Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1166: Pie in the sky

Of course, Shangguan and Ji Ning didn't know how Tang Feng and Zi Xuan were laughing at them at this moment.

Seeing that the surrounding scenery hasn't changed in any way, Ji Ning's previous joy has turned into a loss again.

Shangguan was also relieved from the embarrassment just now. She raised her head, and what she saw in her eyes was the bamboo forest in the darkness, and she couldn't help but sigh softly.

Ji Ning had already fastened his pants, walked back to Shangguan's side, with a frustrated expression on his face, shook his head gently, and said, "It seems that this method doesn't work."

Shangguan frowned, "Yes".

At this moment, she was very upset in her heart, and felt that she shouldn't have said the matter at all.

At that time, when I heard that Junior Brother talk about it, I was making fun of it. I actually took it seriously, which was a bit embarrassing. He also said to Ji Ning that it had caused the extremely embarrassing situation just now.

Fortunately, Ji Ning didn't realize too much, and at this moment, he was more disappointed.

Seeing Shangguan not speaking, Ji Ning thought she was the same as herself, so he said in a comforting tone: "Although this method is useless, we don't have to worry too much. It was already midnight when we came out. In an hour, it won’t take long for the day to dawn. Everyone finds that we are not in the village, so they will naturally look for us. With Mr. Tang in, they will definitely be able to find us."

Shangguan nodded.

She knew Tang Feng's abilities better than Ji Ning, and she fully believed that Tang Feng could find them.

But after figuring this out, Shangguan felt even more regretful.

Since waiting a little longer, Tang Feng can come to them, why should she be wise to tell Ji Ning about boy peeing?

Not only did it not play any role, but it put himself in an unusually weird situation.

Ji Ning didn't know what Shangguan was thinking, but Tang Feng was clear, and because he knew the mystery, he was smiling from ear to ear at this moment.

Although this Promise Seal trapped Tang Feng and Zi Xuan, and Shangguan and Ji Ning in two illusions, Tang Feng also pretended to be trapped and did not try to decipher it, but this did not prevent Tang Feng from knowing what was happening around him. All things.

Tang Feng could not only see Shangguan and Ji Ning, but he could also hear their speech clearly, and he could even see the expressions of the two of them.

When Shangguan told Ji Ning about the boy's urine, when Ji Ning looked excited, Tang Feng felt that he could not restrain his smile.

Faced with Zi Xuan's full face of doubt, Tang Feng didn't answer, but said: "These two people are in one place, it's not as boring as I thought."

Tang Feng once felt that Ji Ning and Shangguan were both high-cold postures, quite a bit arrogant, but in reality they were very low EQ. There must be nothing to say when the two people get together, with big eyes and small eyes.

But these few trips, without Tang Feng deliberately making arrangements, the two men actually sat in the same car very consciously, and they looked like they got along well.

And because the two of them have different temperaments from ordinary people, they seem to have a common language. Although the conversation between the two is heard by normal people and feels embarrassed, they feel good between them.

No wonder Lin Mengjia would gossip about them behind her back.

At this moment, Zi Xuan's thoughts had been recovered from the gossip. She was still smiling when she watched Tang Feng. Knowing that he was in a good mood at the moment, she hurriedly asked: "How can you see them?"

Tang Feng was really in a good mood, still smiling, and replied, "The realm dictates."

"Don't cherish words like gold, you can't explain it clearly!" Zi Xuan couldn't help rolling her eyes. Tang Feng said this as if she hadn't said it.

Tang Feng didn’t care about Zi Xuan’s attitude, but smiled faintly, and said, “It’s like standing alone at a high place and wanting to see things at low places. You only need to lower your head slightly to get everything. From the bottom of my eyes, and the reason for this is not clear in a few words, when you reach my level, you will naturally understand."

"It's easy to say," Zi Xuan curled her lips, and then sighed softly, "Where can the Transcendent God Realm be reached when it is said, this is not like the stage of Qi refining, relying on the formulas and methods of cultivation. , It can be improved."

No wonder Zi Xuan was a little discouraged.

She also knew in her heart that she needed a lot of spiritual energy as the foundation for her to improve her realm in a high-level state. However, on the current earth, she could not meet this most basic requirement. The monks on the earth, It is impossible to break through and build a foundation. Even if she is by Tang Feng's side, it is almost impossible to achieve a breakthrough in a high-level state.

At this moment, all she can think of is that she can reach the eighth level of refining qi, and this is not something that can be done in a short period of time. As for the transformation of the gods, for her, she can't even think about it.

"There are many ways to improve, and there are many places to get aura, not just sticking to this place, have you forgotten that there is a large teleportation method on this earth?"

Tang Feng's tone was very understatement, as if leaving the earth for him was as simple as going for a walk.

Zi Xuan opened her mouth slightly.

She did discuss the teleportation circle with Tang Feng before, but she never thought about things like she would leave the earth. Upon hearing Tang Feng’s words, she only felt that her heartbeat was speeding up, and she couldn’t help but widen. eye.

Deep in her heart, there was an extremely turbulent feeling.

Zi Xuan involuntarily covered her heart with her hands, as if she was afraid that her heart would jump out of her mouth.

"You, you mean--" Zi Xuan opened her mouth, her throat stuck in her throat, and she didn't dare to say it for a while.

Normally, she is always joking, and she doesn't think too much about anything. Even if it is closely related to her practice, she didn't care about it, and she didn't think much about it.

Tang Feng’s expression was as calm as ever, and the smile on his face did not disappear. He just said faintly: “Sooner or later I will leave here. When I return to the place I once practiced, it was also when I was at the peak. There are countless glorious places. At that time, whether you want to stay or leave is up to you."

"Me, can I follow along?" Zi Xuan's voice changed a little.

For all practitioners, this kind of thing is equivalent to a big pie falling from the sky.

"That's your business, besides, I never said that I am the God of Transformation."Changsheng The latest chapter address of Returning to Be a Dad: Return Reading the full text of Dad's address: returns to be a milk Dad txt download address: returns to be a dad Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1166 Pie Falling in the Sky), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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