Become A Comprehensive Expert From My Dad

Chapter 458 How can super glue be a special drug?

When I went out today, I really should have looked through the almanac, and I actually encountered such a thing!

But there was no way, Ye Yu had no choice but to enter it, solve the matter as soon as possible, and then escape.

"What exactly is going on?"

Ye Yu asked the police officer in a deep voice.

The police officer nodded and issued a report and began to report it to Ye Yu.

"The name of the deceased was Wang Tian, ​​and the time of death was nine and a half hours ago."

"That is, at around 0:30 in the morning, the deceased had obvious blunt trauma to the back of the head. It is speculated that the cause of death is this."

Having said that, the police officer pointed to the woman who was crying beside him.

"She's called Li Mei, the wife of the deceased."

Having said that, the woman named Li Mei turned her head.

Suddenly, he rushed towards Ye Yu's direction.

He grabbed Ye Yu's clothes and cried loudly.

"Inspector Zhao, please, be sure to ask you to find out who the murderer of my husband is. Our family depends entirely on him!"


The police hurriedly helped Li Mei up and comforted her.

"Please take your condolences by the way. We will do our best to find out the truth for you and your husband."

But what everyone didn't see was when the police officer was saying the truth.

The look on Li Mei's face flickered.

"Everything is up to you!"

During the conversation between the police officer and Li Mei, Ye Yu came to observe Wang Tian's body.

At the same time, Ye Yu used super god-level deduction skills.

At this time, Ye Yu discovered the beauty of this deduction skill.

In addition to strengthening the brain and making the thinking clearer.

It also made his observation of details far stronger than that of ordinary people.

He carefully observed Wang Tian's body, paying attention to every detail.

The first is the expression of the deceased, with a look of horror on his face.

Even after the muscles relax and then stiffen, they can still be seen clearly.

The whole person was lying on the ground, and his movements were very strange.

The shoulders are placed very high, and there are obvious traces of being dragged.

"Excuse me, Ms. Li Mei, have you ever moved or dragged your husband's body?"

Ye Yu didn't look back, just asked Li Mei aloud while observing.

"What do you mean? Are you trying to say that I killed my husband?"

After hearing Ye Yu's question, Li Mei suddenly became very excited.

The whole person seemed to be arguing loudly for something.

The police officer next to him hurriedly said.

"Ms. Li Mei, please don't get me wrong, Detective Zhao just wants you to cooperate with the work."

"After all, your husband's body does show signs of being passive!"

At this time, Li Mei also realized that her emotions were a little too excited.

After taking a deep breath, he said solemnly.

"I just came back this morning, and I went to the class reunion tonight!"

"My husband is a very drinker."

"I went back to the store this morning and found my husband lying on the ground all over."

"And I drank a lot yesterday and had a hangover, so I didn't pay much attention, I just thought about taking my husband to the sofa."

"But halfway through, I didn't realize it."

"As soon as the leader heard my call, he immediately called the police!"

When Li Mei said these words, her face was full of horror.

It was as if incomparable fear was imprinted in her heart.

The policeman nodded.

"We have already investigated the surveillance. Li Mei was indeed absent last night and only came back this morning. There is no suspicion."

Hearing this, Ye Yu nodded and said lightly.

"Then this is strange. If the deceased died because he was hit by a blunt object on the back of the head, why would the whole person face up?"

"Shouldn't the whole person fall forward?"

Although Ye Yu was using a questioning tone, he already had the answer in his heart.

After hearing Ye Yu's words, a look of doubt appeared on the policeman's face.

Obviously did not want to understand why the deceased dumped backwards?

Having said that, Ye Yu stretched out his hand and started to turn over the corpse.

"Inspector Zhao, don't be casual..."

Before the police officer's words were finished, Ye Yu had already turned the body over, and then pointed to the slightly sunken back of his head.


Ye Yu reached out and took out some crystal-white granular objects from the back of the deceased's hair.

"It's salt!"

Perhaps in such a place, ordinary people will not pay too much attention.

But for Ye Yu's deduction, this is a very important point.

"Why is there salt in the back of the deceased's head?"

After seeing the particles in Ye Yu's hand, the policeman's face was full of disbelief, but then he became confused again.

"Inspector Zhao, what does the cause of death of the deceased have to do with this salt?"

"Of course it does!"

Ye Yu nodded seriously.

"Because from this point, the murder weapon can be judged!"

After hearing Ye Yu's words, the policeman's face became even more confused.

"Inspector Zhao, how do you say this?"

"Generally speaking, blunt objects are hammers, sticks, and lastly, stones, but who would put salt on them?"

Ye Yu smiled and pointed to the big ham hanging in the hall.

"Isn't this a blunt weapon with salt?"

Hearing this, the police inspected the ham carefully.

This ham is not the kind of ham in the supermarket.

Although the name is also called ham, it is completely different from the kind of ham in the supermarket.

This is a cured ham of a whole pig thigh, which has been air-dried for several years, so the meat is extra firm.

You know, there is a kind of ham called Jinhua ham that is particularly hard.

It is impossible to cut a piece with a kitchen knife.

And the hardness of this ham is not lower than that of Jinhua ham.

To call it a blunt weapon is an understatement.

However, the police officer seemed to have thought of something, frowned, and said:

"Inspector Zhao, isn't this empty talk?"

"If the victim's head is hit with such a big ham, then the damage to him may not be just a little bit."

That's right!

A whole ham made of pickled pig thighs, if it hits a person, will definitely not cause such a little damage.

"It makes sense, but what if the deceased hit it himself?"

"The hardness of this ham is only slightly worse than that of a stone. If the whole person falls backwards, his head hits it."

"The damage done is almost the same as hitting a hard rock."

Ye Yu opened the deceased's mouth without waiting for the police officer to continue asking questions.

It can be clearly seen that there are large ulcers in the mouth and tongue of the deceased.

Then Ye Yu raised the deceased's hand again and pointed to the crevice between his fingernails, there were obvious traces of glue.

"I have observed that the deceased can be considered suicide. The death caused by the overdose of special drugs, the blunt force injury is not the fatal injury."

"The special drug in its body is still left, but it will be difficult to find it in a few hours."

The deduction skills are used together with the magician skills.

For this observation, Ye Yu can be absolutely sure.

After hearing Ye Yu's words, the police officer's face was full of shock.

And Li Mei's face became extremely gloomy.

"No! How could my husband overdose on a special drug?"

"Although he has a criminal record, he has already quit, how is it possible?"

Li Mei suddenly shouted frantically.

Ye Yu shook his head helplessly, ignoring Li Mei, but looked at the police officer and said lightly.

"He not only has traces of special drugs in our cognition, but also outside our cognition!"

"Like, super glue!"

Hearing this, the police officer was taken aback: "How can super glue be a special drug?"

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