"It's the girl I like." Ruan Jiaojiao said, and she gave him the meat that Shu Jie had just picked up for her.

Ruan Jie had a big appetite and ate the meat she brought. He said nonchalantly, "No, I don't have time."

"..." Ruan Jiaojiao.

Come on, her brother must be really not enlightened at all. In his eyes, there is probably no such thing as a girl, except her.

She saw Xu Xu who was also eating instant noodles next to her and asked gossipingly: "Brother Xu, what do you like?"

Xu Xu raised his head and glanced at her. Just when he was about to answer, Shu Jie put some cabbage into Ruan Jiaojiao's bowl and coaxed her, "Eat quickly. The next stop is coming soon. Go down and get some fresh air."

As soon as she heard that she could escape from this closed space, Ruan Jiaojiao immediately forgot about her problems and started eating seriously.

Xu Xu held his chopsticks and glanced at Shu Jie. Shu Jie smiled at him, and Xu Xu silently withdrew his gaze.

After the family finished eating, Ruan Jiaojiao played games with Ruan Jie for a while, and then arrived at the next stop. Because the stop took a long time, except for Ruan Jie and Ruan Jianguo, Ruan Jiaojiao and the others went down for a while. gas.

The drive from Changling to Beidu takes more than thirty-six hours. According to the budget, they should arrive at six or seven o'clock the next morning, but for some reasons, it was already past eight o'clock when they arrived in Beidu.

There were not many people in the carriage anymore, most of them got off midway.

When they arrived at Beidu Station, Ruan Jiaojiao hadn't woken up yet.

Normally, the Ruan family would be reluctant to wake her up, but today there was too much luggage and carrying her would be a heavy burden, so they could only wake her up when they were almost there.

Ruan Jiaojiao got out of bed in a daze. Ruan Lin handed her the warm towel that had been washed long ago. Ruan Jiaojiao wiped it carefully, and Shu Jie took it out from the luggage next to her. A red woolen cloak was put on for her, and he said: "The weather in Beidu is a little colder than where we are. This hat and scarf will have to be put on later. They can't be taken off. Do you understand?"

Then he handed a hat and a scarf to Ruan Jiaojiao.

Next to him, Ruan Jianguo was already moving luggage down from the luggage rack. As he moved it, he said: "Mom, Xiaojie, we will arrive at the station later. You can go down first with Jiaojiao. Xiaoxu, follow and watch. Click, do you understand?"

Xu Xu nodded, lowering his head and putting on the fluffy rabbit fur gloves for Ruan Jiaojiao.

The weather in Beidu is indeed much colder than that of my hometown, at least seven or eight degrees below zero. However, no matter how low the temperature is in my hometown, there are still very few days below zero.

Ruan Jiaojiao has poor health, and the Ruan family is worried that she will not be able to adapt to such a climate for a while.

Other passengers who got off at the terminal station also moved their luggage down at this time and looked eagerly outside, waiting for the train to enter the station.

Ruan Jiaojiao rubbed her cold little face with her fluffy rabbit gloves. When she heard someone in the carriage excitedly shouting that it was time, she hurried to the other side to take a look.

After all, it is the capital. Compared with Changling, Beidu Station is much larger and more impressive.

"Jiaojiao, don't get too close." Ruan Lin followed her and looked outside. She felt the cold wind blowing on her face and immediately ordered her.

Ruan Jiaojiao nodded obediently. When the train entered the station, Ruan Jiaojiao saw many people standing on the platform. Some people were holding signs with famous names written on them. People in the train would be excited when they saw it. of waving.

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