Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1158: Transcendence

What do you mean by being there?

It seemed as if her master had actually been there.

Faced with Zi Xuan's rather unqualified questioning, Tang Feng just responded with a look of "you can experience it by yourself".

Zi Xuan opened her mouth slightly.

Based on her understanding of Tang Feng during the time she spent with Tang Feng, what he said was more reliable, and there was no need to deceive herself on this matter.

If you want to go to the Nine Nether Palace and retreat, at least you need to transform the gods.

Tang Feng's attitude clearly admitted that he had been to the Nine Nether Palace.

It really takes at least tens of thousands of years to reach the realm of transforming the gods.

All these things rushed into Zi Xuan's mind, making her a little confused for a while.

When Zi Xuan was startled for a while, Tang Feng had already walked more than ten meters away. She ran a few steps quickly and caught up with her, and said in a shocked voice: "Have you already broken through the God Transformation Realm?"

"Why, isn't it? It's also worth your surprise?"

Tang Feng's tone still has no emotions.

"Shenzhen Realm! You are kidding!" Zi Xuan's voice was already a bit sharp.

It's not that she didn't believe Tang Feng's words, but that she was too horrified!

A monk who transformed into a **** realm unexpectedly appeared in front of her!

Before, she knew that Tang Feng's realm was very high, and she could feel that she had surpassed her master, and she could guess that something strange must have happened to Tang Feng that made him wait for it. A state of spiritual practice that does not match the age.

However, this realm actually surpassed the Transcendent God Realm, and I have to say that even Zi Xuan was shocked.

"No, right? If you have the cultivation base of the God Transformation Realm, it should not be like this." Zi Xuan shook her head again, "The Transcendent God Realm already has the strength to ascend. It looks like it shouldn't be like you, right? "

"Then you are going to talk about what the Transcendent God Realm should look like."

Tang Feng's tone was a bit funny.

A qi refiner who has never left the earth, but only the four realms of qi refining, is actually telling him what a monk in the transformation of the gods is like. It is estimated that she has not seen the transformation of the gods in her life, even if she listens. never heard of that.

Zi Xuan hesitated for a while, with a look of uncertainty, and said: "Although I have never seen a monk in the Transcendent God Realm, but I always feel that it shouldn't be like you, at least, at least it should be quite amazing. The technique, um, in a short while, destroying an army of ten thousand people, is there no problem, right?"

Hearing Zi Xuan's hesitating voice, coupled with her rather unconfident eyes, Tang Feng shook his head slightly.

"No way? Divine Transformation Realm, that's Divine Transformation Realm, can't even this be achieved?" Zi Xuan's eyes widened, with indescribable surprise on her face, and a little disappointed.

If you can't do this at the Transcendent God Realm, isn't the cultivator's ability a bit low?

I think that I have no hope of reaching the realm of transforming the gods, which means that this ability will be even lower. Is it necessary for me to practice so hard?

Tang Feng still shook his head, and said in a very calm tone: "I mean, you too underestimate the strength of the Divine Transformation Realm. What you said is yes. In the late stage of the foundation construction stage, it is all right. Can I still need to transform the gods to do it easily? In those realms, what I think about is how to turn the asteroid into dust."

Zi Xuan took a breath.

Her voice trembled slightly, and said, "Really, it can be like this?"

Tang Feng "hummed" and said, "So, does your master have this ability?"

Zi Xuan shook her head blankly.

But then, she thought of something else, staring at Tang Feng, and said, "Can you do it?"

Zi Xuan was not questioning Tang Feng's ability, but what Tang Feng said really made her feel a little mysterious, and if Tang Feng could easily do this, then some of his current behaviors seemed unreasonable. .

As far as Zi Xuan knows, high-level monks have the ability to deduce the destiny and know the past and the future, not to say that they are the gods. Even the monks of the golden core and the Nascent Soul Stage can perform one or two. Then, at least With Tang Feng in the Huashen Realm, there is no need to travel to Yucheng Mountain like this.

If there is anything you want to know, just deduce it. Isn’t it all right?

"When I teleported back through the magic circle, some small accident happened, which made me some spells that I couldn't use for the time being."

Tang Feng didn't tell Zi Xuan about the destruction of his soul, but took it lightly.

Hearing Tang Feng talking about the teleportation, Zi Xuan suddenly slapped her hand and said suddenly: "I understand! So it is! You used that magic circle to teleport in reverse time!"

Having figured out this joint, Zi Xuan couldn't help but danced, looking very excited.

Tang Feng did not deny it, but just nodded slightly.

The expression on Zi Xuan's face was unusually excited, and her voice trembled: "It turned out to be teleporting against time, but it will also change her timeline!"

"What?" Tang Feng was a little surprised, not understanding why Zi Xuan suddenly said such a sentence.

Zi Xuan was still half excited and half nervous, saying: "Transferring against time, so your own cultivation level will also retrograde over time, so you have lost your powerful realm now!"

This idea of ​​Zi Xuan was something Tang Feng had never thought of.

It's not that Tang Feng didn't think much, but before crossing the teleportation formation, he didn't expect to reverse time at all. If he considered this, he might think about it.

However, now that he returned to this point in time, it was not that his cultivation level was reversed, so Zi Xuan's thoughts did not exist at all.

Moreover, this teleportation method of reversing time is to send the person to the previous point in time, rather than turning this person into the shape of that point in time, otherwise, if someone teleports to him before he is born, wouldn't it just disappear? ?

Seeing Zi Xuan's excitement looking through the mystery, Tang Feng shook his head and said, "No."

Zi Xuan's smile instantly condensed on her face. She was extremely excited, but she was poured cold water on her head.

Zi Xuan felt that she was completely right, and this could perfectly explain the reason why Tang Feng could not use advanced spells. After being denied, she looked directly at Tang Feng and waited for his next explanation.

However, Tang Feng didn't answer her, he just made a silent gesture towards her, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, Zi Xuan also felt something general, and her expression changed.

Immediately, the soul orb appeared in her palm. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1158), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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