Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1420: Behemoth

Everyone didn't know what Tang Feng meant, and they all followed his gaze. They saw that what he was looking at now seemed to be just the curses engraved under his feet.

Tang Feng's expression was quite focused. He was definitely not looking at it casually, but seemed to be studying something.

Zi Xuan wanted to ask, Tang Feng didn't recognize this spell, so why bother to read it all the time? Is it possible to guess what it is?

But before she could speak, there was already a very obscure voice in Tang Feng's mouth.

Hearing this voice, Zi Xuan's face suddenly changed. Before the others had realized what was going on, he had already seen Tang Feng's feet, which were originally carved on the ground of the curse. , Suddenly the light appeared looming.

The faces of everyone were quite shocked.

Tang Feng said clearly before that he didn't understand the spell on it, but how did he recite it now?

Of these, the most shocking is of course Zi Xuan.

She didn't understand what Tang Feng was reading, but everything in front of her had already explained that what Tang Feng had read had an effect on this forbidden formation.

Could it be that Tang Feng could actually understand a spell he hadn't seen before in a short period of time?

This seems impossible!

Even if he knows Taoism, it is difficult to do this.

After all, the person who invented this special incantation was also a master of the passage, and naturally knew how to avoid being scrutinized, and Zi Xuan herself was also a master of the passage. She believed that she did not have the ability to crack other people’s spells. .

But at this moment, even if everyone feels strange that Tang Feng suddenly knows the spell, they have no time to take care of it, because the scene in front of them makes them feel even more shocked.

When the light first appeared, it was still quite dim. It was just a layer close to the ground. It seemed to be seen from the nicks on the ground. It was very weak, but it was very faint. Slowly rose.

When the rays of light fully surfaced on the ground, the rising speed suddenly increased, but in an instant, everyone's stunnedness had not yet reacted, and it was already about the same height as Tang Feng, and it was still rising continuously.

At the same time, a scene that made everyone stunned was also unfolding. As the light rose, in front of Tang Feng, a huge figure shrouded in light appeared.

This figure is still transparent, but there seem to be countless small, invisible golden powders in the light, which are attached to this transparent figure, gradually drawing its outline.

With everyone's eyesight, it was already easy to see the outline.

This is a giant beast.

A behemoth that was completely beyond their expectations.

In everyone's imagination, the demon spirit that feeds should also be a body with a horse, just as Zi Xuan said before.

But the behemoth that appeared in front of them completely subverted their imagination.

They couldn't reveal the huge shock and panic in their hearts when they saw this giant beast.

This giant beast was lying on the ground, with its head resting on its front paws, with its eyes closed. It was really asleep. With its breathing, its huge body was slowly undulating.

At this moment, the part where it emerged is already higher than Tang Feng, but now, it has not been fully revealed, the light is still rising, condensing its figure.

In the body that everyone can see, the limbs of this giant beast are quite strong, even if it is lying on the ground, you can see the extremely smooth muscle lines on it, showing considerable tension, it seems that it is all gaining momentum. Ready to go, ready to attack.

This figure is not like the body of a horse at all. If we must say that it looks like a certain animal, it is actually more like a cow. It looks like a cow with a relatively low body fat and full of muscles. The power contained in this is also self-evident.

Although the figure looks like a cow, the two exposed front paws are obviously the paws of carnivores, not the hooves of animals such as cows and horses, which also proves that this behemoth is by no means a vegetarian.

Its hind limbs are hidden under the body and cannot be seen at the moment, but from the knotted muscles, it can be guessed that it is definitely not something ordinary people can parry.

The head of this behemoth surprised everyone even more.

At this moment, everyone can't describe it with any words, nor can it say what kind of animal it looks like, because it looks like a person, like a head that has changed from an animal to an adult, but has not yet become a complete head.

This head is also quite huge. At this moment, it is leaning against Tang Feng's feet. At less than one meter, everyone feels a kind of fear, as if this thing can bite Tang Feng when it raises its head.

The outline of the head of the giant beast is a bit like a gorilla, but it is smooth and hairless, so it is more like a human, and whether it is the eyebrows or the eyes and mouth, it is the position of the human face, but the mouth is protruding and the nostrils are turned out, which looks extremely Ugly, with a huge unicorn on the forehead.

Usually animals with unicorns have smoother horns and a cone shape, such as hippopotamus and rhinoceros, but this horn is twisted and twisted, and the shape is quite irregular. If you must describe it, like It is a tree branch that grows quite randomly, and it protrudes from its forehead very casually. The length is about the length of an adult's arm.

Now the light had condensed and was higher than Tang Feng, but still did not show the full picture of this behemoth.

Its body is not motionless, but it fluctuates with breathing. Its breathing rate is very slow, only about ten times per minute, but the amplitude is quite large. The whole body is undulating.

Lin Mengjia felt that her heart touched her throat, she involuntarily swallowed, and then quickly covered her mouth, for fear that the slightest noise might startle this guy.

As the spots of light in this light converged on the body of this giant beast, it finally revealed its full picture in front of everyone.

It is more than two meters high, and on its back, there is a row of sharp spines. Some are densely packed like porcupines, but there is only one row, from the neck to the tail, and the width is about 20 centimeters.

Even though they are separated by a distance, everyone can see that these spikes are unusually sharp, and each of them fluctuates with the breath, flashing with cold light. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1420 Behemoth) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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