything, the motorcycle behind him drifted and stopped in front of them, inserting himself between the three people who got off the car and Ruan Jiaojiao and the others.

But it was Nie Xiaowu and Duan Shaowei. They may not have realized that the three people were heading towards Ruan Jiaojiao and the others. As soon as the car stopped, Nie Xiaowu and Duan Shaowei took off their helmets at the same time.

Maybe it was because the weather was too cold, so Nie Xiaowu only wore a thin leather jacket to look cool. He shivered when he took off his helmet, and turned to Ruan Jiaojiao and Xu Xu with a smile to please: "Little baby I'm on my way to class. If you can stop and chat for a while, uncle, I'll treat you to Yangchun noodles."

There was a noodle shop next to where they parked, but there was no business going on so early in the morning. The boss was dozing inside. Maybe there was a bit of noise here, so he stretched his neck out from behind the two large coal stoves. look.

Then he saw Ruan Jiaojiao and the others. Just when he was about to say hello, the three men in black who got off the car over there came over aggressively. They walked around the motorcycle and reached out to grab Ruan Jiaojiao. Ruan Jiaojiao pulled him. Xu Xu turned around and ran away. Seeing that something was wrong, the owner of the noodle shop next to him immediately ran out from behind the coal stove and shouted to Ruan Jiaojiao: "Come on, little girl, come to uncle!"

Ruan Jiaojiao pulled Xu Xu and trotted all the way into the noodle shop.

"What are you doing?" Nie Xiaowu looked at the three people walking behind him in confusion.

But the three of them did not take him and Duan Shaowei seriously at all, and their target was obviously Ruan Jiaojiao. When they saw Ruan Jiaojiao running into the noodle shop, they followed him and wanted to arrest them.

Isn't this too disrespectful to them?

Nie Xiaowu felt very humiliated, and angrily got out of the car, stopped in front of the three of them, raised his head and shouted: "Hey, buddy, what are you doing? No matter what, we have to do it on a first-come, first-served basis!"

Nie Xiaowu was not tall enough, but he still had enough momentum. He stood in front of three mighty men and shouted with his head raised.

But the three big men were obviously not afraid of him. They glanced at him and didn't want to tangle with him. They were even more afraid of attracting more people's attention and making things difficult for them. The leader of the group shouted coldly: "Get out of the way!"

"Why are you getting out of the way? We were here first!" Nie Xiaowu continued to shout, mainly because he wanted to save face. If he gives in when others ask him to, then how can he still mess around in the future when he becomes the leader of Changling! He is the dominant player in the three districts of Changling!

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