Become A Comprehensive Expert From My Dad

Chapter 427 Walking in the Sky, Shocking the World!


The young couple's eyes widened.

The boy subconsciously exploded.

The girl took a step back in fright, and murmured in surprise: "What is that in the sky? An alien?"

In short, at this moment, all the people around were stunned by the figure in the sky.

"How did he do it? How could he walk in the sky?"

"Sure enough, our country is not under the control of Newton, but under the control of Newton's brother Niubi."

"I don't care if you're awesome. Could it be aliens visiting the earth?"

"Can you see what that person looks like?"

"So far away, who can see clearly? Our eyes are not microscopes."

"Walking in the sky is like a fairy."

On the ground, countless people are talking about it.

Some people went to the small room to hide in fear.

But more people took out their mobile phones and took pictures of the scene in the sky.

Then uploaded to the Internet.

And at the same time.

At Ye Hongyuan's house.

Lin Jianyan drew back the curtains, and then opened the window, ready to breathe.

But inadvertently glanced at the sky, and suddenly saw a figure walking above the sky.

The distance was too far, Lin Jianyan could only see a rough outline.

Can't see what that person looks like.

"This... this... is this an alien?"

"Or the immortal who once swept the world?"

Lin Jianyan murmured, with an incomparably shocked face.

Then, she quickly took out her mobile phone, ready to turn on the camera to take pictures.

Immediately, he felt something was wrong, and then quickly dialed Ye Yu's phone number.

"Honey, where are you? Look at the sky, look at the sky!"

As soon as Ye Yu answered the phone, Lin Jianyan couldn't wait to speak.

"What happened in the sky?"

Ye Yu in the sky suddenly stopped and asked indifferently.

"There is a person walking in the sky. Just as I called you, that person stopped leaving. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

Lin Jianyan said in surprise.

"It's a coincidence."

Ye Yu's faint laughter came from the phone.

"Honey, I won't tell you anymore, come back soon."

Lin Jianyan hung up the phone, then turned on the camera to take pictures of the person in the sky.

at the same time.

Ye Hongyuan, who was working in the company, suddenly received a call from his wife Yang Qingcheng.

Hearing Yang Qingcheng's remarks.

Ye Hongyuan immediately walked out of the company, looked up to the sky, and immediately widened his eyes.

"Then... what is that?"


On the other side, Ye Wudao was also shocked by the scene in the sky, and quickly called to tell his father Ye Hongzhi about it.

Ye Hongzhi responded: "I have seen that person in the sky, and I will report this matter to the old man immediately."

After finishing the sentence, Ye Hongzhi stopped talking nonsense and immediately dialed the old man's number.

"Father, there are people in the sky!"

Ye Hongzhi didn't talk nonsense at all, and went straight to the point.

"I've already seen it!"

The old man's tone was extremely excited: "Hongzhi, that's a fairy, that must be a fairy, the fairy has appeared again!"


Ye Hongzhi was taken aback suddenly.

At first he thought it might be aliens.

But after the old man reminded him, he suddenly woke up.

That person in the sky is very likely to be an immortal who was once popular all over the world, beating old Americans and island countries.

I never thought that after being silent for so long, the immortal would appear again

It's just that the former immortal seemed to be in a sitting posture.

Today's immortals actually changed their normal routine and walked in the sky.

Is this the life realm of a fairy?

Immortals are really amazing.

Just as they were thinking, they suddenly saw that the "immortal" in the sky turned sharply and landed towards the ground.

too fast.

They couldn't see it at all.

"The Immortal has descended to the mortal world!"

The old man couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and almost knelt down to worship.

"Immortals have really come down to the mortal world!"

Ye Hongzhi's tone was also extremely excited.

He suddenly remembered that the old man once said that whoever can make friends with immortals can take charge of the Ye family.

Will I have the honor to make friends with immortals?

"No, the immortal seems to have landed in the area of ​​Hongyuan's house!"

The old man suddenly discovered a key point, and immediately exclaimed: "Quick, go to Hongyuan's house immediately!"

After finishing speaking, the old man hung up the phone and hurried out.

Ye Hongzhi woke up suddenly after hearing the old man's words.

Although he couldn't see clearly what the fairy looked like when he landed.

However, it is possible to roughly determine the area where the immortal landed.

It was the area of ​​his brother Ye Hongyuan's house.

"Isn't it possible that Immortal and Ye Hongyuan know each other and are going to Ye Hongyuan's house?"

Thinking of this, Ye Hongzhi was immediately dumbfounded.

If the younger brother Ye Hongyuan really has friendship with the immortal, wouldn't the position of Patriarch belong to him?

With the support of the immortal, how can I compete with him?

Even the old man had to kneel down and worship the immortal.

"Impossible, the immortal's landing should be just a coincidence."

"How could Ye Hongyuan know an immortal?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Ye Hongzhi shook his head, denying the speculation in his heart.

Then, he called Ye Wudao and told him to rush to Ye Hongyuan's house immediately.

And Ye Hongzhi didn't delay, and rushed to Ye Hongyuan's house as quickly as possible.

Wanted to go and see what was going on.

At the same time, Ye Hongyuan also discovered the area where the immortal landed.

It seems to be the area of ​​my own home.

Ye Hongyuan was shocked, and quickly picked up Yang Qingcheng, and rushed home together.

In addition, there are countless people who have witnessed the area where the immortal landed.

Everyone was shocked.

And at Ye Hongyuan's house.

Just as Lin Jianyan hung up Ye Yu's phone, he saw the figure in the sky turn sharply down and land towards the ground at the speed of a rocket squad.

The speed was so fast that she could only capture an afterimage.

But what surprised her was, why did that figure land here?

Lin Jianyan turned pale with shock, subconsciously closed the window, and hurriedly went to protect the children.

But the next moment...


As if a meteorite had landed, there was a loud noise, and the ground trembled slightly.

"Did that figure land near here?"

Lin Jianyan became more and more afraid, afraid that that person was a bad person and would come to hurt the child.

At this moment, Lin Jianyan felt extremely insecure.

She thought of Ye Yu first, and called Ye Yu again.

"Quickly answer the phone, quick answer the phone."

Lin Jianyan was extremely anxious.

At this time, Ye Yu just fell from the sky and landed on a deserted ground.

He took two steps forward, then looked back, and saw two deep footprints carved on the ground.

"It didn't land well, and the operation made a mistake."

Ye Yu sighed.

I was in a hurry to land just now, but I didn't grasp the speed and strength of the landing.

Only then did two deep footprints appear on the ground.

Just then, the phone rang.

Seeing that it was Lin Jianyan calling, Ye Yu quickly connected it.

"Honey, where are you? Are you back? Come back soon."

Lin Jianyan spoke eagerly.

It seemed that as long as Ye Yu was by his side, it would bring her and the child an infinite sense of security.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Yu was worried, and hurried home.

But within a few steps, a group of people surrounded him.

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