Become A Comprehensive Expert From My Dad

Chapter 587 Solving Math Problems

Shen Yue always coerces her into doing such things that harm others and not herself, which almost ruins her reputation, and she has long since gritted her teeth with hatred.

This time, I will take revenge for whatever I say!

This kind of video had to be placed on the first day of school, so as to slap Shen Yue in the face!

The female reporter was secretly calculating.

After the interview, the staff left.

When the excitement dissipated, so did the people around.

Zheng Enrong held Ye Yu's hand very gratefully: "My brother, thank you so much."

"If it weren't for you today, I'm afraid my reputation will be ruined for the rest of my life."

"However, I think primary and middle school students generally encounter these introversion problems, and I am afraid it is still difficult to solve."

"I'm definitely not the only parent reporting in this world, but there has been no movement for a long time."

"This is enough to show that perhaps Shen Yue's behavior was acquiesced from above."

Ye Yu naturally understood.

If you want to shake the overall situation, you must speak from the top authority.

He can easily solve his own affairs, but there is no way to easily solve everyone's common problems.

The sun above his head had shifted, Ye Yu looked down at his watch, it was getting closer, it was time to take the child to take a nap.

Just at this time, Zheng Dashuang and his sisters brought their children over.

Zheng Dashuang just praised: "Uncle Ye, your babies are so smart!"

"They actually solved problems that I couldn't do. How do you teach them in normal times?"

Ye Yu was curious and looked at his children.

I heard the eldest child Ye Xiaoxi say: "Father, this sister's question is too simple, it just happens to be the type you asked us to draw inferences from one instance in the morning."

"Father, you should teach this sister too, so she won't have to be afraid of doing questions anymore."

Hearing this, Ye Yu understood that it was the credit of the set of simple learning methods.

Thinking of this, he nodded: "I recommend a document to you."

"If you need it, you can read the method summary in it, which is also very helpful for your study."

Afterwards, Ye Yu sent the link to the document to Zheng Enrong.

After Zheng Enrong thanked him, the two families parted ways.

Ye Yu took the child home to take a nap.

After putting all the children to sleep.

Sitting in front of the computer, he began to sort out the simple learning analysis of all the knowledge points from elementary school to high school.

After 4 hours of struggle, it was already past 5 pm.

Lin Jianyan will be home in an hour, and it's time for him to make dinner.

At six o'clock in the evening, dinner was ready, and Lin Jianyan came back.

Ask the children about their studies as soon as they enter the door.

"Honey, how did you teach them today?"

"How many questions have the babies learned?"

Ye Yu smiled and put the last fried dish on the table: "I learned everything."


Lin Jianyan, who was changing his shoes, was shocked, how could he have learned everything?

But Ye Yu nodded to her again: "If you don't believe me, you test the children."

Lin Jianyan checked the children in doubt.

It turns out that their ideas and methods of doing the questions are completely different from the reference answers.

And very simple and clear.

Seeing that the children can even draw inferences from one instance, Lin Jianyan has already defined them as geniuses.

They hugged each other and kissed their foreheads one by one.

"Oh, my babies, why are you so talented!"

"Come on, mom, kiss me again!"

At this time, the babies said in unison: "It's all because Dad taught us well."

Lin Jianyan looked at Ye Yu with gratitude and admiration.

Acting coquettishly, she stepped forward and hugged him: "Thank you, husband!"

"My husband has worked hard, why is my husband so good?"

Ye Yu put his arms around her waist and pinched her little nose.

"This is our child, what can we thank you for?"

"Don't forget, your husband was originally a top student."

"What's more, learning is about learning methods. If you find the right method, it's easy to learn anything."

"And my babies have inherited the genes of their parents perfectly. Of course, smart babies learn quickly."

The couple were sweet and sweet, and the family ate dinner happily.


Early the next morning, there were still two days before the kindergarten started.

Ye Yu got up to take care of the baby and had nothing to do. He saw a lot of college entrance examination questions on the Internet, so he glanced at them.

Because I have obtained the "Compendium of Simple Learning Methods", when I see a question, an extremely simple way to solve it will automatically appear in my mind.

He realized that he might be able to do something for the poor children who studied hard in China.

So in this day's free time, Ye Yu has completed the analysis of all simple learning methods from elementary school to university, and even doctoral level.

What can I do?

In the end, Ye Yu accidentally saw some world-class math problems in the Baidu library.

But as soon as these questions were glanced at, the solution automatically appeared in my mind.

"It turns out that the unsolved mathematical puzzle in the world is so simple."

Ye Yu murmured slightly.

However, he understands that the reason why he thinks it is simple is because of the "Compendium of Simple Learning Methods" rewarded by the system

For others, it is difficult.

Even when mathematicians solve these problems, they only announce a final result.

As for the proof process, there is only one word: slightly!

Because they do not have a rigorous proof formula and proof process.

If it was written, it would be embarrassing if it was overturned by later generations.

So simply use "slightly" instead.

This is also a headache for junior mathematicians.

Because without these formulas and processes, there is no way to apply them in real life.

The development of human science and technology includes the design of precision instruments such as airplanes, cannons, rockets, and nuclear weapons.

These are all inseparable from mathematics, mathematics is the foundation of everything.

Therefore, there have been so many scientists, physicists, and chemists who have studied tirelessly since ancient times.

The purpose is to be able to break through some theoretical formulas, so as to solve problems that human science and technology cannot solve.

The last day before the start of kindergarten has passed, and Ye Yu has successively completed the proofs of various world-class puzzles in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.

He just thought the topics were interesting.

Every time I prove a topic, I feel like I have seen a new world.

While feeling the great wisdom of these scientific pioneers.

In Ye Yu's mind, these knowledge automatically formed a lot of technologies that were applied to reality.

But one of the things he is most interested in is to use the abundance of air and the natural magnetic field and levitation force.

A simple aircraft can be made completely.

In this way, all kinds of Yujian flying can be realized.

"Well, it would be cool to make a flying machine for the babies."

When Ye Yu thought that the six babies would soon have a new toy, he was full of energy.

Suddenly, he received a call from a stranger.

After connecting, an excited tone came from the other party: "Ye Yu, it's me, Zhang Peng."

It turned out that it was Zhang Peng who worked at Huayu Bookstore. Because he was in a hurry to answer his wife's call that day, he couldn't say hello before leaving.

Ye Yu smiled lightly: "Well, what's the matter on the phone?"

Zhang Peng smiled heartily: "I'm here to congratulate you, your new book has already been snapped up by various channels before it's released."

"But now there is a small question, is the author of this book a real name or a pseudonym?"

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