Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 998 This is really fate (2)

After pointing at them one by one, Mr. Shu started howling again, saying that he didn't want to see him and wouldn't come to see him all year round, leaving him alone here...

At first, they were still dumbfounded, but after Mr. Shu howled, everyone felt uncomfortable again.

Mr. Shu is usually a strong man and would never say this in front of them.

Every time Ruan Jiaojiao called him, he always smiled and never mentioned anything about asking them to visit him.

This was the first time. The Ruan family felt uncomfortable hearing this, especially Shu Jie, who had already burst into tears. Shu Lang was busy with research and could not attend to going home. It has been two years since he went home to celebrate the New Year. Shu Wei accompanied me.

And Shu Jie... She was worried that Ruan Jiaojiao had never come back. Thinking about it now, it really hurts her heart.

"Grandpa, Jiaojiao swears that Jiaojiao will come to see you during the winter and summer vacations." If it was just a perfunctory promise before to make the old man happy, then Ruan Jiaojiao is sincere now. .

She had always thought that people like Mr. Shu would be strong in life and be as hard on the inside as on the outside.

But I didn't expect it at all. It turned out that the old man had been secretly looking forward to their return, but he just didn't say it. If he hadn't been drunk this time, they probably wouldn't have known about it in their lifetime.

Mr. Shu was so drunk that he didn't know whether he heard this or not. He started to hum and had a headache. Shu Jie quickly wiped his eyes randomly and asked Ruan Jianguo to help him walk out while Ruan Jie supported him on the other side.

With the cooperation of father and son, it is more than enough to support an old man.

Ruan Lin and Shu Jie were standing next to them, helping out from time to time. Ruan Jiaojiao, Xu Xu and Ruan Hao walked behind. They kept Ruan Jiaojiao in the middle from the beginning to the end. Shu Jie glanced back. , seeing that her daughter was being cared for, she felt relieved to take care of Mr. Shu.

After walking out of the door, the waiter standing guard outside asked for help, but Shu Jie declined. The group of people walked to the lobby. When they were about to leave the door, they met head-on with another group of people who had just entered.

Four or five people came in chatting and laughing. The Ruan family's attention was all on Mr. Shu, and they didn't pay attention to the people opposite. However, the people opposite recognized them at a glance and shouted in surprise: "Brother Ruan." , sister-in-law, aunt!"

The Ruan family looked over at the sound, and Ruan Jianguo also looked surprised: "Jiang Bin?"

Standing opposite them was Jiang Bin, whom he hadn't seen for half a year.

Jiang Bin was very surprised to see the Ruan family. He immediately told a few people who were traveling with him to let them go in first. Then he came up to Ruan Jiaojiao and rubbed Ruan Jiaojiao's little head: "Jiaojiao, don't you recognize your uncle?"

"Uncle Jiang." Ruan Jiao called out, thinking that there are so many places in life where we don't meet each other. It was fate that we could meet Jiang Bin in this huge Beidu.

"Hey, Jiaojiao has grown a lot." Jiang Bin smiled and hesitated when he saw Mr. Shu whom they were supporting: "This is..."

"My dad drank some wine and was drunk." Shu Jie explained, with a bit of urgency on her eyebrows.

Jiang Bin immediately understood: "That's it, then send it back quickly, I won't delay you, go quickly." After saying that, he stepped forward to snatch the greeter's job, opened the hotel door, and said He said: "My uncle is old. Drinking so much alcohol must be bad for his health. When my sister-in-law comes home, remember to ask a doctor for uncle. Don't be careless."

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