Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1400: Bottomless pit

This relief is the most peculiar of all the scenes.

The rest of the sculptures are surrounded by white space, and they are at least half a meter high from the ground. This is the only one that connects the ground straight up and down.

Those lines are not only connected to the ground, and looking at this posture, if it is not to the bottom, it will continue to be carved, I don't know how long it will be.

It seems that only infinitely long lines can reflect the sculptor's ideas.

Lin Mengjia looked at her, her brows were already frowning slightly, she couldn't help but turned her head to look at Tang Feng, her lips moved, and she uttered three words: "Bottomless pit."

"Bottomless pit? Madam, what you are talking about is really quite an image, yes, it just looks like a bottomless pit!"

When Lin Mengjia said so, others felt like it, Xue Rui nodded again and again.

The two lines above did not feel anything when I first looked at it, but since the bottomless pit is mentioned, everyone feels that this word is used to describe this thing, two lines extending infinitely downward, slightly Isn't the raised figure the performance of a bottomless pit?

Those who didn't know all thought that Lin Mengjia's imagination was extremely rich, and he could think of it all at once, but Lin Mengjia knew that it was not the case.

She could have such thoughts at a glance, because before she remembered, Zheng Yue came to Tangfeng’s villa and told him about the incident and the personal experience of Zheng Songru, but she still doesn’t know how to respond. Thing thing.

According to Zheng Songru, under Ruan Kangde's family castle, there is a bottomless abyss hidden.

Tang Feng also thought of what Zheng Yue said to him before.

Zheng Yue's reaction at that time was a bit nervous and extremely solemn. This incident was experienced by Zheng Songru himself, but until now, he didn't know what was going on.

Judging from the current situation, the things painted on this picture are really very similar to what Zheng Songru encountered back then. They are all deep underground, like a bottomless abyss.

But the difference is that one is under the castle, and the other is under the tomb.

Zi Xuan seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and suddenly looked at Tang Feng and said, "Could it be the souls that came up from here?"

There was a bit of coolness in her voice.

When other people heard this, they couldn't help but fought a cold war, not for anything else, but her voice made them shudder.

Although everyone focused on Tang Feng, waiting for his answer, he did not speak, only frowned slightly.

The description Zheng Yue made was all Zheng Songru told her.

He said that in that place, he could feel the bone-chilling chill, and it was for this reason that he contracted a bad illness. Until he met Tang Feng, he was lying on the sickbed, and the worse part was The young master of the Xu family, Xu Mingguang, lost his life because of his body's inability to withstand the erosion of the cold.

The common ground between the two is that it is quite cold, almost intolerable.

However, because of the soul-suppressing thing here, the chill has been reduced a lot.

Zi Xuan is very sensitive to souls. At this moment, she has already thought of the key to the problem.

When she touched her eyes, the soul surged from a hundred meters underground. According to the drawing on this map, isn't it exactly under the mountain, there is an abyss? Moreover, it seems that it is not only a hundred meters deep, but even deeper.

Tang Feng's face showed a hint of thought.

At that time, he could see that Zheng Songru was where he was going. Although the Yin Qi was heavy, it was not the Nine Nether Palace, otherwise he would not survive.

And under this mountain, if it were to calm the soul, when these souls rushed up, it was enough to have a strong Yin Qi, but it was very likely to cause such damage.

Is it really the same under Ruan Kangde's castle and here? There are countless souls in that bottomless hole?

While Tang Feng was thinking about these things, Black Peony looked in Li Jia's direction and asked him in a low voice: "Did you notice the relief on this when you came here last time?"

Li Jia glanced at Black Peony with a wry smile, and said: "Those things were chasing us from behind. We were too busy to run for our lives, so look at the walls on both sides when we are in the mood. Is there something on it?"

Hei Peony's face also showed the same helplessness, and he slowly shook his head.

In fact, she knew this in her own heart. When she asked this sentence, she didn't have much hope, just faintly with a little expectation.

After all, the six people who came in together were all well-known figures in this circle. If they saw the relief on it at that time, who might have seen it before, or what speculations a few people would have made.

Even if what they said may not be completely correct, they can at least provide some ideas.

However, her expectations seem to be unfulfilled.

Without waiting for Hei Peony to say anything, Li Jia's mouth was filled with a bitter smile, and then he said: "Don’t say whether we noticed whether there were pictures around or not. Now I’m not sure whether it was walking. This route."

Hearing the words, Black Peony couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

She didn't feel anything about what Li Jia said before. After all, under the circumstances at the time, it was normal that the people who fled for their lives did not notice these reliefs.

But now that Li Jia said this, it was completely unexpected by Black Peony.

Not only Black Peony, but other people's faces also showed a very surprised look.

This Li Jia is a tomb robber, and what he can do is definitely not the kind of small business, but he is a small well-known figure in this circle, and he has been in a lot of large and small tombs. The name is also resounding.

Although Li Jia admitted that he had never been to a tomb of such a huge scale before, he was not without knowledge. He also knew the internal structure of these ancient tombs quite well, and he had visited this place once before. Was it flustered at the time, so you don't even remember the way you walked?

And Li Jia had said before that even if he can't remember this route now, he can remember it when he walks over it. It didn't take long for him to say such a thing again after this way, and it is inevitable that everyone is surprised.

Feeling strange in my heart, it is inevitable that they all looked at Li Jia, and his expression was a little bit above. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1400 Bottomless Hole) and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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