Become A Comprehensive Expert From My Dad

Chapter 601 A complete collection of learning methods, YYDS!

In an instant, Zheng Enrong suddenly realized.

"No wonder I met him downstairs!"

"No, I have to go home immediately to see Mr. Ye Yu!"

"Mr. Ye Yu has broken through three problems for our project, and now there is one last problem."

"But it must be no problem for Mr. Ye Yu."

"If this set of problems can be overcome, the research and development of 'that thing' will be just around the corner!"

Zheng Enrong left as soon as he said, He Qiong and Zhang Kuang were also very excited and wanted to follow.

But when a few people went out, they found that it was already very late.

Zhang Kuang hurriedly reminded: "I'm afraid it's inappropriate to bother you at such a late hour, why don't you go again tomorrow morning?"

Zheng Enrong nodded: "That makes sense. I'll come to the door to say hello tonight. Let's make an appointment to see Mr. Ye Yu tomorrow."

Even the math lunatic Joon Ho nodded in agreement.

At this moment, he thought to himself.

In kindergarten, Ye Yu helped him turn around and left without even having time to say thank you.

What a pity, how rude!

And I also missed a great opportunity to communicate with Mr. Ye Yu in mathematics!

As a math lunatic, this is even more regrettable and painful than letting him go bankrupt!

He secretly vowed in his heart that he would seize the opportunity to communicate with Mr. Ye Yu when he said anything tomorrow.


At the same time, Ye Yu was watching the news with his wife and children.

"Recently, as if auspicious from heaven, two gifted students appeared in Sunshine Elementary School!"

"Let's interview these two high school masters who leapfrogged."

"Look at how they are. In just one week, they counterattacked and became the number one in the city!"

The camera immediately switched to two students.

Ye Yu recognized it at a glance, aren't these two granddaughters of Zheng Enrong?

"Hello, two high school masters."

"I heard that your previous grades have always been in the top ten of the class, but your grades are not in the top 100 in the city."

"Then, in just one week, you guys counterattacked and became number one in the city. Do you have any special secrets?"

In the picture, Zheng Xiaoshuang smiled from ear to ear: "In fact, our secret is: a complete collection of simple learning methods!"

The female reporter was even more curious: "Is there any special magic power in this complete collection of simple learning methods?"

Zheng Xiaoshuang is only in the fourth grade of elementary school, so his eloquence is naturally lacking in presentation skills.

So, the camera was immediately shown on sister Zheng Dashuang.

Zheng Dashuang stated: "This encyclopedia of simple learning methods is like a knife for analyzing formulas and theorems."

"He used the simplest, most straightforward words, and the most vivid metaphors to tell us the reasons for the theorems and formulas."

"It seems to take us to witness the development of this theorem and formula."

"So, just read these formulas and theorems once, you can understand them deeply and use them flexibly."

"Because I had some foundations myself before, I borrowed these methods again."

"It will be much easier to solve the difficult problems that could not be solved at the beginning."

Hearing this, the female reporter couldn't help becoming curious.

"Is this complete collection of simple learning methods really as amazing as you say?"

"I can't wait to try it."

Zheng Dashuang said with a smile: "Of course, not only we are using this method, but many people are also using it."

"The number of downloads of the learning method encyclopedia on the Internet has already exceeded 500 million times!"

"I believe that it won't be long before elementary and middle school students across the country can completely get rid of the pain of exam-oriented education!"

"This is much more useful than the education of those experts!"

"The person who invented this complete collection of simple learning methods is the best education expert in my mind!"

Hearing this, the female reporter immediately turned on her mobile phone.

According to Zheng Dashuang's prompt, I found this document.

"OMG, it turned out to be true, and now it's been downloaded over 600 million times!"

After the female reporter exclaimed, she swipe the comment area.

As a result, all of them were positive reviews!

"What kind of fairy learning method is this? I only used it for a month, and I became the first in the class!"

"This is much better than those remedial institutions! You must tip 100 yuan!"

"Take it up! Let all tutoring institutions across the country see what a real strong man is!"

"This is the hope of the Hua Kingdom, the future mentor of the flowers of the motherland!"

"A complete collection of simple learning methods, yyds!"


The female reporter was simply shocked.

She was full of smiles, and said to the camera: "Looking at it now, what shocked us the most in today's interview program was not the rise of these two academic masters."

"It's our Huaguo that has appeared, a collection of simple learning methods that are all well-received."

"Now it seems that this complete collection of simple learning methods has become an eternal god in the hearts of elementary and middle school students across the country."

"Then who is the mysterious author behind this?"

"Please continue to pay attention to tomorrow's program."

"At the same time tomorrow, we will reveal the secret to you!"

As the camera rolls down, the evening news is over.

After Lin Jianyan read it, she shook her head again and again: "My God, isn't it!"

"The download volume of this simple learning method has reached 600 million times!"

"There is no charge for this yet?!"

"This is simply for the benefit of mankind!"

"This author is simply too great, no, I have to reward him!"

With that said, Lin Jianyan hastily opened the link she downloaded.

In the lower left corner of the reward, a direct reward of 100,000 RMB was given!

Became number one!

Seeing her like this, Ye Yu couldn't help but smile: "You don't need to tip so much."

"As a native of Huaguo, it is right to make this contribution to the primary and secondary school students in Huaguo."

Lin Jianyan couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

"Husband, you are really stingy when you say that."

"The author is a native of Hua, although he has the obligation to contribute to Hua."

"But there is no obligation of such selfless devotion!"

"Think about it, if he makes these simple method learning books into courses and sells them."

"Then wouldn't he be able to earn eighteen lifetimes overnight?"

"But he didn't choose to do that, he chose to share selflessly!"

"Such selfless dedication is simply too precious!"

"If you ask me, a reward of 100,000 yuan is really too little, even if you give him 10 million yuan, it's not an exaggeration!"

"The money is my tribute to him for learners across the country."

Seeing that his wife was so kind, Ye Yu didn't say anything anymore.

He wasn't stingy with the little money, but felt it was completely unnecessary.

After all, at the beginning, he simply felt sorry for those poor students who failed to get good marks in the exam because they didn't find the right study method.

At that time, he only thought about these learning methods, which could help them improve.

He never thought of using these methods to make money at all, and naturally he didn't need to tip.

At this time, suddenly the doorbell rang.

Lin Jianyan hurriedly got up to open the door.

After seeing the person coming, he looked surprised: "Hello, who are you looking for, old man?"

Zheng Enrong asked with some embarrassment: "Hello, is this Mr. Ye Yu's home?"

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