Become A Comprehensive Expert From My Dad

Chapter 438 Dispute over a pair of shoes

Hearing that the old man inquired about the whereabouts of his old shoes, Ye Yu was even more confused.

Under normal circumstances, who would be curious about someone else's old shoes?

This old man is really a strange thing.

But at this time, Ye Yu discovered that, except for the old man.

Ye Hongyuan, Ye Hongzhi, and Ye Wudao also seemed to be extremely curious about the whereabouts of their old shoes.

At that moment, Ye Yu said, "Those old shoes have already been thrown away."


Hearing this, Ye Hongyuan's complexion suddenly changed.

The old man hurriedly asked, "Where did you throw it?"

Ye Yu said: "Throw it in the trash can in front of the store where I sell shoes tonight, that store is..."

At that moment, Ye Yu revealed the specific location of the shoe store.

"Father, I'll send someone to pick up the shoes right away!"

Ye Hongzhi made his statement immediately, and he even took out his mobile phone to notify his subordinates.

The old man stared: "Nonsense, how can you let someone else do such a serious matter? I will go in person!"

After finishing speaking, the old man turned around and strode away.

Ye Hongzhi, Ye Wudao and his son looked at each other, and hurriedly followed.

Ye Hongyuan stayed for a moment, then also followed.

"Husband, what's the matter with the four of them, why are you so curious about your old shoes?"

Lin Jianyan came to Ye Yu's side with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Never mind them."

Ye Yu shook his head indifferently, and didn't bother so much.


Tongji shoe store.

It's a civilian shoe store.

The shoes here are very cheap, ranging from tens to hundreds of yuan.

At this time, the boss saw that it was getting late and was about to close the door.

Suddenly, the sound of a brake rang beside my ear.

The boss looked up and saw a luxury car suddenly stopped at the door.

The luxurious and imposing model immediately stunned the boss' eyes.

"This seems to be an XXX car that sells for more than ten million yuan!"

The boss never thought that such a luxurious car would be parked in front of his small shoe store.

Do you want to come here to buy shoes?

How is this possible?

The person who can drive this kind of car must be a rich man, and the shoes and clothes he wear are basically tailor-made.

How could it be possible to buy shoes in a small shoe store like myself?

That's not worthy of their status at all.

If you're not here to buy shoes, why do you park your car in front of your store?

Is it just stop and go?

But there are so many vacancies next to it, why do you have to park in front of your own store?

Just when the boss was puzzled, the car door opened.

The old man, Ye Hongyuan, Ye Hongzhi, and Ye Wudao got out of the car.

The boss immediately felt a strong sense of oppression from them.

But at this time, the boss saw the four of them walking towards the shoe store.

"Are they really here to buy shoes?"

The boss was stunned.

But in the end, the boss found that they hadn't entered the shop.

Instead, he walked to the trash can by the door.

The old man who was the leader reached out and picked up a pair of worn-out shoes in the trash can.

"This...what's the situation???"

The boss was completely dumbfounded.

Such a big man actually picked up broken shoes in the trash can?

how can that be?

Although there are usually beggars picking up shoes in the trash can...

But he is a beggar after all.

How can a big shot like you pick up shoes in the trash can?

Simply unheard of.

"Father, are these shoes?"

Ye Hongyuan asked aloud, because this pair of shoes is not the only one in the trash can.

"I don't know if it's these shoes, let's take all the shoes in the trash can home."

The old man said so.

"it is good."

Ye Hongyuan nodded in agreement.

After finishing the words, he picked up all the remaining pairs of shoes in the trash can.

"You guys are..."

Seeing their strange behavior, the store owner couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart anymore, and stepped forward to ask questions.

"Hi, are you the owner of this store?"

The old man asked politely to the shop owner.

"Yes, I am."

Seeing the other party's amicable face, the shop owner's nervous mood eased down.

Then, he asked puzzledly, "Why are you picking up broken shoes in the trash can?"

The old man didn't answer this question, but asked: "Is there a young man in his early twenties coming to buy shoes from you tonight?"

The boss thought for a while and replied: "There are several young people, but I don't know which one you are talking about."

Ye Hongyuan took out his mobile phone, found a photo of Ye Yu, and asked, "This young man, did you buy shoes from you tonight?"

The boss took a closer look, and at the next moment, he answered confidently: "Yes!" Hearing this, Ye Hongyuan nodded, and whispered to the old man: "Father, it seems that Yu'er just threw the broken shoes in this trash can. There must be a pair of shoes that belong to Yu’er.”

The old man nodded slightly, and he also had the same opinion.

Afterwards, the old man said to the boss: "We want to take these pairs of shoes away, can it be convenient?"

While speaking, the old man took out a stack of banknotes from his body and handed them over.

When the boss saw him handing over the money, he waved his hand repeatedly and refused, and said at the same time: "You can just take it away. This is what the customer threw in the trash can. It does not belong to my property, so there is no need to pay."

The old man smiled and said, "Thank you."

Afterwards, the group got in the car and left.

The boss watched them go away with a puzzled look on his face.

He really couldn't figure out what it was like for these wealthy and important people to pick up broken shoes in the trash can.

I thought they were here to buy shoes in this small shop of theirs.

Unexpectedly, what they did was lower than what I imagined.

"It's really hard to fathom the thoughts of great people."

The boss sighed.



The old man came back again with his two sons and a grandson.

They called Ye Yu to the living room again.

"Yu'er, look at these pairs of shoes, which one is yours?"

Pointing to a few pairs of broken shoes on the ground, the old man asked Ye Yu very seriously.

Ye Yu frowned slightly.

Even with his characterization, he couldn't help asking: "Did you go and pick up all the broken shoes in the trash can in front of that store?"

"Yes." The old man nodded with a smile.


Ye Yu has black lines all over his head, this coquettish operation...

"Yu'er, which pair is yours?"

Seeing Ye Yu fell silent, Ye Hongyuan reminded him again.

Ye Yu glanced at several pairs of shoes and said, "None of them belong to me."

"Not yours?"

"Are we busy again?"

"How is it possible? We went to the store you mentioned."

"You didn't lie to us, did you?"

The old man, Ye Hongyuan, Ye Hongzhi, and Ye Wudao spoke out one after another.

They thought the answer was about to be revealed, but they didn't expect the ending to be like this.

"Indeed it's not mine." Ye Yu responded again.

Seeing their disappointed looks, Ye Yu said again: "Okay, I won't be with you anymore, I'm going to sleep."

After speaking, Ye Yu turned and walked into the room, leaving them looking at each other.

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