Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1242: Someone outside

The words of these two people were exactly what Yisu hesitated in his heart. Now that they both say this, it helped him make up his mind.

If there were only three of them here, he would naturally do this, but at this moment, there is also a disciple of Jingjie who is a direct disciple, and it is hard not to ask Yi Su what he thinks.

So Yisu looked at Yiping and said, "Junior Brother Yiping, what do you think?"

Yiping looked at Jingjie, a hesitant look flashed across his face, but in the end, he nodded.

Even if he was worried about his master, he couldn't deny that the words of the two disciples were correct.

Among them, no one understood this technique. If it was accidentally triggered, no one could bear the consequences.

For a while, they couldn't think of it, and there was no other way besides guarding here.

A disciple frowned and said, "I don’t know what the situation is on Master’s side, whether I know the origin of this person, I looked at Master’s appearance, and I don’t know much about him. According to the truth, With Master’s age and knowledge, there are not many monks with a high level of cultivation in the world that he does not know. Could this be a person who just emerged out of thin air?"

Yiping rolled his eyes, as if thinking about something in his heart.

Yisu glanced at him and said, "Junior Brother Yiping, you usually go out of the sect more often, and you often have contact with people outside. What do you know about this person?"

Yiping heard Yisu questioning himself, and shook his head again and again, saying: "I have never heard of it. Like all the brothers and sisters, this is the first time I have seen this person and the crowd, including the alien monk. I have never heard of it before."

"This is strange, even Senior Brother Yiping doesn't know." The younger disciple spread out his hands, very puzzled.

"I don't know, it's not surprising. The blame is the Sect Master." Yiping shook his head, his face showing a secretive look. "Are you looking at the Sect Master, is it the same as us in the beginning? Didn't you see what's so extraordinary about that person?"

Among the few people, Yiping had the brightest mind and knew how to observe words and colors. If it hadn't been for the first time that Tang Feng was an ordinary person, he wouldn't have utterly spoken out about Tang Feng.

Yisu's face became more and more ugly.

The Sect Master didn't see what that person's cultivation level meant. He knew it clearly in his heart, as did the others present.

The two disciples looked at each other again and exchanged glances. One of them barely had a dry smile on his face, saying: "The master can't see the hidden cultivation base, at least it is in the realm above the foundation, even The need is to build a foundation on top of the second floor. In this world, really there are people who can break through the foundation?"

The other also smiled and said: "In today's world, monks like Master are already masters. Even he has spent decades and cannot break through. It is absolutely impossible for other people to do it."

"Furthermore, this world can be as good as our sect and suitable for cultivation. Although it is not unique, it is already rare and rare. I have never heard of it. What resources are rich enough to make people young Where you can break through."

"He looks young, his actual age is not necessarily, otherwise, he knows the name of the master so much?"

"It's not surprising that Shizu is so famous and known. If Shizu knew him, it would be shocking."

Listening to these two disciples, Yisu's heart felt heavier and heavier.

If you haven’t heard of it, are you there?

As the saying goes, there are people outside the world and there are heaven outside.

They have been in this mountain for hundreds of years. They are self-proclaimed and have little contact with the outside world. Can they really be sure that in the outside world, there really won't be a monk who has broken through the realm of foundation building?

He turned his head and looked out of the chamber.

Under the curtain of night, a breeze blew.

The trees in the courtyard shook slightly, and the moon shadow was whirling.

This scenery is extremely beautiful, and he is used to seeing it in the sect.

But when I saw it today, I felt extremely depressed.

He couldn't help thinking in his heart, what happened to the Sect Master and what happened.

What Yisu didn't know was that the mood of the sovereign at this moment was not better than that of him.

Sect Master, Yi Nian and others, with Tang Feng and others, went straight to the outer hall where the corpse was parked.

Tang Feng walked all the way, and on the road encountered dozens of sect disciples who also wore white robes, but these people's cultivation bases were relatively low, and they were basically below the fourth level of Qi Refining.

They are not qualified to participate in the affairs of the chamber, they are all waiting outside, or busy with other things.

Seeing the suzerain and the others, these disciples all saluted respectfully, and then, with the same surprised and hidden gaze, they peeked at Tang Feng and the others.

Seeing that his sect disciples almost all saw this group of people, the sect master frowned, feeling very depressed.

The rule that outsiders are not allowed to enter within this sect was set by him. Now he personally took so many people out of the chamber. Although it was a special situation, his face was completely lost.

This Qinghongzong is in the mountains, and all the houses are built on the mountain. The outer hall is even more direct and a huge cave.

The cave is the size of a football field, and the top of the cave is more than 20 meters high. I don’t know whether the cave was formed naturally or built by these people. It is extremely spacious and does not make people feel bored. The walls are very smooth and high. There are neat candlesticks in rows, emitting bright fire light.

The exterior hall furnishings are much simpler than the conference hall, without much decoration. There are only a few antique tables and chairs. Most of the space is empty.

Presumably, on weekdays, the suzerain convenes disciples here, and there are only a handful of people who are qualified to sit down.

Tang Feng entered the outer hall and saw that on the ground a little closer to the inside, a bamboo stretcher lay flat with a white cloth covered on it. Looking at the shape, there was a person inside.

Want to come, this is Zhao Xiaoshan's corpse.

Around, guarding the four disciples, when they saw them entering, they all bowed to the suzerain in unison, and then secretly looked at Tang Feng and the others.

It was the first time to see outsiders in the sect, especially so many outsiders, and these people looked fresh.

If it weren't in front of the Sect Master, I'm afraid they had already secretly talked about it.

The Sect Master stopped, coughed, and said to Tang Feng: "Daoist, this is the person. If you want to see it, please feel free to do it."The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: txt download address of Longevity: Returning to Be a Dad: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1242), and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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