Become A Comprehensive Expert From My Dad

Chapter 378 Who is the developer of the Peace Ship

Hearing this, Lin Jianyan was stunned.

"What... what? What did he say???"

Lin Jianyan looked at Ye Yu and wondered if she had heard it wrong.

Ye Yu smiled lightly, but did not respond.

So Lin Jianyan replayed it.

This time, she listened attentively and clearly heard what Fu Zhisheng said.

What he said was to send a Peace Ship to Ye Yu.

Moreover, it was very clear to the reporter that it was Ye Yu, the developer of the ninth-generation fighter.

this moment.

The reporters who interviewed Fu Zhisheng were stunned.

And Lin Jianyan in front of the TV was equally stunned.

When I heard Fu Zhisheng say that he would send a peace ship out.

She subconsciously thought that she was going to give it to a certain country.

But he never imagined that Fu Zhisheng wanted to give the Peace Ship to a person.

Moreover, it was still given to Ye Yu.

That's a peace ship! ! !

Was it sent out so easily?

However, since it is for my husband, that would be great.

And at this time, the reporter inside the TV had come to his senses.

"Mr. Fu, the Peace Ship is so valuable, why did you give it to Mr. Ye Yu?"

The reporter felt that this news was extremely valuable, so he hurriedly asked questions.

"Because Mr. Ye Yu is the pillar of the country!"

"Once the cancer treatment technology he developed is implemented, it will benefit the world."

"And it also gave us the research and development technology of the ninth-generation stealth fighter!"

"Why not send him a peace ship for such a pillar of the country?"

Fu Zhisheng said righteously, of course, it was all lies.

The technology of the ninth generation stealth fighter was not gifted by Ye Yu.

but from the desolation.

However, in order to make it more reasonable to send Ye Yu the peace ship, this excuse was made.

Is it difficult to tell everyone that the reason why Ye Yu was sent to the peace ship was because of the agreement with Ye Yu?

The country doesn't look like that.

And it also damages Ye Yu's image.

It will make everyone think that Ye Yu is not selfless enough, and he wants to cut the country's wool.

Such a positive character must not have a stain on him!

When the reporter heard it, he just said he understood.

Later, the reporter asked: "Mr. Fu, who developed the Peace Ship?"

Facing the reporter's question, Fu Zhisheng hesitated.

Should I say it?

At this moment, the mobile phone in Fu Zhisheng's pocket suddenly vibrated, and he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and glanced at the number on it.

"Sorry, there is a very important call to answer. This conference ends here."

After Fu Zhisheng finished speaking, he turned and left.

Many reporters were left looking at each other in dismay.

Unexpectedly, until the end, I still failed to get news from the developers of the peace ship.

All kinds of speculation broke out on the Internet.

Ye Yu's fans naturally think that the developer of the Peace Ship is Ye Yu.

"It must be Ye Yu who is right, and only Ye Yu can develop such a cross-generational thing!"

Opponents scoffed.

"Do you really think of Ye Yu as a god? If he can develop a ninth-generation fighter plane, he has already reached the top."

"I'm afraid he has devoted his entire life to the ninth-generation fighter jets. How can he have time to study peace ships?"

"Why can't you study the Peace Ship after the ninth generation fighter has been researched?"

"If the peace ship was not studied by Ye Yu, then why did the country send a peace ship to Ye Yu?"

"You really haven't graduated from elementary school, and your reading comprehension is not enough. Didn't Director Fu Zhisheng say it? This is to commend Ye Yu."

There are other guesses on the web.

But no matter what the speculation is, it can't affect Ye Yu's life.

Just because Ye Yu didn't care about it.

Soon, the Peace Ship was registered under Ye Yu's name.

But Ye Yu didn't put the peace ship on display, and directly handed it over to the Shanshui Group, and asked Lin Jianyan to use the peace ship to complete her maritime hotel business.

Lin Jianyan was very happy. Originally, she was worried that her sea hotel business would only come to an end, but she unexpectedly fell asleep and encountered a pillow.

"Husband, you are really amazing!"

"It's nothing, as long as your wife is happy."

Ye Yu fondly rubbed Lin Jianyan's head.

For Ye Yu, a huge aircraft carrier like the Peace Ship can't be eaten or played, and it's useless except to look at it.

It's better to give it to your wife to develop your career, making her happy is the most important thing.

The news that Shanshui Group used the Peace Ship to develop the hotel business at sea immediately detonated the entire network.

Even Ye Yu's die-hard fans feel a little pity.

"It's such a waste. Such a weapon of the country is actually used as a hotel."

"A good-looking aircraft carrier has become a waste of money."

"Ye Yu really has deep pockets and doesn't care about aircraft carriers at all."

"If it was given to me, I wouldn't take it seriously."

"Just dream, why give it to you? Do you have achievements like Ye Yu? Just daydreaming here."

Various public opinions on the Internet have not been able to influence the decision of Shanshui Group.

Various preparations were completed quickly, and Shanshui Group also chose a very good day to announce the opening of the Sea Hotel.

On the opening day, bigwigs from all over the world came to congratulate.

All countries in the world now understand that Ye Yu is now a baby bump, not only has the research and development technology of the ninth generation fighter aircraft, but also has mastered a super aircraft carrier and peace ship.

Even with Ye Yu's personal strength, he can easily destroy some small countries.

Befriending Ye Yu will definitely not suffer.

On the opening day of the Shanshui Group Maritime Hotel, the leaders of all parties gathered in the Peace Ship. In addition to befriending Ye Yu, they also wanted to inspect the Peace Ship at close range as soon as possible.

In this way, ordinary people can only appreciate the peace ship from a distance on the shore.

Those who can board the peace ship to participate in the opening ceremony are not the controllers of one consortium, or the messengers of other countries. .

Ordinary dignitaries can only be familiar with peace ships.

As the vice president of Shanshui Group, Lin Jianyan came to the scene to cut the ribbon.

Ye Yu, on the other hand, stayed at home to take care of the children.

After all, Ye Yu really didn't like such lively occasions.

After Lin Jianyan finished cutting the ribbon, it was Fu Zhisheng's turn to speak on behalf of the scientific research department.

After Fu Zhisheng finished speaking, he was about to come down, but was stopped by the reporter below.

"Director Fu, can you tell us now, who is the developer of the Peace Ship?"

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