Become A Comprehensive Expert From My Dad

Chapter 315 The world is shocked

Nie Xiaoyu is a fan of Xiao Zi.

An eighteen-year-old girl.

Since Xiao Zi broke the news about Ye Yu on the Internet, she was the one who encouraged everyone to go to Ye Yu.

As a result, Ye Yu's photo was exploded on the Internet.

It can be said that Ye Yu has contributed greatly to what was exposed on the Internet.

It's just that now, the Internet exposure incident is not only Ye Yu, but has risen to the entire scientific community.

The state took action and severely rectified the entertainment industry.

Immediately, Nie Xiaoyu was strongly dissatisfied.

In the past, by browsing Weibo and Douyin at will, she could easily read news about her idol.

But now, all he sees are those farmers, teachers, doctors and other news.

"Who wants to see these, what do you recommend?"

"How can the country rectify the entertainment industry because of a scientist with bad character?"

"Why? Is there any justice?"

"Who did the stars of the entertainment industry offend?"

"Even if Xiao Zi is really at fault, just deal with Xiao Zi."

"What's more, Xiao Zi is absolutely right."

"The fault is that unscrupulous scientist!"

"Can he be above justice and justice by developing gastric cancer pills?"

"What's more, it is two different things whether he developed gastric cancer pills or not."

"Maybe, the stomach cancer pill was developed by the team, he is just a title..."

"Ha ha……"

Nie Xiaoyu immediately posted a post on his Weibo, complaining about his dissatisfaction.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Nie Xiaoyu opened the door, and several policemen came into view, and suddenly looked confused: "You..."

"You are suspected of endangering national security, please come with us!"

Several police officers directly issued arrest papers and looked at Nie Xiaoyu with serious faces.


Nie Xiaoyu opened her mouth wide, completely dumbfounded.

crimes against national security?

what did I do?

How did it become a crime against national security?

I'm just the unscrupulous scientist who organized everyone to make meat, and posted some denunciations on the Internet.

How can you be accused of endangering national security?

However, the police comrades did not explain much to her at all.

He was handcuffed directly and escorted into a police car,

At this moment, Nie Xiaoyu finally felt scared...

Unfortunately it was too late.

At the same time, similar things are happening all over the country.

All over the country, many people who have participated in discrediting scientists have been invited to tea.

Some were just educated, and if the circumstances were serious, they were directly detained.

On this day, at least more than 100,000 people across the country were arrested for this incident.

For a time, the whole country shook!

At this time, everyone finally realized a problem.

Country, take it seriously this time!

The country is determined to rectify the entertainment industry.

Even more serious than the blockade of Hallyu culture back then.

At this moment, no one dared to make any slanderous voices on the Internet.

Everyone complied.

And those stars are even more heartbroken.

They are thoroughly seeing the determination of the country.

I also understand a truth. In the future, the entertainment industry will not be such a good place to make money anymore...

Many celebrities' works have been banned directly.

Countless stars are resentful, and all these evil consequences are caused by Xiao Zi!

In an instant, Xiao Zi became the object of rejection by everyone in the circle.

Many old friends even found Xiao Zi directly...

"Xiao Zi, you harmed our entire entertainment industry, is your conscience okay?"

"You are just a beast. My movie was just about to be released, and you caused my movie to be re-examined. Are you worthy of it?"

"Can you also move scientists? Why don't you die?"

"You have killed me to this point, I will kill you black sheep!"

Everyone was outraged, and they even attacked Xiao Zi directly.

In fact, Xiao Zi already regretted it.

Although she was announced to be banned by the company, she knew that with her popularity, other companies would soon be willing to pay her liquidated damages and re-enable herself.

In other words, there is still hope for a comeback.

But now, Xiao Zi's heart is completely cold.

Because the entertainment industry is no longer the same as it used to be.

What's more, about the matter between him and Ye Yu, he reversed right and wrong and slandered Ye Yu.

It was okay before, and I had my own fans to support me.

But now, the state has arrested a lot of people.

I dare not have anyone speak for myself anymore.

In this case, the truth will not be able to hide, and will soon surface...

Sure enough, someone quickly spoke up on the Internet.

"I'm the owner of a mother and baby shop. At the beginning, Xiao Zi and the scientist bought baby clothes in my shop."

"Ye Yu, who was chosen by the scientist, was taken in by Xiao Zi."

"So Xiao Zi asked him to give it to him."

"But the scientist refused."

"Later, Xiao Zi reversed right and wrong on the Internet..."

"I have surveillance as evidence, so everyone can identify for themselves."

At the moment, the owner of the mother and baby store posted the surveillance video together.

In an instant, the comments were one-sided.

"Damn it, so that's the way it is, how can Xiao Zi say that someone else came to talk to her?"

"This is too cheap, this slut is really enough green tea!"

"Thanks to me for supporting you before, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"We're wrong about this scientist..."

The evidence and witnesses were all in front of them, and everyone immediately understood the reason for the matter.

For a time, the whole network boycotted Xiao Zi.

Xiao Zi was about to be sprayed with depression, and even her parents dared not say that this was her daughter.

But what made her even more uncomfortable was that the state official daily directly criticized her by name, and Aite also called the national police.

Xiao Zi panicked and started running all night.

But in the end, when he was about to get on the plane, he was caught by the police.


At the moment when the handcuffs were put on, Xiao Zi burst into tears, with extreme remorse.

The Internet exposure event came to an end.

Countless people apologized to Ye Yu.

Soon, the official national daily published another video.

In the video, the host said: "The entertainment industry is just rectifying, it does not mean blocking, as long as it is positive and positive, we still strongly respect it."

"The other thing is, tell everyone good news."

"Some people in my country have developed cancer treatment technology."

"And this technology does not come from the national team, but from the individual!"

"This person is the developer of gastric cancer pills, Mr. Ye Yu!"

"Mr. Ye Yu is young and promising. He does not rely on the state or any equipment from the state."

"In just three days, a cancer treatment technology was developed!"

"At present, this technology has been tested and the effect is very significant."

"We will push it into clinical use as soon as possible..."

As soon as the news came out, the whole country was shocked!

Then, the world was shocked! ! !

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