Become A Comprehensive Expert From My Dad

Chapter 548: The Birth of the Chariot God of China

After a few bends, Ye Yu was already close to fifth place.

He had fallen so far before, yet he caught up so quickly.


The good show is yet to come.

Ye Yu kicked the accelerator and passed the fifth place directly.

"Competitor Yun Tianming has surpassed the fifth place!"

"What! It surpassed the fourth place again!"

The narrator couldn't believe his eyes, and he surpassed several people in just a few minutes.

The audience was stunned.

Could it be that Yun Tianming is a hidden racing expert?

At this time, Yun Tianming himself was also dumbfounded.

Is the person in the car really Ye Yu?

Yun Tianming couldn't help suspecting that there was a top driver sitting in his car, this is simply not something a human can do.

In addition to Fox, the other two in the top three are also professional drivers.

The three of them clenched tightly, and the distance between the front and rear did not exceed five meters. If they were not careful, they would be overtaken.

The few people didn't realize that there was a white racing car approaching them.

The third place is a professional driver from the United States with very experienced experience.

The American driver found a white light and shadow suddenly appeared in the originally empty rearview mirror. It was the No. 42 car!

And this white racing car is still speeding towards him at a very fast speed.

Seeing that the third place position was not guaranteed, the American driver immediately turned the steering wheel to the left, trying to block Ye Yu's way.

"You can see that our contestant Yun Tianming has encountered obstacles!"

"The driver who is currently in third blocked his way and didn't want to make it so easy for him to overtake."

"Contestant Yun Tianming encountered the tricks he used before, how would he deal with it?"

The commentator's voice just fell.

Ye Yu slammed the steering wheel, and the front of the car suddenly made a sharp turn.

The rear of the car was thrown out, making the harsh sound of tires rubbing against the ground.

The left side of the car suddenly tilted, and the car began to shake wildly.

"It's over! Our contestant Yun Tianming seems to be in trouble!"

"There seems to be a problem with the car, it's about to flip over!"

"It can be seen that our rescuers have already acted to ensure the safety of our drivers at all times."

The white car was about to lose control, but it suddenly returned to the ground steadily and passed the American driver.

"What! The car didn't turn over?"

The commentator said embarrassingly: "It seems that our Yun Tianming player is an old driver, and he responded very promptly."

"It's amazing to be able to maintain the balance of the car in such extreme conditions."

The voice just fell.

The white racing car suddenly exerted its strength again and went straight to the second place.

Seeing this shocking reversal, everyone present was shocked.

Unexpectedly, an unknown driver from Huaguo could bring such a visual feast.

"We're about to enter the devil stage." The commentator said excitedly.

"The devil stage of Death Canyon has a total of thirty-five corners. If you challenge to fly over the canyon, you can save a lot of time."

"Will there be any players who dare to challenge today?"

The audience did not fluctuate too much. Yesterday, the two car gods failed in the challenge, which shows the difficulty of this challenge.

I saw that the white car was neck and neck with the second place, and Fox was still ahead of the two.

After entering the devil stage, Fox handled the corner perfectly and quickly left the two behind.

Not to be outdone, Ye Yu drove the racing car past the second place.

Currently, Fox is first and Ye Yu is second.

The narrator began to say: "Ahead is the 'springboard' of our Death Canyon!"

"If No. 2 and No. 3 don't take action, Fox will easily take No. 1."

"Will a miracle really happen?"

I saw Ye Yu's eyes were firm, and he stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

Ahead is the guardrail, and behind the guardrail is the abyss.

Although a protective net is installed at the place where the leaping canyon is made, it will still fly out of the position of the protective net if you are not careful.

Fox took the lead with a drift and started to cross the devil stage.

The narrator regretted: "It seems that Fox, the car god, does not intend to challenge the leaping canyon."

"It seems that this time the canyon challenge is coming to an end unfortunately... No, our player Yun Tianming didn't slow down."

"Is he going to repeat the same trick and fly over the canyon?"

Apparently, the audience has already given up on this set.

Yun Tianming had already failed the challenge yesterday.

There was a lot of boos!

"Hype! Hype!"

I saw the white racing car jumping up from the steep slope like a white horse cavalry.

"Fuck...fuck!" The commentator's mouth opened in the shape of an "O".

Because he saw the white racing car drawing a perfect arc in the air, flying higher than any previous racing car.

An impossible idea sprouted in his heart.

This white racing car.

Yun Tianming, a racing driver from Huaguo.

He is about to fly over the canyon, become the first person in history, and become a well-deserved car god!

The restless auditorium suddenly fell silent.

Three seconds later, the white racing car landed firmly on the track.

After shaking from side to side for a few times, it quickly returned to normal, and it accelerated and galloped forward.

The auditorium was silent for a second.

two seconds.

three seconds.


Only then did the crowd react, and thunderous applause broke out, as well as cheers all over the sky.

"Our contestant Yun Tianming from Huaguo has completed the challenge of leaping over the canyon!"

"I couldn't believe my eyes!"

"Death Canyon is no longer an impossible challenge!"

The commentator's voice was a little hoarse, but he still couldn't hide his excitement.

This unpopular Huaguo driver actually completed the challenge of leaping over the canyon.

At this point, Fox didn't understand what was going on, and thought he was firmly in the number one spot.

It wasn't until he saw the white racing car in front that he realized something was wrong.

He didn't figure out why the white racing car appeared in front of him.

There was no overtaking along the way.

Could it be...

An almost impossible conjecture emerged in Fox's mind.

It is impossible for the white car to overtake him unless it has completed the canyon leap.

Impossible...absolutely impossible!

How could someone fly over this canyon?

No matter how good the car skills are, the upper limit of the car's performance will limit his performance.

Fox suddenly calmed down and gripped the steering wheel tightly.

He can't lose this game no matter what!

Fox's speed also increased in an instant, and after drifting through a few bends, he chased straight towards Ye Yu.

Ye Yu glanced at the rearview mirror and smiled faintly.

The white racing car suddenly accelerated and drifted skillfully around the corner.

A wonderful chase begins.

The narrator said subconsciously: "The car god is angry, and it seems that he is going to take back his honor seriously."

"No, pardon my slip of the tongue, our car god Yun Tianming from China is about to complete the feat of defeating the top driver Fox!"

The audience also cheered, they didn't expect Yun Tianming to succeed in the challenge.

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