Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1571: Two elders fighting

Faced with Zheng Songru's reluctance, Zhang Qingyu waved his hand, looking like he didn't want to be familiar with him, and said: "Old Zheng, why are you unreasonable? I think you are here to make trouble! My family's The house is just around here, and Mr. Tang can go there in minutes, and his husband has been there before. It can be regarded as a familiar road, so far away from your home, is it possible for Mr. to travel thousands of miles? what?"

Zheng Songru was still unconvinced and said: "Why can't Mr. Tang go to my house? What's wrong with my family in Shandong? My family can send a plane to pick up Mr. Tang, and it doesn't bother Mr. Tang that he has to worry about his own car. If you return, you can return on the same day. Moreover, if Mr. Tang goes there, he doesn’t have to be in such a hurry. We have a lot of delicious and fun food in Shandong province, so naturally I want to stay there and have a good time. It’s been a few days since Mr. Tang’s family passed by, and Quandang was just relaxing, isn’t it good?"

"You, you are arrogant! Mister never said that he wanted to go to Lu Province to play!" Zhang Qingyu was speechless for a while, but didn't want to admit defeat, so he could only move out of Tang Feng and move forward. Watch him look over.

When Zheng Songru heard this, he also robbed him of the words: "Mr. Tang has never said that, he doesn't want to go!"

While speaking, he also looked towards Tang Feng.

When the two old patriarchs of the Zheng family and Zhang family didn’t care about their identities at all, when they were fighting here, Tang Feng was right here, drinking tea while watching with a smile, watching a good show. Looks like it doesn't mean to interrupt at all.

And Sun Lao, one of the three elders who came with these two patrons, did not mean to persuade him at all. Like Tang Feng, he was tasting tea, with a rather calm expression on his face. Yes, quite at ease.

Seeing Zhang Qingyu and Zheng Songru looking at themselves together, making it clear that they wanted him to make a judgment, Tang Feng looked regretful, shook his head, and felt a little disappointed that this good show did not continue. Looks like.

I was watching from the sidelines, but I didn't expect to be dragged into it so quickly.

Tang Feng took a cup and took a sip of tea before he calmly said, "Lu Province, it's a pretty good place. I wanted to see this place on the top of Daizong. It would be nice to go for a walk. , Especially you don’t have to work **** your own."

Hearing what Tang Feng said, Zheng Songru's face immediately showed a bit of triumphant joy. He looked at Zhang Qingyu, his chin raised, full of pride, and he almost said to him directly: Have you seen it? Did you hear that? Tang Feng said, he wants to go to Shandong Province! I won!

On the other hand, Zhang Qingyu blinked his eyes with a frustrated expression, and the look in Tang Feng's eyes also showed a bit of grievance.

It depends on the Feng Shui matter. He originally mentioned it first. Why did Zheng Songru suddenly intervene, and did not say a few words before he came up? Tang Feng also promised to follow him to Lu Province? What should I do about Feng Shui in my own house?

Before the excitement on Zheng Songru's face and Zhang Qingyu's depression lasted too long, Tang Feng spoke calmly again.

"However, in the past two days, we have just returned from Sichuan Province. Jiajia has company affairs to deal with. Yaoyao also needs to go to school. In the short term, I have no plans to travel far. This province of Lu is going to go, but it is not in a hurry, it still needs some time, Lao Zheng, when I want to go, I will definitely look for you."

When I went to Yucheng Mountain this time, because the little girl and Zhou Wan were both going to school, Tang Feng did not take them. Later, Lin Mengjia mentioned to the little girl what happened this time, and she was quite fascinated. At that time, Tang Feng had made up his mind, and when he went to another place next time, he must take the two of them, so as not to make them feel regretful.

This Shandong province, as well as Mount Tai, Tangfeng must go, and it was already in his plan.

However, judging from the current situation, it is too early for this plan to take place.

At least, wait until Lin Mengjia and Zhou Xiaohai's wife have negotiated the business, and the little girl has a vacation with Zhou Wan.


With a triumphant smile on Zheng Songru's face, he suddenly heard Tang Feng say something like this again. For a while, he didn't react. On the joyful face, he showed a look of astonishment. The two expressions couldn't be converted in an instant, and they were piled up on his face, which made people look at this expression, which seemed quite funny.

Zhang Qingyu was overjoyed when he heard this. He gloated towards Zheng Songru and said, "Old Zheng, have you heard what your husband said? When your husband goes to Shandong province, remember to treat him well. This Shandong Province, but your site and the business of the Mengtang Group are also available. When you enter Shandong Province, you also have to give the Zheng family the green light!"

The sad look on Zheng Songru's face was only a short moment, and it disappeared quickly. He first gave Zhang Qingyu a white look, and then turned to Tang Feng with a smile on his face and said, "It doesn't matter when Mr. Tang wants to go. Just tell me, Lao Zheng must do his best. No matter where he wants to go or what he wants to do in Lu Province, just tell me and he will do everything to his satisfaction. This whole trip is completely unnecessary. Mr. Worry."

Zheng Songru knew in his heart that as long as Tang Feng could go to Shandong, he would help him sooner or later to show Feng Shui to his house. This old house has been here for a hundred years, so he is not in a hurry anymore. When you see more scenes of strong winds and waves, how can you feel impatient because Tang Feng has been a few days late?

The corner of Tang Feng's mouth turned upwards slightly, and he said to Zheng Songru: "Although I am going to Lu Province, this day has not yet been set, but you don't have to wait so long for your house to see Feng Shui. You let the people in your family, Take pictures of the entire house and the surrounding landscape, and attach the oldest layout plan of your house back then. Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem!" Zheng Songru was immediately happy again.

His mood was really like riding a roller coaster, going up and down.

Originally thought that he would have to wait for a while before he could let Tang Feng look at the Feng Shui of the house, and during this time, he would look at Zhang Qingyu's triumphant face, but he did not expect that there would be such good things in this glorious willow.

Don't say that someone in the family can do this, even if no one does it, let him go back and do it by himself at the moment, he can go back immediately. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1571 Two Old People Contending), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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