Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1011: Zhang Family

Compared with the shrinking and unnaturalness of his son, Zhang Shengdong's performance made Tang Feng somewhat admired.

Looking at Zhang Shengdong’s now very leisurely and contented look, he seems to have completely forgotten the grievances between him and Tang Feng, and completely forgot what Zhang Jinshuo was once beaten by Tang Feng. His attitude seems to be the same as Tang Feng. Old friends who have been acquainted for many years are average.

The incident between the Zhang family and Lin Mengjia, apologized for the report, and then came to apologize, it can be said that the trouble in Binh Duong is well known.

Among the people present, the one who knew this the most was Zheng Yue, and even Zhou Xiaohai, who was not often in Pingyang, knew a thing or two.

However, at that time, Tang Feng had just returned, and there was no storm in Pingyang. Everyone did not know his existence. Although the incident made everyone feel inexplicable, Zhang Jinshuo was beaten up by others, but the Zhang family came to the door. The apology, no one can figure out what is going on, it was also very sensational at the time, but the past is also the past.

Later, the Zhou family, Zheng family and others, although they became acquainted with Tang Feng, had already forgotten these old things. After all, this had nothing to do with their vital interests. In addition, Zhang Jinshuo had always been out of town and was rarely seen by others. Filed.

Now Zhang Shengdong took Zhang Jinshuo and ran to give Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia wedding gifts. This incident suddenly appeared in Zheng Yue's mind. Her mouth could not help showing a meaningful smile, looking towards There was also a lot of playfulness in the eyes of the father and son.

Zhou Xiaohai frowned slightly, thinking about this too.

Among the people present, the only one who didn't know about this was Kong Shuchou.

This Confucian family’s industry is almost all over the country, but in this small place like Pingyang, there is none. Of course, the prince of the Confucian family of Yanjing would not come here, and he would not care about the fact that he is a thousand miles away. Unrelated gossip.

Although the Zhang family has some friendship with the Kong family, of course this kind of family ugliness cannot take the initiative to speak out, even if Zhang Qingyu and Kong Liangji talk about Tang Feng's affairs, it is impossible to shake out Zhang Jinshuo's affairs.

Therefore, the Confucian family knows nothing about it.

But how smart Kong Shuchou is, even if he doesn't know it, he can think of what Zhang Jinshuo looks like after entering the door, there must be some unpleasant past between him and Tang Feng.

And this past, for Zhang Jinshuo, must have left a very deep impression, so much so that he is afraid of seeing Tang Feng now.

However, he looked at Zhang Shengdong again, his face was always smiling, but he didn't see any problem at all.

Just as Zhang Shengdong entered the door, his smile was very modest, and he said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang and his wife are married. It is really a happy event, but we didn't get the good news in advance, and we couldn't find a better one in a rush. Gifts can only be prepared with this small gift, and I hope that Mr. will not be offended."

Rong Guocheng had not only seen the elixir plants sent by the Zhang family, but had also witnessed the others.

Such a small wooden box is not only inferior to the huge jade mountain of the Confucian family, but looking like that, it seems that even the pair of calligraphy sent by Grandpa Sun can't match.

At that time, Kong Shuchou's heart was also whispering, and now listening to Zhang Shengdong say this, it is even more unclear what medicine is sold in this Qingyu gourd. Is it true that he and Tang Feng really have a deep relationship with Tang Feng? Is it prevarication?

Can't it?

This Tang Feng, in Kong Liangji's eyes, was like a fairy. In order to give him this gift, he almost mobilized the greatest ability of the Kong family.

Even if Zhang Qingyu had known Tang Feng for a while before Kong Liangji, he wouldn't be fooled with a few grasses, right?

And on this happy day, don't you be afraid of Tang Feng being angry when you send such a green thing?

Others couldn't understand, but Zheng Yue did.

Even if the art of herbal medicine is not Zheng Yue's strong point, she only needs to look at it to see that these are by no means ordinary herbs.

The few elixirs sent by the Zhang family are all fresh and live, and they are more than a hundred years old.

Tang Feng knew in his heart that these elixir would definitely not be available for a while. It is impossible that Zhang Qingyu learned of the news of his marriage yesterday and found it temporarily. It must have been in the Zhang family.

For any ancient family, the elixir is extremely precious.

It's just that their vision is still too shallow after all, they don't know many elixir, and the ones that can be recognized by them are already showing the elixir disposition.

Even the martial arts practitioners of these ancient families do not understand alchemy and cannot maximize the efficacy of this elixir. However, it is several times better than ordinary herbal medicine when used as medicine. Under normal circumstances, no one can bear to use it. of.

Zhang Qingyu gave these potions to Tang Feng, and he couldn't say how distressed he was.

However, if he wants to not be compared among these families with a gift, he can only reluctantly give up his love.

When a few people were sitting down, Mother Liu had already served tea to everyone, and put a few more dishes to eat.

It's just that among the people present, except Zheng Yue, who relaxed slightly, took a snack and tasted it, the others were sitting in a dreadful situation and did not dare to do anything at will.

Tang Feng didn't give too much. He just poured himself a cup of tea, while blowing the tea, he smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang is polite. Don't forget to tell your father when you go back. I will take his mind. , I will definitely not treat him badly in the future."

His voice is not too high, his tone is also very flat, but the few words he uttered are very weighty.

This can almost be regarded as a promise.

It was also this sentence that made all the people present understand that Tang Feng liked the gift Zhang Qingyu gave, and he liked it very much.

The smile on Zhang Shengdong's face was even more obvious.

Regarding Tang Feng's words, he didn't look surprised, and seemed to have expected him to say the same.

He bowed slightly in the direction of Tang Feng, and said with a smile: "In that case, I would like to thank you, Mr., on behalf of my father."

Between his words, he couldn't tell at all that he had had any grievances with Tang Feng.

There was an incomprehensible color in Kong Shuchou's eyes.

The same is true for Zhou Xiaohai.

However, these two people have been in the mall for many years. Even though they were puzzled in their hearts, they did not reveal them, but they both watched with smiles.

Just as Zhang Shengdong spoke, he turned his head slightly, looked at Zhang Jinshuo beside him, and winked at him.

Seeing that means, it seems that Zhang Jinshuo is going to stand up and say something. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1011 Zhang Family Father and Son) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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