Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1072: Marriage

Tang Feng called Zi Xuan over, because he wanted to learn from her what the three families in the Northwest were doing secretly, and what plans they had, but he didn't come to listen to her chattering.

But now, she didn't say a few serious words, but thinking about going shopping in the sea market, and also bringing Lin Mengjia together, really made Tang Feng a little unhappy.

Zi Xuan heard Tang Feng’s slightly cold voice. She was happily interrupted when she wanted to talk to Lin Mengjia about going to the sea market. She couldn't help rolling her eyes and using a somewhat stern tone. He replied: "What else are they going to do? Those who deserve to die went to Pingyang, and the clever ones found an excuse to stay here to save their lives. Those who went to Pingyang, you must have seen them?"

Listening to Zi Xuan's tone of impatience, Tang Feng glanced at her coldly and did not speak.

After a few days, the courage of this woman is really getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing this, Zi Xuan also realized that she seemed a bit too much.

At the beginning, Zi Xuan was quite jealous of Tang Feng, but after a long time, she saw that Tang Feng was usually like an ordinary person, and she often revealed that there was nothing terrible about Tang Feng, and she was a little relaxed in her heart.

In most of the time, Tang Feng did not have the same knowledge as her, and his attitude towards her was always with one eye closed. Zi Xuan couldn't help becoming a little presumptuous.

At this moment, Tang Feng's inadvertent glance carried a sense of coldness. Even if he did not speak or did any other actions, Zi Xuan's heart was shocked.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that even if a lion was napping, she was still a lion after all, and could not be offended easily. What's more, Tang Feng was still a person thousands of times more terrifying than a lion. How could he normally converge because of him. When he got up with the domineering arrogance, he was treated like a kitten?

Zi Xuan straightened up subconsciously. She was sitting lazily on the sofa. She was sitting with a serious expression on her face. With a rather regular voice, she said to Tang Feng again: "In the interior of these three families In fact, there are some very intricate relationships. After I arrived, it took a few days to figure it out. The complexity of the period is really like a palace battle."

Zi Xuan's quietly changing attitude made everyone present feel a little funny.

After all, in the eyes of Ji Ning and Shangguan, Zi Xuan can be regarded as arrogant.

However, Zi Xuan is arrogant, and it makes sense, she is indeed quite capable.

Apart from Tang Feng, Zi Xuan can be regarded as the most capable person they have ever seen. This method of controlling the soul is even more unheard of before.

Even though she is capable of this kind of skill, Tang Feng is also good at it, but she is professional, and no one else can match it.

If Shangguan and Ji Ning had seen Zi Xuan before they saw Tang Feng, they would definitely treat her as a guest like the Xue family.

Not only the Xue family, but even anyone from a big family or sect, after meeting Zi Xuan, they would treat her with respect.

Thinking of this, Ji Ning and Shangguan felt a little strange again.

With Zi Xuan's ability, he can be mixed up in any place, why did he fall into that situation in the first place?

Although it can't be regarded as clothing, body and food, but it's not much worse. There is no good place to stay. Finally, when Tang Feng is caught back, he is dependent on Tang Feng, which is really miserable.

Lin Mengjia was also secretly laughing. After hearing Zi Xuan's words, she became very interested, and immediately said to her: "You can talk and listen to what is going on."

She grew up in a large family since she was a child, and she has seen a lot of family disputes. However, the Lin family is not that ancient family, and the rise is only a matter of recent decades. The family is not like the Confucian family. It's so complicated, she hasn't experienced it herself.

Although the relationship between her and the Lin family is extremely poor now, it is only because of her relationship with Father Lin, and has nothing to do with others.

This is often the case for people. Once things are not related to their own pains, they will feel a little gossip.

Seeing that Lin Mengjia was interested, Zi Xuan smiled again. She glanced at Tang Feng before she said: "This matter starts with the intertwined relationship between these three families. The three families are all located in the northwest. In the realm, there will be many intersections between each other, whether in the field or in the business. From ancient times to the present, there have been many conflicts. The three families have won and lost in different periods and conflicts, and consumed each other. Time is up, they feel that this is not a good thing in the long run, so they start to cooperate and form the current situation."

Lin Mengjia smiled and nodded, and said: "This situation is also common in the business field. One goes down and the other goes up. Either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east. There are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends."

"These three families also have these considerations. In order to eliminate mutual suspicion and achieve the purpose of making good friends forever, preventing friends from turning into enemies in the face of interests is the most common and effective way."

When Zi Xuan said this, she stopped, raised her eyebrows, and smiled at the corners of her mouth, as if she was asking everyone if she could guess it.

Ji Ning immediately understood, and immediately said: "Marriage."

He has seen many such situations.

Not to mention others, the eldest Sun Ying was married into the Ji family because of the family marriage. It is a pity that her fate was too unfortunate. She just passed the house and became a widow at the wedding. People sympathize.

In the history of China, marriage was indeed the most common and effective means to resolve disputes between the two factions, turn enemies into friends, and consolidate alliances.

Between two countries, as small as two families, whether in politics or business, in order to show their sincerity, they became in-laws, became relatives, shared honor and disgrace, and everyone was happy.

It can be said that this answer is not unfamiliar to everyone. Hearing Ji Ning's words, everyone nodded slightly.

Especially Lin Mengjia, it was because of Father Lin's so-called family marriage idea that she turned her against him and broke off the relationship with the entire Lin family.

"Yes, it's marriage," Zi Xuan smiled, "Do you know who is Xue Panpan's marriage partner?"

"Xue Panpan?" Lin Mengjia and Shangguan both showed surprised expressions, almost in unison, shouting out the surprise in their hearts.

Xue Panpan, isn't she in love with Xie Huo? Why does she have a marriage partner? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1072 Marriage) and open the bookshelf next time You can see! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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